Page 64 - Phoenix2003
P. 64
...... ,.,., , ,-,',,','::<::':: "".-', ..,:: '::. , ,.' Tuesday November 25, 2003 - Page 4 COMMENTARY How diverse is McDaniel College? All I want for Rob Goeke comments on the . . outnumber students of color on campus, mi- Christmas is administrations plan to create a The admissions department as noriry students who come from a diverse up- melting pot well as the administration is not bringing experience a great deal of culture . . shock when they arrive at McDaniel. content WIth the way things are, "For students who come from a predomi- World Peace It is all a matter of perspective, and for diversity-wise. They are acting the most part, your view on this issue de- t . the situati nately minority background, this is a tough place for them to fit into pends on where you grew up. o improve e situation. So in a We (the admissions department] want to .and ... Racial and cultural diversity on campus. sense, this is almost a lament that There it is. more diversity is not on campus. make sure that these students areaware that" A holiday wish list Yes, you have your views on this, but do said O'~onnell. stop. Go back a little bit and ' All nght, not flip the page yet. stitutions of a relative size, perhaps these fig- reread what O'Connell said before. by Jamie Fallows Read this with an open mind. Have the The percentage, like she said before is facts to back up your view. ures are not as bad as it sounds. students] high for an institution of this type, but ad- Dear Santa, "This percentage [of minority It is one of those constant issues that can is high for an institution of our type," said missions, like most students, understand that always spark discussion, wherever you are O'Connell. there is still not enough diversity in I got a call from my Mom awhile ago, on campus. So, when looked at in proportional terms, McDaniel's student body. asking me what Iwant for Christmas At first Sure you have your views about whether 16 percent is all right. Hopefully, this is the continuation of an J thought about all the material things. ' there is enough of it on campus or not, but is But this does not mean the work is done. even longer process in making McDaniel The new Kom CD, a couple DVDs, some your view accurate? Because what you see Not by any means. more and more diverse. art supplies, perhaps a pair of silver earrings, may not tell you the entire story. Also, things are very far from perfect. Don't get caught up in numbers, though. and maybe a gift certificate to Target would Ask Marty O'Connell, the Dean of Ad- be nice. "We are not going to represent in any way, It is all about the feel one .gets walking missions, about this and she will give you a shape or form that things [with diversity] are around campus: looking around and seeing And, if all else fails, money. little history. where they need to be" said O'Connell. the types of faces. But ya' know, Santa, the more I thought "Fifteen years ago [at WMClMcDaniel] When one hears or reads quotes like this If something strikes you as' wrong deal- about it, the more I realized that what I American minorities made up three percent that are said by members of the administra- ing with this issue, speak up. wanted for Christmas are all things the of the total student body. Now, they account McDaniel College community could give to tion, one should try to hold back their chas- People in high places are listening. for sixteen percent of the student population. me. So here's my wish list. Pass it on! tisement. And, that is all we as a student body can This increase can be credited to an insti- ask for. is at- It is clear that the administration tution-wide effort," said O'Connell. tempting to address and combat the prob- The bottom line is that diversity enriches I) For the love of Goddess, I want a clean This is not about where you are from; this life's experience. bathroom!!! is about where you are at. lem. And the admissions department as well The more students are exposed to people To go from three percent to 16 in this time as the administration is not content with the of different cultures, races and backgrounds, 2) J want the heat to come on and stay on frame is an accomplishment. in my room! way things are, diversity-wise. the perspective one gains on the world. But, that 16 percent does not look too They are acting to improve the situation. The more there is, the better off every- gaudy when compared against the 84 per- 3) 1 want my neighbors to actually shut So in a sense, this is almost a lament that one is. cent that contrasts it. up during quiet hours! more diversity is not on campus. However, McDaniel is a private, liberal But this does not make everything okay arts college with a student body numbering 4) I want food that isn't a laxative! less than two thousand. and make the problems students suddenly disappear. -Rcb Goeke is a first year student white still so greatly Because with In-, is judged When the 16 percent at McDaniel 1-~c;-~=-::;:-:::-;:n:-:-,~- -;~ __ -;;;_-,-_c=_:- ~.,.:CingUlar 5) 1want the meal plan to work like those I minutes ... whatever State Troopers.ยท Our Lazy Friends don't use this Y"', I can use next Y"'. (Man, Roll-Over that could save my parents a bundle!) . 6) I want to see more "non-mainstream" Before Ishare this commentary, Ibelieve work from writing tickets to feed the gov- fleer strolls up to my window after pulling religions represented on campus. Ilrnow that t needs adisclaimer. Thi.s is going to be a ernment, In fact. they'U teU you most tickets me to the side of the road andtalks to me as there are a lot of people out there who fall ieee about myopinion on the career path of aregiven out simply because an officer is if I had done something personally tchim. into the Pagan category- where are you? I local or srateofflcer, such as the Sykesville bored, and it isn't raining outside, Ever been They speak as if I was driving with the in- want to see a Pagan Student Union on cam- lice or the State'Troopers. I am not speak- pulled over while it's raining? Why do your tent topiss him off. pus before I graduate (you have until 2006). ng to city officers.detectives, agents or any "job" when you couldpossibly become un- Seriously! [know what Iam doing out pecial forces unit. Thesegroups do have comfonable? there ontbe road; I'm nearly 21 years of age 7) I want the Phi Sigs to do their little ressing and dangerous work.. 1am also not and therefore have reflexes faster than any chant thing at a more convenient hour-per- ddressing the actual people that have the haps when I'm not trying to sleep! (Nothing ob ofa local or state cop, just the career it- There are stories about that hot other age group. Pun over Granny for doing against the Phi Sigs .. .l just want to sleep!) 40 ina 551 She can hardly see over the wheel If. As aside note, my best friend is a state girl with blessed body who got and bas the reflexes of a three-leggedturtlel per. away with a warning after going That is who is going: to cause an accident. 8) I want to see alcohol abuse on cam- Simply put, I believe such a career is a Andonce they do, they shouldn't be allowed pus drop (and I know that you can do it)! azy one.Any and all movements or-decisions 20mph over, and the short guy back on theroad, just like other had drivers made by those few who are higher up on got a ticket for doing 54 in a 45. that cause aecidentsof any age. When 1do 9) I want a reliable internet service! Say e law enforcement ladder, and the many at bother or burt someone with mydriving, then it with me: re-li-a-ble. bottom simply do as they're told You do Infact. any time an officer pulls you over, you can do whatever you please to me Mr. hat you're asked. and you and your family theyrea1ly don't have to. They don't even Officer. (Remember, if all else fails, money) illbe taken care of for life, no risks. Basi- have to writeyou a ticket. It is all up to their I Jove when I head into the courtroom ly, allyou need. to be able to do is drive a after Ida receive a ticket. What the hell does Thanks, Santa! See you next year! And digression. That is probably why many of 81. and do somepush ups, and boom! You'lI you have heard stories about that hot girl with being kind andcourteous have to do with me hey- the cookies that we leave out for you ve a job that will payyou to do whatever being innocent or guilty about speeding?? Of do NOT include the cookies we keep in the blessed body who got away with a warning ou're told (like most 9-5careers), except course I'm kind, I know if lpretend to care jar in the kitchen. Those are mine! after going 20mph over, and the short guy nlike many other 9-5'8, this job and act like I'm sony, I'Il have an easier got a ticket for doing 54 in a 45. My friends ill give you an undeserved respect. time during the entire process. It all seems on the force will admit this. Many readers may say to themselves, this like a waste of time to me. -Jamie Only reckless driving on higbways and y's an kUot! Officers put their lives on the After this rant. I conclude with this; If interstates should be punished, not myself ine every timethey put on their costume! 1 the government wants money from me other PS: I know what you're wondering. being pulled over on athree-lane interstate ss weighing trucks at the local weigh sta- than the taxes I already pay, just kindly tell "Wiccans don't celebrate Christmas! They for doing 80 in a 65, in thefast lane. Now I ion and playing the role of metermaid on m~. Stop making myinsurance rates go up don't believe in Santa Claus!" Well, no, I understand a ticket if one is doing65 on a tate highways and back roads can be quite With the unnecessary pullovers.I'd much don't celebrate Christmas, but I see it as a back road through a neighborhood with kids orrifying. An officer might accidentally get playing outside. I'm not saying no one should rather throw out an extra $50 a month than great time of sharing, family, and eirfoot run over, or a truck could com" pay an extra $300 every three months when friendships ... and if people feel like giving letely bypass the station. given aticket, that's crazy. But on a three- 't my bill forinsurance arrives. Then again, that me gifts, great! lane interstatein the middle of the day?lsn Afte~ conferring with my best friend, would take away employment for guys who And as far as believing in you ... if a total long wlthseveral other officers he works someone in youmeighborhood doing 65 don't want to think for insurance arrives. stranger wants to travel great lengths and ith, they'll admitthat their days are loaded down the streets you Jive onwhere your kids squeeze himself down my chimney to give ith the boredom of weighing trucks, driv- play? Go bother them! -Walter Zalis is a senior English me any little thing my heart desires, well ng around aimlessly, and fdlingout paper- I feel that i:I don't both~ you, donOt major. then, hell, I'm all for it!
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