Page 21 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 21
COMMENTARY MARCH 11, 2004, Page 9 Faculty should change lives by actively advising It's an exciting time to be Not. was left without a faculty ganizatlons on campus. Ac- organizations on campus, there a part of WMCR, McDaniel's Rewind to Reality: If adviser. No faculty member cording to the student hand- are still too many orphan groups own col- you go to the school website bothered to step into this role. book, there are only 93 fac- that lack faculty leadership. lege co- you won't find a link to the Kirschner left the sta- ulty advisors for 141 student As the co-editor' of the dio sta- online format. In fact, if you tion with the ability to broad- organizations and 30 of these newspaper and vice president of tion. The tune in to 630 AM you won't cast online, but the students advise two or more groups. Catholic Campus Ministries, I station is hear a live broadcast at all. didn't have the skills to make In total only 93 out of a know that truly active faculty equipped So, who is to blame? it happen. A few students total 350 faculty and 120 staff advisors help the vitality of cam- to broad- Students? should not have to shoulder members are advisers to cam- pus organizations. cast over No. the load in this case. pus groups at all. There is Every faculty member DSL Running a radiostation The question that also a disturbing number of should consider advising a cam- connec- takes plenty of hard work, needs to be asked is, why has dubs (11) with TBA listed in pus organization, or adopting tion and and without proper guid- no one stepped up to the the adviser column. student groups who live in Af- has web space to deliver a high ance, students LikeAnthony plate to become the adviser On a small campus finity housing. Stronger partner- quality signal over the college Leonard and Adam Carter for WMCR? There has to be like this, faculty and staff ships between the faculty and website. cannot realize the full poten- a qualified member of the fac- should embrace the adviser , students - outside the classroom The listening audience is tial of the station. When com- ulty or staff out there who role as an opportunity to get - will only bolster the college's vast. Listeners call in to rou- munications professor and move the radio station for- to know the students person- mantra "We Change Lives." tinely to request t~eir favorite advisor Tony Kirschner said ward. ally, outside of the classroom. BRIAN PATIERSON, tunes or to dedicate songs to goodbye to McDaniel to start The adviserless radio Though there are some great COEDITOR their best friends. Yes, WMCR an employee search firm in station is emblematic of faculty members who mentor really is hopping. Canada last year the station many of the other student or- students by actively advising Should homosexuals be allowed to marry? Yes. Baltimore City Should homosexuals be I would tell this angry Straight Guy." Who has time schools in trouble able to pursue the same rights, group to look on the bright for style when you are losing legally rec- side: if homo-marriage mim- half of your stuff? Charles Hamilton which will ultimately lead to ognize ics the societal and Fox stan- Yes, it would be a Houston once stated, "Since an increase in crime, because their love, dards of hetero-marriage, conservative's dream if ho- education is students will no longer have have ac- then these people will not be mosexual marriage was le- a prepara- extra curricular activities to cess to visit married all that long anyhow. galized. I admit this is all a tion for the take up their time. their part- They will then have to en- gamble. There is a chance competition In addition, the school ners if ever dure all the heartbreak and that homo-marriage will be of life, a environment will become in inten- painstaking red tape of di- more successful than hetero. pooreduca- more and more of an unsani- sive care vorce. Christian-conserva- Would that not that be a stitch tion handi- tary place because of the lack and list tives would love to see some in the side of those that dis- caps an in- of custodians. llIness will be partners homosexuals struggle with agree? dividual in the competition." caused due to dust and trash on health insurance, like het- divorce. They could point to 1can envision one of the Unfortunately, the Bal- accumulation, which can erosexuals are able to do? Ab- Sodom and Gomorrah and many strained veins on timore City School System is lead to an increase in roaches solutely. The debate is as ri- say, "God punishes those O'Reilly's head bursting as he handicapping their children. and rats. who disobey." And I would diculous as those who would point to Job and sayYou are reads the "20/20" study find- Because of the recent budget What kind of environ- side with discrimination. ing that homosexuals have a deficit, approximately 800 ment is that for a child to As a nation, we have damned if you do and divorce rate of only 30%. But school employees were laid learn? It is already a tragedy come a long way since slavery damned if you do not." that is all the more reason to off this 2003-2004school year, that the education in a Balti- Just imagine it. Televi- and segregation. Civil rights, sion stereotypes of homo- legalize gay and lesbian mar- and in the upcoming months more is not the equivalent of women's rights, and affirma- riages. To be serious, the there is talk of laying off an some of its county counter- tive action have all aided those worst part of this debate is additionallOOO-1200employ- parts, and now adding these who have been oppressed. One the debate itself. Romantic other obstacles will prevent day, the lesson will be learned love is not the exclusive right So, that means there many children from being that aU people are people, no of heterosexuals. Our society will bean estimated 2000 Bal- able to succeed. Parents send matter how many categories is ultimately concerned with timore City Schools' employ- their children to school to re- we make up. the well being of others' ees out of work by the end of ceive the necessary tools to be For some, this is indeed a \ ~". Idoril Homosexuals wi\! be this school year. What will able to compete in an uncar- tough lesson. These people \11 I)I /' d. granted equal rights. The dif- this mean for the children ing society. It is simply unfair have, however, skillfully oOoo~ 000 ficultyof the battle is the only who go to school in Baltimore that they are punished be- learned ad hominem, so let us o 0 0 0 thing in question. City? cause a system does not turn the tables. Bill O'Reilly, Shakespeare illustrated that They will be taught by know how to manage their Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, sexuals living it up in the romantic love trumps any overworked and underpaid money correctly. Ann Coulter, and Rick coastal cities of Cape Cod, sort of familiar, societal, or teachers, who will have to Santorum are just a few of the San Francisco, or Key West legal standard. So all double or triple their work TORI BUTLER, propaganda foot soldiers of would no longer exist. Fox Montagues and Capulets loa? to accommodate for the STAFF WRITER Dick Cheney and President could air "Gay Divorce should prevent what is pre- increase in class sizes. Bush. ventable. There will be a decrease These folks are at the fore- Court." No more of that BRAD GROOVER, in after school activities, front of just another needless frivolous "Queer Eye for the STAFF WRITER war. Their rhetoric of preserv- ing the sanctity of n:tarriage is an agenda of Christian pander- ing. They want to preserve the paradiso 'Rjstorqnte sanctity of '''til death do us part?" . 20 Distillery On ve rdUIrIll.l1~1f The fact is, less than half (Acl'OSl:l fmm Windw5t.e1" Exch<11'1&(!) Sll'lofl'm·lf}pm of marriages actually make it Westmin8tcr41Q-876-1421 SunCLOS/'O that far. Meanwhile, just turn • BEST Resallrallt • BEST Romantic Dilling on the television and one can • BEST Italian Restuarant DINE IN see how sacred America holds 1--------1 OR marriage with shows like "My CARRY OUT BigFat Obnoxious Fiance," and Io'J'l:E'1i: "Joe Millionaire." Punny that I'I.'KIMUCI..'IToIIIl'flo!EllOOUl.o\!Q)1l«"o\"i: :J\fo".If~I(!"3 H-"" 2ND DINNER ENTREE these are all shows from the Fox AT 1/2 PRICE I 'TTl It' Sur H-"l1; 1'......,.,.,rromUlM";ary)WClI.mhl$!
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