Page 61 - Phoenix2003
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November 25,2003 Karaoke House Night: CampniD; Always a Speak Hit Katie Martin Rob Goeke Nellis Editor Staff Writer Three White House correspon- The crowd was pressed and dents were recently guests packed. The tower of empty beer of a panel discussion of interest to cups nearly reached the ceiling. McDaniel Journalism students re- The masses reveled throughout garding being "Under 30 and Cov- the night, watching their peers ering the White House," Hill Hall make fools of themselves. And Room 108 was overflowing with those that brought embarrassment students to hear the success stories upon themselves probably enjoyed and ask questions of David Greene, it. more than those watching Tamera Lipper, and Jeff Zeleny. ABOVE: Students line up at table in the Forum Yes, Karaoke night had de- "It doesn't lake more than a de- with Registrar's Office staff to select classes scended on McDaniel College. And cade to find success," said Terry for the many that chose to attend Dalton, McDaniel Journalism Pro- LEFT: Students receive guidance while making fessor and panel mediator in his in- last minute changes to their schedules the Cap-board sponsored event on troduction of the speakers. November 20th, it was clear that Greene, 24, previously worked printjoumalism. both Alicia Keys and Josh Kelley any singing in the Baltimore Sun's Carrol! Zeleny is a national political McDaniel Enrollment: need not worry about their way. But competition coming County bureau before moving to correspondent for the Chicago Tri- that mattered little 10 the spectators. Washington where he now writes bune and will also be covering the ...the numbers continue to rise The focus of the night was a sort both news and features stories Bush-Cheney re-election effort. of a contest to out-embarrass about President Bush. sometimes The three fielded questions in Mark Swift of the committee. everyone, but all in good fun. getting to travel oversees with him. regard to their glamorous life Staff Writer The goal is to increase enroll- One could also say that the 81ยท Lipper, works as a White House working at the White House, the ment from its current year opening lure of a keg stocked full of frothy correspondent for NEWSWEEK media's coverage of President It is often wondered why number of 1,742 total undergradu- goodness for a mere fifty cents a magazine and will be covering Bush, and how age advantages or McDaniel's enrollment continues ates to a range of 1,750 to 1,900 by cup provided a great deal of incen- President Bush on his 2004 cam- disadvantages their career. to grow while in the past two years the 2008 school year. The commit- tive for students both of and below paign trail. students have had to live in the Best tee chose this number because they drinking age to attend Karaoke She previously rose in Western due to lack of housing? wanted a modest change, nothing Night. For those that no longer the ranks at ABC news to be a pro- see.WHITE HOUSE contin- Increasing enrollment may not that would deteriorate the feel of a need fake IDs, they could drop a ducer, before making the switch to ued on page 3. seem like the right thing to do, but small college, while still remaining few (or many) with their friends. the school has its competitive with the other schools For those longing to see year goals and ideas in the conference, according to twenty one finally come around, mapped out in a Philip Sayre, Dean of Student Af- the potential to see the volatile and strategic 5-year fairs. He also says the school wants hilarious mix of beer and singing plan, which is de- to stay at a size that keeps the small was too veloped by the family-like feeling but is not too see KARAOKE NIGHT, aptly named Stra- small for diversity .. continued on page 3. tegic Plan Com- O'Connell agrees, saying mittee. This com- "since the student population has - mittee includes the reached to about that the campus Inside 1,40(}, students President of the have been saying College, the Pro- feels more lively." vost, ten adminis- The enrollment projections are trative figures, six not just a simple calculation of add- faculty members ing the freshman class and subtract- [Professor of Religious Studies and two students. ing the senior class. Rather they are Although based on graduation rates, and ~regory D. Alles, reacts 10 top JOe ollege's story. the plan states what transfer and retention rates (percent the school wants to of freshmen who start in the fall and achieve, it is only a return the following fall). The re- guide. "The plan is tention percentage has been in the LeRoy McDuffie says afondfare based on the low-80s since 1998, according to ell to his stint as Co-Editor of th school's technol- Jan Fazzari, the school's Institu- haenix. ogy and budget, tional Research Analyst. For the FRUZSINA NAGY among other past two years the retention rate has things," said been 83.2 %. Tamera Lippet, along with Daviil Greene and Jeff Zeleny, discuss worlcing as a White amuel J. Boardman profile House Correspondent/or various nationally recognited publications at a reauvety Martha O'Connell, see ENROLLMENT, Davey Blake: a promising assistan young age. See related story on.same page. Dean of Admis- continued on page 2. restling coach. sions and member
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