Page 24 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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DMeR Tiloor SPORTS Vo!.1 No.2 MARCH 11,2004, Page 12 Women's basketball Conference Champs Team continues to advance inNCAA Division III tournament tough, especially playing Julie Miller missed a pair of MIKESEFF back-to-beck games against free throws, the second of SPORTS WRITER such tough teams. We knew which was rebounded by we had to pull together, and McIntire, who proceeded to The McDaniel women's we never gave up." race the length of the floor basketball team won its second The Terror certainly and find sophomore Kristy Centennial Conference champi- showed resiliency, as they Costa down the lane. Costa onship in three seasons last overcame a 43-31 deficit in hit the lay up, and then Sunday when it beat Johns the second half to pull out the added a free throw to com- Hopkins, 59-57, at Goldfarb victory. And despite shooting plete the three-point play. Gymnasium. McDaniel was led just 27.1 % from the field, they Hopkins would at- by senior Tob"yMcIntire with 14 found a way to win. tempt three shots in the final points, while junior Kelly "It's awesome," said eight seconds, but all three Cramp added 13.Mclntire also head coach Becky Martin, were off the mark, sealing the had a team-high eight re- whose team trailed 30-24 at win for the Terror. bounds and five assists, while the break. "It's a culmination The win gave the Terror the Terror (23-3) put an end to of a lot of hard work, a great an automatic bid into the Di- the Blue Jays' (23-3) 21-game season, and everybody is just vision rn NCAA tournament. home-court winning streak. thoroughly elated. Anybody They won their first-round "That [conference cham- who was there certainly got contest, defeating Pitt- pionship 1 has been our goal their money's worth." Greensburg, 71-64, Wednes- since the beginning of the sea- McDaniel trailed the day night. son," said freshman Alii Biggs. entire game until finally tak- UPDATE: "We knew we had to be really ing a 54-53 lead on a lay up The women's basketball by freshman Katy team advanced to the third Powell with 1:31 round of the NCAA rem ai n i n g tournament on Saturday, Hopkins then defeating The College of New Jersey 70-65. JuniorJacqueline sandwiched four Pundt led the Terror in points free throws (16) and rebounds (11), while around a pair by junior Kelly Cramp managed . Mclntire to regain to score her 1,000th career DAVESIKCLAIR point. The women advance to the lead at 57-56 the Division III Sweet Sixteen, Terror fans (top) feign apathy at the with 0:44 left on where they will face No. 17 announcment of the opposing the clock, a lead Marymount. Marymount team's starting lineup. Sophomore Kristy Costa (bottom left) eagerly which stood until handily defeated Johns awaits the ball in the first round of Hopkins Saturday night, with Head coach Becky Martin looks on with the rest of the 0:20 remaining. a final score of 73-57. the Division 1[1 NCAA tournament DAVESINCLAIR against Pitt-Greensburg. Sara Franz crowd early on in the Championship game. The Blue Jays' takes the ball up the court pared to the 328 points they women's. Yetthis did not hinder ROB GOEKE SPORTS WRITER earned the year before. them from scoring 66 more Though Pulley, points this year than last. pickett When you talk to head Easterday, and multiple relay and others will graduate, but swim coach Kim Easterday, record-holder Katie Tomarelli Yankovich, Grigsby and fresh- there is almost a glow, a sort of are graduating, the future is man Greg Mihalek round out uncontainable excitement that is bright for the rest of the team. the standout returnees. emanating from inside her. Allen will return and fresh- Each squad finished with What is causing it? Just ask her. men Molly Bolek and Marie a winning dual meet record. The "The swim team accom- Purkert will also be strong men went 7-4 while the women plished all_the goals it set out to contributors next season. . were 7-5. Highlights included a accomplish," Easterday said. On the men's side, Dan trip to Florida over Winter Break She has every reason to Pickett put together a strong and Jan Term. have a gleam in her eye. Both the season to finish his final year 1£ you have noticed some men's and women's swimming at McDaniel. The senior took freshly shaved heads around teams steadily improved first in the 200 yard 1M,400 campus lately, that is no acci- throughout the season. This yard 1Mand third in the 200 dent. Part of the bonding for the all season showed at the Centennial Con- Senior Dan Pickett has been a strong competitor Championships for the swim team. He won two yard Butterfly. team occurred before the Cham- at the Centennial in late Febmary, gold medals Conference ference Championships Febru- "His hard work influ- pionship meet, where the team ary 21- 23. For the women, the trio ley. Two years ago she went enced the entire team," fresh- partook in a traditional shave Though the women of sophomore Cassie Allen, to nationals in the 1650-yard man Mark Yankovich said. down. The women swimmers placed sixth out of eight teams and seniors Mary Easterday Freestyle. She, Allen and Pickett set new abstained from shaving their and the men were fifth, both the and Melanie Pulley won mul- Easterday narrowly missed McDaniel marks for the three heads. men and women improved tiple medals and qualified for going to the National Cham- events he medeled in. He "The team bonded their point total from the year National Championships by pionship meet, due to the fact etched his name on the wall a throughou t the season in and before. the "B" standard in two that it only takes the top 19 fourth time in the 200-yard out of the water," Allen said. This achievement does not events each. qualifiers. Medley relay along with jun- But the camaraderie of the begin to denote the vast num- "All three of our girls But, as Easterday noted, ior Nick Grigsby, and seniors team had a strong foundation ber of records that fell during were in the top 30 in the coun- "Finishing that high is still an Matt Easterday and Erich long before the final meet. the Championship meet. In all, try for their events," achievement." Bass. With so much success, five relay and ten individual. Easterday said. In total, the women's The men's team was not Easterday may be smiling all the records were posted. This is not new to Pul- team earned 364 points, com- as large in number as the way to next swim season.
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