Page 65 - Phoenix2003
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C;:0_MMENTARY TUesday November 25, 2003 - Page 5 cDaniel Needs to Earn Respect, Proof of a Media Bias: . ot Deman d It respectable institution in the Cen War and the Ten tenutal Confercnce. faculty, and on current faculty, The ,college should active! McDaniel professor members as they seek to further seek 10 identify what thosereason Commandments their careers? Clearly, it can't be might be. We should pay less at good, but it Js hard to judge just tention to how well we jum how bad it is. through bureaucratic hoops-cou The situation with ludge Moore The college could and :~~~;~~~::atr~~~i~:%~~t~h~ In recent years, many people has hardly received different cov- should be doing a better have suggested that a certain bias erage. When the Alabamian de- Many thanks to Robbie Saville a Middle States review-and see or his gutsy article on Mcuaniel job at higher education... to identify what steps we could tak exists within national media cov- clared that he would rather loose erage. Some people say that it's on ollege's omission from the top his job than remove the Ten Com- This is not a task that can . ~~i~~::fv~~hi~s~~t~~~;:c respect the left while others claim that it's 00 liberal art s colleges in rhe U.S. on the right. It is a subject that al- mandments from display outside ews and World Report rankings. be addressed by better In doing so, we should be cler . most everybody has an opinion on the Alabama Supreme Court, he e discusses issues tbat are irnpor- was immediately denounced as a ant to all of us. public relations, by get- ::~1~1~°nU~t~1~~~~~t~'l:a~:~~'iC ~ and has caused great controversy "right-wing zealot" by much of the it is discussed. whenever In falrness, one might note that ting the message out that spectahility for its own sake. W mainstream media. Nightly news .S. News and World Report did McDaniel College is ev- should pursue it because doing s However, lately it has been hard broadcasts from stations such as ot suddenly drop McDaniel Col- to dispute the fact that much of the ABC, CBS, and CNN have exer- elites ege from the list. The college has ery bit as good-even ~:; bias is coming from left-wing offices cised their main focus on the Fed- in their plush cosmopolitan ever ranked that high. For years better-than many of the It might turn out, as we explor around the country. eral Appeals Court's decision forc- ing Moore to move the monument, e college was a fourth-tier jnst~- ~:i::o:;~~:~i'~~:~~:~~:~ edi- Over the past few months, utton. In the last several years It schools in the list. torial pages ranging from the New while downpJaying the fact that he as been a third-tier one. and it still I take it, however, that the real assessments are wrong and that w is appealing the decision to the U.S s. So progress has been made. point of the article was not that are just tine the way we are. Bu York Times to Washington Post Supreme Court. Itis also hard to know precisely McDaniel College needs to get it- we should also remember that hu have been busy with two specific Behind the scenes, they are also hat to do with the rankings. One self ranked in the top 100 national man beings have a bias to overcon tasks:undermining President going to great lengths to paint nly expects the director of admis- liberal arts colleges by U.S. News fidence: they tend to think that the Bush's ability to keep the peace in Moore as an unsophisticated, right and World Report. It was that the are better than they actually are. post-war Iraq, and defaming former wing, redneck. Ironically, this is all ions to dismiss potentially dam- college could and should be doing It would be prudent, then, t Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore happening despite the fact that ev- ging. assessments. Her job re- a better job at higher education. consider seriously the pcssibilit in his crusade to restore the Ten ery poll shows that an overwhelm- uires it, just as one would expect 1 Commandments to its original pub- person selling a brand of cars that , FnO'thth.'ru'~cl'e'°fronm fporeun,d"de'hne,cqou~:ye that administrators and faculty a lic display. ing majority of Americans are e as received bad reviews from other institutions are seeing some Iraq, we are told, is a place against removing that religious onsumer Reports to tell potential d.iSi:j~i~sti:~~ a task that can he thing about us that we either do no monument. ustomers that the reviews didn't see or do not have the courage t where the U.S should not have got- In conclusion, these are only addressed by better public rete- admit. Learning why McDanie ten involved. After all, the Bush ally matter. two of the recent issues in which But if the people at U.S. News nons, by getting the message out College does not gamer more re administration lied to us about the the media demonstrates a consid- d World Report have done their that McDaniel College is every bit speer and acting on that knowledg existence of weapons of mass de- erable left-wing bias. Sadly there urveys properly, the peer assess- as good-even better-than many can only help the college grow int struction and we are only there to are few stories about acts of hero- protect ent of the college's academic of the schools in the list. Spuming the respected and recognized insti big businesses like ism exhibited by U.S troops in Iraq uality=-the lowest of any Centen- may persuade some people, hut it tution that many of us think it c Haliburton. In addition to that that the media is willing to report, tal conference school-is at least does not alrer the reality on the and shouJd be. American troops are making thjng.~ and if one wants to witness a posf- ground. and that reality is that, de- fair indication of [he social capi- worse by occupying a country five depiction of Judge Moore he nl associated with a McDaniel spite presidential proclamations, -Oregorv D.Alles is a whose people we know very little or she is limited to watching we are not better than many of the otlege degree. top 100 schools. Professor of Religious about. At least that's what Maurine Hannity and Colmes What kind of impact does that A more beneficial approach, 1 Studies and President of Scarborough Country. Dowd and her liberal friends would ow social capital have on students think, would be to grapple seriously the North American have us believe as they sit in their -Bryan Renbaum is a s they search for jobs and seek ad- with the possibility that there may skyscrapers a million miles away ission to graduate and profes- be good reasons why McDaniel Association for the Study sophomore political ional programs, on the college as College is the lea~t academically of Religion from the beliefs and values of the science major average American. t seeks to recruit new students and Godsmack and Adema Rock, but Will They Ever Play at S h ~thisisnotthe Our c 00 l o"d fo,· yO". If arena. What they show the guys at UMBC a mosh pit. "Awake," in 2000, and now their a thing or lacked in flair with the 100 about regulating you like to chill stage design, they "Youse know hows we gets most recent album "Faceless." Brian Patterson reviews out at concerts, made up with energy. down," said junior Mark Wheeler Some critics have blasted them for Godsmack and comments then steer clear of At one point The opening acts for the night a lack of originality and others say all their songs sound the same. One on McDaniel'S lack of a Godsmack. But if Erna told everyone in were Adema and Silvertide. reviewer even said that Ema was headliner you like to blow the arena get up, and Straight out of Philadelphia, trying to sound too much like off and when a few stragglers steam Go away. Stay away. Far away. jump into the didt comply, the lead Silvertide was the first to play and James Hetfield of Metallica. All I Keep away. Sulty Erna from mosh pit, this is the singer verbally abuse~ they gave a performance that in- have to say to those critics is, go voked about every rock clic in the Godsmack may not be the most concert for you. them. "Get off your book. They weren't all that great, away. creative songwriter in the world, One unique L..~t.a~~.t;.~.J asses," Ema said to a hut they do have a record contract, I'd also like to point out that if but the guys in the band know how feature of the con- few fans sitting down which belter than a lot of other Godsmack there's can play to 8,000 why at no reason UMBC to put on a rock show. cert is a musical interlude in which to his right. Ema also, encouraged bands. McDaniel can't get a similar band On Sunday November 16 the the band acknowledged some of the crowd to sing along during the Adema came out next and did a band played a set that lasted about their primary influences through a 1998 release, "Whatever." The little better. Their style is similar to play over in Gill. There's a ru- may try to get mor that CAPboard an hour and 20 minutes at ~BC melody of several classic rock hits. crowd yelled out "go away" as part to Godsmack and as a result they Good Charlotte (not that they're Fieldhouse in Balt~more. This included Aerosmith's "Walk of the refrain, and Erna egged on were better able to connect with the similar to Godsmack or even that Godsmack has been louClng ~or This Way," Led Zeppelin's "Moby the crowd to "get louder." fans. Adema enjoyed some success good) for the spring, but I doubt over 6 mont.hs now in promotion Dick," and "Tom Sawyer" by Rush. This music is not political, and with their self-titled debut album a that'll happen. Last year there was of their new album Facele~s a~d the During this interlude Erna also there really ist a deeper meaning. few years ago with songs like number one song "Realign, but showed off his talents as drummer Is all about having fun, and id be a "Freaking Out," and Giving In," no concert on campus, and with an of $15,000 to get a band they still threw a lot of s~ngs from playing along with the band on a mistake to take a band like and they are currently promoting allotment like wll have to settle for it looks previous albums into their set. The specialized rotating kit. Godsmack too seriously. This is "Unstable" which was released in another Dropkick Murphys. band has great stage presence and August. when they started playing.the 8,000 Normally, when Godsmack ~:~~:ielw~:tle;::tu~e~~: w~: Godsmack first burst onto the ....Brian Patterson is a people januned into the Fieldhouse plays in outdoor venues an elabo- looking fot when they made the music with their 1998 self-titled al- rate pyrotechnics display comple- trek to UMBC on a Sunday night. junior Economics and bum that was filled with high-oc- we~:~:~er, if yore 100ki?~ for ments the music, but it is impos- In fact, several students had to tane tracks. They followed up with History double major sible to this indoors in a small rock innovators or some ongmal-
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