Page 28 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 28
APRIL I, 2004 - Page 6 FEATURES Comer room offers open ~RIB~ of McDaniel campus' view BETH MCLANE ibbean" posters, and Or- The room was switched from laptops, which leaves desk corner room? SARAH BLACK lando Bloom and Viggo a triple to a double with the space uncluttered. Apopular "We have two heaters, so STAFF WRITERS Mortensen from "Lord of removal of a top bunk, which circular chair with a lush it gets really hot," Alison said. Alison Bradley's spa- the Rings" make this room left a unique bed frame and purple striped blanket is per- And while the noisy people cious Whiteford crib is a visually fun. more overhead space. Both fect for relaxing in front of a outside are a minor annoyance, DVD or movie. mixed blessing: while the cor- The fridge holds Alison and Rachel have Dell Alison and ' dorm ner room has space to spare, plenty of health food for fit. its prime placement gives an those long study sessions. open view to the McDaniel Bagels, water, string cheese, campus. grapefruit, sour cream, and "The two windows can yogurt are a necessity for be a real pain when people Alison and Rachel's room. scream as they walk by," An extensive movie Alison explains. collection featuring "Office Alison and her room- Space," "Cruel Intentions," mate Rachel Siegel are enjoy- "Finding Nemo," and of ing their freshman year in this course "Pirates of the Car- comfortable room, which as a ibbean" gives Alison and Professors with the~1_ rule is usually kept clean. Col- Rachel something to do in orful bedspreads and wall their off time. In the stereo, decorations add flavor to the you'll find mostly country, room. Eclectic posters such as such as Kenny Chesney, Alison's name written in Chi- Phil Vassar and Tim nese, a Neuschwanstien McGraw. castle, two "Pirates of the Car- Eclectic posters surround Alison Bradley (left) and Rachel Seigel's colorful room in Whiteford Hall Think your Crib has what it takes to be featured? ROBBIE SAVILLE are also required to make Call x8600 or email STAFF WRITER field trips to a forensics lab and the Maryland coroner's to nominate a room. Dr. Brian Wladkowski, a lab. chemistry professor at Each January, McDaniel College, has made Wladskowki spends his Jan ------------ a name for himself since join- term with a group of - ing the faculty in 1995. He has McDaniel students in since proven himself to be a Belize, and gets to know valuable asset to the college them on a personal level. "I community. Wladkowski see the trip to Belize as an alumnus of an opportu- Western Mary- nity for me land College, re- to make at ceived his Bach- least ten new elor of Arts de- friend s," gree in 1988 and say s his doctorate de- Wladkowski. gree five years In fact,' later from Wladkowski Stanford Univer- feels that sity. While many pro- studying at f e s s 0 r s 3137 Baltimore Blvd. - Flnksbul1l, MD Stanford, r~!arocouRTESYOFlHE should make Wladkowski fo- MCDANIEL COLLEGEWEBSITE a greater ef- 74 West Main Sb'eet - Westminster, MD cused his disser- fort to reach 2284 Baltimore Blvd. - Westminster, MD tation on the study of "gas- out to McDaniel's students. phase ion-molecule reactions "Many professors have a 1155 South Main Sb'eet - Hampstead, MD and quantum chemistry tech- pre-conceived notion about 1 Magna Way, - Westminster MD niques." As both a professor McDaniel's students in gen- and contributor to the college. eral and don't really get to Wladkowski enthusiastically know them," says 'i:!ii!fi} @jlj:B01i sponsors events that are ben- Wladkowski. eficial to McDaniel's students. , He believes that In addition to teaching McDaniel College is mak- chemistry, Wladkowski is the ing substantial improve- All Your Needs InA Jiffyl advisor to the fraternity Phi ments to the campus com- Kappa Sigma and provides al- munity, yet still faces a ternate housing opportunities number of difficult chal- for a select number of stu- lenges. He says that the big- dents. gest challenge facing Within the past five McDaniel College is "figur- years, Wladkowski has ing outwhowe are." Hebe- slngle-handedly developed a lieves that the college has forensic science course that is struggled with an uncertain "We have a difficult I now available as a freshman identity for years. seminar. Wladkowski takes his students to a firing range time making decisions be- to collect and examine bullets cause we don't have a clear 1- __ '_ - _ - - - - - and shell casings during the direction," says - course of this class. Students Wladkowski.
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