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MARCH 11, 2004, Page 10 SPORTS ESPN's Wilbon delivers great message By The ginning of the speech. Col- sis on his advice for develop- comment on the Maurice PAT O'TOOLE ing talent and acquiring Clarett dilemma, Wilbon SPORTS EDITOR lege President Joan Develin his ability to Numbers Coley noted that there was a knowledge in the most benefi- demonstrated significantly larger audience cial ways possible. comment on society through Nationwide viewers of for Wilbon than there was for "You're here to develop the filter of the sports world. ESPN's popular sports com- a previous lecture given by a yourself in a way that you ac- "I am against any ideol- 21 Consecutive home mentary show Pardon The Inter- Nobel laureate. . quire skills and set yourself ogy that tries to convince me games Johns Hopkins had ruption may have been a bit up so those skills that education is an impedi- won before facing perplexed when they evolve into some- ment to success," he firmly McDaniel in the Centennial tuned in last Wednesday. thing that you are stated. Conference championship. Draped over the back not dependent," Wilbon carefully bal- of Michael Wilbon's chair, Wilbon said. anced his words of wisdom 12 Point deficit the Ter- a grey sweatshirt embla- He stated with the cynical sense of hu- ror were faced with going zoned with the mysterious that the main rea- mor that viewers of PTI have into the second half. words "McDaniel College" son why he loves come to know and love. As was visible to the scrupu- his job is that he soon as he approached the lec- 42 Seconds McDaniel lous eye. is not dependent tern, Wilbon quipped, held a lead over-the Blue One can only imagine on anyone per- "Shouldn't you guys be in like Jays in the entire game. what went through the son or group for a library or something?" minds of those poor, die- employment. He The hilarity continued 2 Margin of victory for hard fans. "Has our dear knows that he when Wilbon discussed his the McDaniel women's bas- wilbon sold out to the can do what he relationship with PTI co-host ketball team, earning the highest bidder? How can loves most no Tony Kornheiser. ladies the distinguished we trust him to give us an matter what the "We disagree about 40% honor of Centennial Con- objective view of the sports PTI host and Washington Post sports columnist Michael circumstances of the time; we're just loud all ference Champions. world when he's being Wilbon spoke at McDaniel on March 2 are, and Wilbon the time," he said. "It's just paid off? Oh, the human- made it very two guys in a bar. It's sort of 2 Total points wrestler ity!" Even the "Play Hard, clear what his true passion is. Siskel and Ebert comes to Drew Reinecker has won Don't worry people; the Party Hard" presentation, "I do television. I am a sports." by in his past two Centen- rapture is not looming on the which was supposedly "man- writer," Wilbon said. "I've When all was said and nial Conference champton-. horizon. In fact, Michael Wilbon datory" for all athletes and spent the last 25 years telling done, any procrastination of ship matches with Johns received the sweatshirt while on Greek life, could not keep the stories. That's what 1consider schoolwork or disregard for Hopkins University's Karol McDaniel's campus the preced- hard core sports enthusiasts at myself: someone who tells attempts at swaying binge Gryczynski, 3-2 in 2003 and ing Tuesday night to deliver the bay. stories." drinking was well rewarded. 2-1 in 2004. Wenner-Wingate Memorial Lec- The eager fans came Despite being a sports- With their thirst for sports ture on the History of Literature looking for a great message, writer by trade, Wilbon said commentary quenched, the o Number of Centen- & Sport. and Wilbon delivered. that he uses his stories to majority of fans left display- rua IConference champion- Any outside observer Along with taking the tackle more pressing matters ing smiles of elation. ships Johns Hopkins has could tell that this wasn't the usual slew of "Who's going to in the world. "It was incredible. won this season, including usual lecture. After all, the au- win the NCAA champion- "I'm writing about the Wilbon is a very intelligent two. close efforts that were dience was made up of at least ship?" questions, Wilbon also world through the prism of man, and his lecture was both thwarted by McDaniel ath- 80 percent males, and there ventured outside of the sports sports, and the issues of the informative and entertain- letes. were people standing in the world. day as they relate to sports," ing," freshman Tom back of McDaniel Lounge Throughout the lecture, he said. Shortridge said. twenty minutes prior to the be- he put a great deal of empha- When prompted to Women's rugby team Mean and Green Athletes giving Terror new meaning challenges the traditional Gallagher. The more established pro- Drew Reinecker KATIE CHAMPION Over the past two gram taught the McDaniel team SPORTS WRITER Wrestling While rugby is consid- years, the team has learned proper plays and how forma- the ins and outs of the sport, to look tions were supposed ered by most to be a tradi- mastering technique through and feel. For the second year in scrimmage's with other local a row, Reinecker defeated tionally male sport because colleges and gaining an un- attract As the club continues to their of its high contact nature, one new members, Johns Hopkins wrestler group of McDaniel females derstanding of the rules of skills are improving. Karol Gryczynski in the fi- gathers twice each week to the game. The team hopes to scrim- nalmatch to earn a Centen- literally play until they bleed. "This has been an mage with the Mount Saint nial Conference Champi- One of the unique rules amazing learning experi- Mary's College and Towson onship. Retnecker also of the game is that no substi- ence," said junior Jessica O. University teams later this sea- traveled to lawn this past tutions of the fifteen players Zimmerman, former presi- week to compete in the na- can be made until the end of dent of the club. "You see tional wrestling tourna- the two forty-minute halves. people play on TV and think No substitutions are permit- it's easy until you try it your- Do you enjoy ted unless a player is bleed- self." sports? Do you ing or injured beyond play- What started as a few Toby Mclntire ing capability, according to girls gathering in the quad to have any desire play football on a warm day senior Julia Keene. Women's Basketball Two falls ago the group has evolved into a team of to write, or founded the McDaniel women putting their endur- simply want to Mcintire led her team ance to the test, their minds in the Centennial Confer- Women's Rugby team, a club into motion, and their bodies improve your sport open to any interested ence Championship game females. At the time, more on the line. with Johns Hopkins, scor- than half of the group had no "The sport has a bad writing skills? ing 14 points and register- idea what they were getting reputation as a bunch of Come to the ing 8 rebounds. She also people running into each came through for the team themselves into. other but it really involves a next Free Press "Most of us had no ex- in the final minutes of the perience; we started from lot of thought and strategy," game, rebounding a zero," Keene said. said Keene. meeting, every missed Blue lays free throw Since then, .the group The team learned a lot Monday at 7:00 and finding teammate has come along way with the from the Gettysburg College Kristy Costa down the lane help of-their coach, Campus team when they scrimmaged in Hill 104. for the go-ahead score. Safety Officer. Mike last spring.
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