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ARCHmnST UNEARTHS TREASURES Westminster, MD Val. 1 No.3 The Whiteford residents deal with New general manager is spicing eight-legged visitors. things up. See Sports Section for See story on page 2. See story on page 4. scores and details starting on page 10. Human rights group honors Michael INSIDE Vagina Monologues, 7 are free to exercise and enjoy "Every time we have Scotland. BRIAN PATTERSON all civic, economic, political, "To pull together a rich CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF reached out to Walt, he has housing, recreational and been there," said Virginia program like that for so long More than 50 residents other human rights. Harrison, the commission takes a lot and dedication," and community activists Michael was honored chairwoman. "He shows up Harrison said. "He most cer- gathered to honor Walt with the commission's Hu- for school programs and tainly deserves our applause." Michael last week at the 12th man Relations Award be- workshops. And he teaches Michael said he was flat- annual Carroll County Hu- cause he works towards simi- diversity through his music tered to be honored by the com- man Relations Commission lar goals as the executive di- day after day - diversity is mission that he respects so Awards dinner. rector of Common Ground important." much. The purpose of the Hu- on the Hill, a nonprofit orga- Harrison also ap- Ultimately, Michael dedi- man Rights Commission is to nization that strives to bridge plauded Michael's work with cated the award to his late fa- promote harmony and un- the gaps between races, cul- Common Ground on the Hill, ther, Marion S. Michael, from derstanding among the citi- tures, and religions through which has been so successful whom he learned the impor- zens of Carroll County, and music and the arts. that it has branched out into [See Micizaei continued to ensure that all individuals New England, Ireland, and 011 page 2] out," said Alevrogiannis, KATIE MARTIN CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF who tearfully hugged family members after the verdict. A former McDaniel Most of those family mem- football player was found not bers supported him in the guilty on two counts of sec- courtroom throughout the ond degree assault last week trial. . "Hop in that seat!" yelled senior after a Carrolt County jury "My mom was bawl- guard Toby Mcintire to women's listened to three days of emo- basketball coach Becky Martin, ing, they were so relieved for prompting her to sit down at the tional testimony from wit- this to finally be over," he Piercing Pagoda. nesses, most of whom were added. McDaniel students. "The jury made a rea- The jury deliberated for soned decision applying the approximately three hours law to the facts," said defense before acquitting Nicholas C. attorney Peter J. Alevrogtannts, a fifth year Korzenewski. student, of assault charges Alevrogiannis is cur- against sophomores Stuart v. rently suspended from Johnson Jr. and Daniel Silva. McDaniel after the Honor Followed by his parents and other family, Nicholas G. Alevrogiannis leaves The charges stemmed and Conduct Board deter- the Anne); Courthouse after being acquitted of assault charges last week from a brawl that broke out mined he violated the Pro- following a November bus scription on Conduct that 2005," Alevrogiannls said. tween Alverogiannis, Silva and trip to the Baja Beach Club in prohibits physical abuse. According to students' Johnson began in the early "It was an eye-opening experience," Baltimore. "I have the option of re- testimonies during the trial, morning hours of November 6, said freshman Stacey Fitzwater "I was extremely happy turning and graduating from after a night of dancing and when three buses left Baja to about the CCM trip. that the truth finally came McDaniel in the Spring drinking, an altercation be- [See Trial continued 011 page 31 Gastrointestinal virus strickens several students is characterized by 'chills. viruses. Often, it incorrectly wise healthy individuals will HEATHER WEISSE drink from other students' cups STAFF WRITER sweats, cramping, diarrhea, called the "stomach flu." quickly recover. The virus or share food. nausea and vomiting - is not Dianna Davis, Director usually lasts for 24 hours, but "Really, everything you Staff members at Smith unusual. of Nursing at the Carroll students could feel ill for an need to know you learned in House are concerned about an "We see this every year, County Health Department, additional one to two days. kindergarten," said Lusby. intestinal virus that infected usually a couple of times a confirmed that a "gas- To slow down the "Young adults are often too approximately seven students year," said Lusby. "We just trointestinal virus is sweep- spread of viruses, LUSbytries trusting of their friends' drinks last week. try to nip it in the bud, by ing through several Mary- to remove infected students or think that it couldn't happen According to Joan Lusby, quarantining and isolating land counties." Davis added from the residence halls. Be- to them." a certified Physician's Assistant students [who are ill]." that viruses spread quickly cause the health center is She also said that alcohol at Smith House, over 17 stu- Lusby, who has worked through campus communi- small and cannot accommo- reduces the immune system's dents have shown symptoms of at McDaniel since 1973, said ties because of close contact. date overnight patients, stu- ability to combat germs, so that short-term, acute gastroenteri- that the college saw its worst "When people live in dents usually go home for a "by consuming alcohol, stu- tis in the past month. Some stu- case of gastroenteritis in the close spaces, such as a dorm few days. dents were sent home for recu- mid~1990s when over 30 stu- or nursing home, and one Both Davis and Lusby dents are more susceptible to viruses." peration while one student was dents were affected at once. person gets a virus, itis likely suggested thorough lland sent to Carroll County General According to the Center that virus will quickly washing as the most effective Students who feel ill Hospital's emergency room to for Disease Control, gastroen- spread," said Davis. means of preventing illness. should contact Smith House for have her symptoms monitored. teritis is inflammation of the She said the current vi- Lusby added that intestinal help, as medication can some- Lusby said that the out- large and small intestines and times be prescribed to control break of gastroenteritis - which rus has a quick onset, but is viruses are highly contagious symptoms. can be caused by a number of short lived and that other- and students should not
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