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MARCH 11,2004, Page 4 FEATURES "Can't Hang" offers infectious groove The Mcfraniel dance company per- formed it concert co-.' ROBBIE SAVILLE titled "A Night of STAFF WRITER Bands playing on Dance" in early Febru- Johannson's upatairs ary. First row; (from left stage this mouth. to right) Erin Duffy, On February 23, a large Patricia Willaucr.Becca number of McDaniel College Wilhelm.Secolldrow; students drank a few beers March 12 Eilen Culyo, Megan atypical of an aver?lge Mon- Gary and the Groove Portner,Megan jeeves. Third row; Liz Stavis, day night and jammed out to Beth Appleton, the music of Can't Hang at March 13 Helene VerEecke Iohannson's Down Under bar. Roach Brothers Can't Hang, a reggae-in- fused rock band from Balti- March 19 more, enthUSiastically per- June Star formed a three-set gig for the eager crowd. The group has March 20 an upbeat, energetic sound Dave Ashman Leap and learn that is strikingly similar to the March 26 momentously popular band, Dance company thrives Sublime. Although many of Henry Ellis those who attended the con- March 27 with cert were unfamiliar Can't Hang's music, by Rod Sebastian night's en? the overwhelming BAYLEY FANNIN ties and recruiting tech- Jan Term and practiced. The response from the audience STAFF WRITER show consisted of nine num- niques for the upcoming confirmed that they had been Down Under 1with a grin on his Liz Stavis always wanted year. After luring dancers bers, induding a jazzy theat- won over. to dance as a child, but her tom- to weekly practices, the rical number set to "Cell For many students, this face, bouncing to the beat of the congas," said Henley. "It was boy image clashed with her company learns and fine- Block Tango" from the mo- was not their first encounter definitely the start of something longing to sashay across the tunes basic leaps and turns. tion picture Chicago, and a with Can't Hang. Infact, sev- huge." kitchen floor. Once the individual lyrical piece complete with eral students claimed to have Students danced to Can't Then in her sophomore members of the company candles to Dido's "White seen the band perform three Hang's infectious groove unti J year at McDan iel , fellow have selected their favorite Flag." Another popular num- or more times. "I've seen the last possible moment. In sophomore Ellen Gulya invited styles, the dancers and cho- ber involved five dancers Can't Hang perform all Over fact, Down Under usually flips her to come dance. "I was reographers set up a tenta- performing an Irish reel to on the lights that Signal dosing originally doing it for exercise," tive time to practice during The Chieftains' and Ricky ~:~~a~~;~.,~?a~~::~ time at 12:30 each night. How- Stavts says. But exercise was the week. Because of the Skaggs' "Cotton Eyed Joe." Ocean City, Baltimore, and .ever, the crowd was enjoying not the only thing she got out number of favorite styles- "It was excellent," said Owings Mills, and each time the band so much that the bar of joining the McDaniel College Hip Hop, Allure, -Lyncal. Thea Burdnell during the they seem to get even better stretched the closing hour to 1 Dance Company - now a mem- Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Line performances ten-minute in- than before." a.m., allowing students to catch ber of the company for almost Dance, and Irish - some termission. "They worked Can't Hang hit the stage one last tune. 't two years, Stavts danced in members dance more than really hard and it paid off." around nine and rocked the Even though all of Can three company numbers in the five times a week. The company also per- house for three solid hours. last show. "It's all about hav- "Most people think, forms at different events such The band played a seemingly Hang's CDs were sold out by the end of the second set, there ing fun," says junior Helene 'Wow that's a big commit- as the Black Student Union's endless string of fan favorites, is still plenty of hope for stu- Ver Eecke. "Most of our danc- ment,' or 'You need a lot of fashion show, the talent including "House Party," dents who wish to catch an en- ers have never danced before. experience'," says junior show, and the Christmas "Uptown," and "Wasted." core performance from the It's all about exploring dance Becca Wilhelm, who has show. VerBerek would like to Can't Hang was booked band. Can't Hang is scheduled and dance styles." been a choreographer for eventually get enough sup- at Iohannson's Down Under to perform at Padonia Station With a professional danc- almost two years and is port from the students and by senior Katie Henley, presi- in Timonium, Maryland on ing background, Ver Becke has currently co-president of faculty to allow the dancers dent of Kool Kat Promotions. April 3. The band was als,o been involved in the dance the dance company. "If you to do post shows after their For Henley, this was the first asked to return to Johannson s company on campus for almost only have time to do one performances. gig for her -recenrly estab- in May. three years and now acts as co- number, then you only do Copies of "A Night Of lished promotions company. If Can't Hang's perfo~- president and one of the four one number." • Dance" are available at the However, the event was a mance at Padonia Station student choreographers. In preparation for T.V. station at ext. 2774. For massive smash for the new- even remotely similar to the u~- IS The group's presidents their concert entitled" A more information on the fangled organization. "I knew typically meet at the beginning Night Of Dance" in early Dance Company call Becca that the night was a complete believableshowatJohannson s, it would be in the best interest of the year to brainstorm the February, the company Wilhelm at ext. 3821 or success when I saw Dave of those who love solid, first- dance styles, costume possibili- stayed on campus during Helene Ver Eecke at ext. 8323. Johannson [the owner of rate music to flock to the event. Professors with the~l~ -Unconventional, unpredictable Dr. Reed the other, and Dr. Reed ran in "I think everyone brings BRIAN RENBA UM between the two students, rent attacks on our liberty and STAFF WRITER part of their life experience to the expanded police powers af- held out both of his hands, the surface as professor, and I forded to the government are and said, 'War is wrong think that I certainly have a Dr.Patrick Reed is uncon- gentlemen.' Everybody just mixed bag of experiences", anti-American in nature. The yen tiona I in just. about sat back and laughed after said Reed, as he adjusts his cutrent administration has be- everyway. Students who have that." orange and black tie covered come as much of a threat to our had the privilege of being Reed, a native of Mil- with bright flames. "I also freedom as the terrorists." taught by him are unlikely to waukee, Wisconsin, has had hope that after taking my While Dr. Reed is not ever forget their experience. an interesting life. He class students will come away ,teaching, he enjoys the finer things in life. "T love to taste They might remember the time dropped out of college after with the impression that his- good food, drink wine, sail, and he walked out of class because his freshman year, and en- tory is just like real life, full of read. When I retire I hope to few people had done the read- and instead he went off on listed in the United States people with strengths and spend a good deal of time trav- ings, or the time they visited his this whole tantrum about Navy. After five years of ser- flaws." eling around the world," he office, only to see him puff a how bad President Bush's vice, he worked as a manual Currently serving as the said, shifting back in his chair freshly lit Carlton. SAT scores were, it was hi- laborer. "It was a lousy job chairman of McDaniel's His- "He's a really cool larious." that went unappreciated," tory department, Dr. Reed is which is surrounded by five teacher, and he's also very Sophomore Mike said Reed, with a huge grin on well informed about current hundred page books on all sides. amusing", says junior Nick Groft remembers an inci- his face. However, he even- events, and has lnsightfuj Schneider .. "! remember the dent during which a verbal tually decided to go back to opinions. Unconventional, hu- time he was trying tojustify the argument between two stu- college where he stayed until "The War on Terror is morous, and outspoken, Dr. Patrick Reed is truly one of a affirmative action policies at dents took a violent turn. he completed graduate a necessary effort that has kind. the University of Michigan, "One kid threw a book at school. gone bad," he said. "The cur-
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