Page 18 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 18
MARCH 11, 2004, Page 6 FEATURES Vagina Monologues raises violence awareness is stage-managed by fresh- Molly Ruane said. "The a series of events during pornography and an open mike MELISSA GALLO man Jesse Feldman. March sponsored by the cam- night. COPY EDITOR money [from the production] Orenstein, a local resident will go to help people like her. pus Women's Issues Group in The Vagina Monologues Spirited students, profes- who was central to last year's It may also present people celebration of Women's His- will be presented at 8pm in sors, and community members Westminster community pro- with the reality of society's at- tory Month. Other activities Alumni Hall on March 26,2004. are bringing The Vagina Mono- duction, was astounded by titude toward women, which include a discussion about Tickets are available at the door logues to campus at the end of the college's response, calling I feel is especially important for $7. March, continuing one it "an absolutely amazing ex- on a college campus." woman's effort to combat vio- perience." Approximately 80 per- Hay Fever wacky lence toward women. The women partidpat- cent of the proceeds will go The monologues are based Ing cite many reasons for tak- toward building the first do- on real women's stories and ing part. "In her lifetime, one mestic violence safe house in KATRINA CULLEY "Abnormal. that's promote sexual and emotional in three women will be the Westminster area. The re- what we are," said Sorel. well-being. Written by Eve STAFF WRITER played by Megan Simmons, as Ensler, who originally per- she describes the Bliss family. formed them as a erie-woman McDaniel College's Thecast's performances show, they include titles like Theatre Arts Department suc- were extraordinary. The En- "My Angry Vagina," "The Little cessfully created the zany an- glish accents seemed genuine, Coochi Snorcher that Could," DAY tics and hilarious arguments thanks to careful training by and "Reclaiming Cunt." of a quirky family in its March theatre professor Elizabeth According to director 3 through March 6production van den Berg. And the cos- Rebekah Orenstein, the play of Noel Coward's comedy of tumes, designed by Carolyn deals with "the dilemma of be- manners Hay Fever. Ricks, had amazing visual ap- , ing female in a male-dominated Directed by Ron Miller, peal. If members of the audi- society." UNTIL THE VIOLENCE STOPS the play was performed in the ence weren't laughing, they The play is concerned round, so audiences had a bet- with "women taking ownership ter chance of experiencing the were on the edge of their seats. However, there is only of their bodies and learning t~ nuttiness of each act. so much laughter and so much love them, so they can gain con- The three-act comedy, on-the-edge audiences can trol over violence against them- raped," said Lilly. "It is time maining profits will be sent set in England the 1920's, tells take. The play was a bit long, selves and other women," said for us to ask why this is hap- to victims' families in Juarez, the story of a weekend at the lasting well over two hours, senior Marie Lilly, the show's pening, and make a commit- Mexico. Bliss family's home. Without though an intermission be- producer. ment to stop it." According to V-Day, a other members of the family tween the first and second act "It's a very frank title," Others joined because non-profit corporation knowing, each Bliss invites a helped. Orenstein continued, "but it of the positive message and founded by Ensler, more than guest to spend the weekend There will be three stu- It's not long before deals with the truth of the the possible benefits to both 300 women there have been the guests want out - they dent directed plays in April beauty and the destruction of the college community and killed or vanished, following don't want to spend another which will be free and open to women's bodies." the outside world. acts of sexual or domestic minute in the house. the public. Around 25 women are in- "I had a friend who was violence. volved in the production, which sexually abused," freshman Monologuess culminates "How do you feel about gay marriage?" ~,\tt"'\ COMPILED BYLAURA PETERSON II "Honestly, some things in life I can deal with. I am a believer in the highest God and that is who I try "I don't understand why people would be to represent. He certainly does not condone gay mar- against it. If everyone's so concerned about the riages, and I will not either. There are already many spread of HN through homosexuals don't you things that are messed up in politics, and we certainly think that monogamy would be a good answer don't need toadd to the problems. Now I'm not claim- "I'm not sure how I feel about gay marriage. for that?" ing to be perfect but that is certainly one worldly act However, r do think that marriage is sacred and Kata Dales, sophomore that I cannot follow." should be honored." Will Epps, Junior Melanie Pulley, Senior "Any candidate who expresses being against "I think that the candidates for the coming gay marriages loses popularity with me, and I would "I strongly disagree with gay marriages. election really need to open their eyes to the not be able to vote for them with a clear conscience. Society has degraded the level of importance world around them. The world is changing and It would De possible to have a separate institution of a family that is established through the I think that if something as simple as [gay mar- that is the same thing as a marriage just for homo- union of a man and a woman. WE need to go riages] can make people happy, then they should sexuals, but I am personally against having that back to promoting healthy relationships and get over it. We need a candidate who can accept happen. Marriage should be abJe to be had between stop putting up with relationships that neither people for who they are." any two people who are in love, straight or gay." produce good character or value." Melissa Crudup, freshman Brian Belinda. sophomore Warren Sims, sophomore
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