Page 17 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 17
MARCH 11,2004, Page 5 FEATURES Olympic win aMiracle idea that if they hated him, cre European team~Brooks puts KEN BERTKAU then they would stop hating the team on the line, and the STAFFWRITER each other. He hoped that players start skating. Every Brooks versus Urzinov, their focus would then be off time they finish Brooks just says Olympic :~~e~~~E~~:~2:E:~~~ Craig versus Tretriak, United the past and on the task at "again," and they keep skating. ~~~;~~~~~,~~::;f~,,~:~~~~~~d - winning Passion too passionate a movie about a hockey Eruzione(Patrick O'Brian game, but more about the Demsey) yells to his coach JEFF CABINESS their hands and feet). human spirit. The top sell- and team that he does not play for a college or himself, ing hit in its first week of STAFFWRlTER So why is Gibson is so intent on being subversive in release, "Miracle" is still but rather the United States of thriving at the box office. Mel Gibson's liThe Pas- his presentation of the Pas- The movie portrays America sion of the Christ" is a holy sion? Like the abusive pet Herb Brooks' (Kurt "Miracle" creates a feel- punch to the gut that leaves owner who rubs his dog's Russell) struggle as he ing that this one game and viewers more winded than nose in the mess they left on tries to create the United this one moment in history is evangelized. . the carpet, Gibson thinks States Olympic team with not about hockey but about The film is essentially filmgoers need to learn this one purpose - to win a something bigger, something Jesus' journey along the Sta- lesson the hard way. It's not gold medal. stronger. Audiences will tions of the Cross with a several Gibson's beliefs that are of- To do this, Brooks leave the theatre believing in flashbacks to familiar Gospel fensive, it's the fact that he decides to copy the the impossible. stories in-between. Butinstead feels he knows what is best Russian's style and rely on "If we play them ten of working to earn an emo- for his audience. In fact, teamwork and chemistry times, they might win nine, tional response from the audi- Gibson thinks so little of his rather than talent and skill. but not this time," Brooks says ence, Gibson tries to provoke viewers that he doesn't even The team, which is during one speech. the viewer's visceral reaction. bother to establish Jesus as comprised of players Comparable to "Hoo- He does so by way of some of anything more than a Roman throughout the country, siers," "Miracle" rates as one the most perverse and meticu- punching bag. One can argue had played against each I of the greatest true sports sto- lously ex.amined violence :ver that Jesus, the Son of God, other in collegiate hockey One key scene is both ries ever portrayed on the big to be committed to celluloid. needs no introduction, but as and developed some bad emotionally and physically Consider for a moment a filmmaker and storyteller blood. In order to combat draining: After the Ll.S. na- the slow motion shot of bits of this is copout. this, Brooks developed the tional team loses to a medic- flesh flying through the air as Pontius Pilate is a more Jesus isbound and whipped by layered character. Of course Roman soldiers. Or take a look when Martin Scorsese tried to /'Music 'M~~,~~~:.t:1f~~.~~,~:_ at the close up of the nail being present a more developed driven through Jesus' hand and and conflicted Jesus in "The blood spurting out like a foun- Last Temptation of Christ," tain. This is not gritty realistic the same groups from the re- BETH MCLANE devoid of potty humor and that track. violence. These scenes are so ligious right that are support- STAFFWRITER gross-out lyrics. The band seemed to hint highly stylized it's like watch- ing this film greeted him with What's left is a pulsing, at a turn of this nature back on ing an action movie like, oh, lets angry protests. angry, sorrowful album, with "Stay Together for the Kids" from say "Lethal Weapon." Now, that being said, Whatever you thought lyrical talent you never ex- TOYPAJ, but something about What is this supposed to "The Passion of the Christ" is you knew about Blink182,for- peered from the band. these tracks goes beyond the prove? Jesus went through a not without its merits. Just get it. Whatever you assumed Blinktaz sterts the etbum dark nature of that song. With the notorious trio was capable heck of a lot of physical pain getting a film like this made of, consider the bar raised in- off with fast-paced rhythms, lyrics like "She's got a mission/ with the lusty and yearning andI'm collateral damage/ she's dying for our sins? That seems is a stand-alone accomplish- definitely. (but catchy) "Feeling This." the flower/ that you place on my to be Gibson's message. This ment. It's hard not to admire After taking in their lat- The CD jacket describes the casket" on "Easy Target," a defi- film is about sadism and con- Gibson for gambling with his est release, a self-titled explo- unique writing style and drum nite musical leap has been made. sidering the scope of Gibson's own $30 million, not to men- ration into new musical styles technique used on the song. lt should be mentioned vision it's a pretty shallow tion his career and reputa- and deeper, more mature lyr- From then on, you know that guitarist Tom Delonge's vo- statement (I think most people tion. Even if you don't share ics, you'll finally have to think something is very different. cal talents still haven't been per- know how much it would Gibson's convictions, you twice about downplaying their The tumbling mix of rhythm feded, but the music overshad- smart to wear a crown of thorns have to respect them, even if talent as raunchy or childish. and spoken word on "Vio- owsthisslightproblem.Plus,the and have nails hammered into they are slightly off center. The album, released in lence" is shocking at first lis- mix of both Mark and Tom's November with "Peeling This" ten, but eventually sets the voices on many of the tracks ere- as the first single, isremarkable mood for the album. ates an interesting sound. The because of the band's innova- The next track, outstanding drum talents of tive musical approach to "Stockho[mSyndrome"begins Travis Barker should also be darker, angrier subject matter. with a reading of bassist/vo- noted. Check out his parton "The The first change that should be calistMarkHoppus'familylet- Fallen Interlude" and you'll noted is that the band (thank- ters from wartime. Delay your know why. fully)chose fa strip its most art- initial reaction (perhaps to say The album is filled with ful and stylish album of an un- "Huh ... ?"), because it works secretive, amazing songs that deserving title, immediately out beautifully and enhances you never believed this band placing it out of the ranks of the track. Every song deserves could create. With a change of "Enema of the State" and mention, which shows a lot of nature, be it maturity or pure "Take Off Your Pants and hard work on the band's part. musical growth, the band risked Jacket." With these titles, a pre- But the track that absolutely alienating some fans. But what- vious listener could expect a cannot be missed is "All of ever brought on this metamor- load of obscene, humorous This," a mtnd-bending collabo- phosis from pop-punk to brave songs with major appeal to ration with rock god Robert new rock, Blink182 has risen to teens and preteens. Butjust as Smith of The Cure. If you lis- the occasion and achieved some- there is no title discerning the ten to nothing else, take in the thing we as fans never thought album as something ;0 be melancholy musical arrange- would be possible. "Dates" fun again and again...and again SARAH BLACK Sandler plays Henry Roth, father (Blake Clark) and The plot is funny in it- The ending is inevitably STAFFWRITER the love-struck fella trying to brother (Sean Astin) repeat self, but the on-screen chem- pleasing to everyone, The end- win her heart. The only everything they did the day istry between Sandler and ing is certainly not disappoint- Finally! A funny movie downside: Henry has to win of the accident, so that Lucy Barrymore is what puts the ing arid is definitely somewhat that is actually worth eight.dol- Lucy's heart everyday! still believes it is Sunday, Oc- comedy into this film. Aplus of a tear-jerker for the ladies- lars to see--again and agalll. Here's the synopsis: Lucy tober 13th. No matter how for Sandler movie fans is that sorry fellas. Adam Sandler and Adam Sandler and Drew loses her short-term memory amazing her day might be, the familiar faces of Rob Drew Barrymore definitely de- Barrymore pull off a successful in a car accident, so she only when she goes to sleep at Schneider and Allen Covert liver with this hilarious comedy comedy once again. Barrymore remembers events up to the night her memory of that day show up throughout the about how hard a guy is will- plays Lucy Whitmore: a beau- day of the accident. So her is erased. movie. ing to try to win a girl's heart- tiful, easy-going girl, and day after day after day.
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