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FEATURES APRIL 1, 2004 - Page 5 Spring Break Seven students reach out instead of relaxing "It wa-s an eye-open- Other than performing a to give the homeless food, but quote. For two participants to ROB GOEKE ing experience. [After giv- midnight sandwich run, the to also to be a friend to them. say this independently shows ing food] we would always trip's participants cooked This was a reversal of societal the impact of these experiences. STAFF WRITER Homeless people are of- ask the homeless for words food at a soup kitchen and norms and students experi- "1 thought [the trip] ten sterotyped as the down- of wisdom and, most of the made visits along with the fri- enced beneficial results as a would be like a Habitat for Hu- trodden, the sad poster chil- time, they would say amaz- ars to needy homes. result of it. manity trip," said Fitzwater. dren for America's ills. But ing things," said freshman "I liked working with "It was awesome to see But the trip was a first for wise? Insightful? Able to dole Stacey Fitzwater. the friars during the home vis- the reaction of the homeless the on campus group. Wheeler out pertinent advice? Abso- Giving sandwiches its," said Hess. But the trip people when you were nice hopes that this will set prece- lutely. and hot chocolate to New was more than performing to them. They said some of dent for the group. Seven members of York's homeless late at night community service. The par- the most a!l1azing things," "It was a learning experi- McDaniel's Catholic Campus was just one of the unique ticipants were made to chal- said Catholic Campus Minis- ence with organization and Ministries journeyed to New Spring Break activities. . lenge their views of the world. try President Mark Wheeler. some details," said Wheeler. York City over Spring Break to Father Brian Nolan, Especially during the No, the 'amazing things' "Overall, it was a successful work with Franciscan Friars in who is an associate pastor at midnight sandwich run, the phrase was not copied and trip.". the South Bronx. The students St.john's Catholic Church in students were asked not only pasted from the Fitzwater's experienced the non-glamor- Westminster along with ized part of New York that Seminarian Jim Sarra acted tourists rarely see. as chaperones for the trip. These students also "I felt like 1 was mak- learned valuable lessons from ing an impact on the poor- homeless men and women. est of the poor," said fresh-.' man Theresa Hess. I Freshman Stacy Fitzwater serving the homeless at a soup kitchen in lower Members of Catholic Campus Ministries p.reapring sandwhiches for the midnight run. The group delivered overtOO I Manhattan bag lunches 10the homelss in New York CIty. McDaniel professors on sabbatical : Fascinating projects and research outside the classroom KATIE CHAMPION Terry Dalton, profes- nalists begins to change." home, other opt to go abroad cording to Meyer, STAFF WRITER sor of English since 1990, is Other benefits from JIC to complete their projects. The study entitled "Spiri- embarking on his second that Dalton forsees include a Last January, Jasna tuality and Faith in a TIme of Sabbatical. No, it's not a sabbatical project, "Journal- greater student interest in Meyer, associate professor of Crisis: the Case of the Home- religious term for some type of ists in the Classroom" GIC), current events and staying in- communication, finished her land War in Croatia" details the Celtic rebirth. And contrary to which involves the recruit- formed, a close-up view of the exploration of how Croatians many emotional effects of war popular belief, it's not "lazy sit ment of professional jour- inner workings of the press dealt with faith and religion and is up for review by an aca- on your butt" time for profes- nalists to agree to visit and more interest in journal- under the communist regime demic journal. sors. Sabbatical is a length of middle school, high school ism as a possible .career during the war of Serbian ag- While the time is allotted time, usually a semester, which and college classrooms in among students. gression, for professors to use as they see tenured professors take in or- order to inform students The semester-long en- Beginning last May, relevant, the college keeps track der to pursue their own inter- about their jobs. JIC is an deavor differs greatly from Meyer, a Croatian-American of their progress through con- est areas. While the time does idea that Dalton, English his firstsabbatical project con- spent seven months traveling stant communication. Within not always require an extrava- and journalism professor at ducted in 1996, which in- through Croatia and meeting the first six weeks of leave, pro- gant research project, profes- McDaniel has had for sev- volved a content analysis of with veterans of the war that fessors must show a report of sors are expected to explore eral years. how four Maryland newspa- occurred ten years ago. their progress and goals, ac- another element of their field "UIC] was prompted pers covered the race for Con- Through her ethno- cording to Case. Professors are or interests. in large part by my own suc- gress in the sixth district, in- graphic interviews, she given the option to take a se- Faculty are permitted cess in bringing guest jour- cluding Carroll County. This found that in extreme crisis, mester at full salary or a year- and encouraged to take a sab- nalists into my classrooms," semester, Dalton is busy re- spirituality increases. Ac- long sabbatical at half salary. batical every seven years, ac- Dalton said. "Students of- cruiting educators and jour- cording to Meyer, the level of Case said that the shuffle. cording to Samuel Case, pro- ten begin one of my courses nalists. spirituality is dependent of individual department du- vost and dean of faculty. with a fairly negative view "1 plan to achieve this upon what they experienced. ties is often alleviated by the It;s a chance for faculty of people in the news media. goal on a state-by-state basis, Meyer talked with a use of visiting lecturers or ad- members to grow without I've found that once the stu- beginning with Maryland," POW who was held in soli- junct professors. teaching responsibilities to the dents have been exposed to Dalton said. He hopes to se- tary confinement for 60 days "It's a setisfying.experi-: College, Case said. This se- a professional journalist and cure funding and publish the by the Serbs and underwent ence that the institution you mester, seven McDaniel fac- had the chance to ask him or results. psychological and physical work for gives you the time to ulty members are taking part her any questions they wish, While some faculty torture. He said he felt clos- enrich your own interests," in the sabbatical program their prior dim view of jour- members chose to stay at est to God at this time, ac- Meyer said.
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