Page 60 - Phoenix2003
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CMIJR TilffjJr Volume XXVIII Number 5 Wednesday, November 12,2003 Freshman quarterback making big impression Rob Goeke team better. The upperclassmen have sup- "I meet with him [Keating] a lot. Because Sports StafT ported me the whole time but as they get to I feel comfortable around him, I can ask know me better that support grows" said questions I might not be able to ask other Baer. coaches. r do not feel awkward around him" It is not supposed to be like this. said Baer. A team with six consecutive Centennial to b!:~ r~a~~~i~~::;~~a~~ ~i: ~e:I~~t: On the sidelines during the game against Conference championships does not start a shows that he has leadership qualities. :!~~:~:~t~:sh~Sv~:;~:t~s ~::i;!tie:~ freshman at quarterback unless there are spe- cial circumstances. :'I~ry!~e~ea;~:~;~~~~ :r:u:p~~er. As them on the back and to coaches. The special circumstance for the long as you get the job done, it does not theD~~;~~ t::.t ~~~es~nec:~: ei:e~~::~n~~ McDaniel footbal [ team is thai freshman Brad Baer can get the job done. ~:~~:t;~~~g~~~~tY~~da~h~~~' ~!~u~;:;- his performance was far from perfect. Sure it has been a bumpy ride at Limes. Just go to a game and you may under- had":~~~~:c~osm~a~u~:tr:n!~;u~~~o~~ But with two games remaining, the learn that has been lead by Baer on offense is 4-4 over- :~:~~~:i~~~~~~ ~~~5~:~na~t~::,~::; his years. But he missed a couple throws he all and 4-1 in conference play. They are in ran to the right side on an option and got should have made. Overall, he got an A in position to potentially claim championship wrapped up. some parts and far from that in others" said number seven For a moment, it looked llke the play Ke:~~~hat is understandable. Beer's foot- "1 am not comfonable with starting a freshman at quarterback. It was unfair to ;~~~~de~:ej~a~ISt:c~ht~~h~~~S~:~~Oa:dd~: Freshman quanerback Brad Haer is ball skills are a work in progress, shifting throw Brad into the fire like that, but he gained eight yards. ,--,-fi_"d_;nc;g_h_iS,-PI_"c_'_;'_"_'''_'_,"_'''_'S-,Offi,,-'_"_'''_' --' between frustrating mistakes and flashes of seems to grasp the game better than other That and his 32 yard touchdown run later His comfort level has been aided greatly brilliance. freshmen." said Head Football Coach Tim in the game are some of the plays Baer is because of his close relationship with However, the types of plays he makes Keating. capable of making. Keating. now should have McDaniel Football fans He had qualms about starting a fresh- Also, Baer has had to adjust to the quick- "I have known Brad since he was eight excited for the next four years. man, just as one would expect a coach to ened pace of college football. years old. I have seen him develop as an ath- He knows the expectations and feels the have. But Baer has fallen in step with what "The biggest change between high school lete. The raw ability is there" said Keating. pressure, but when Baer steps out on to the Keating has asked of him thus far and is and college football is that there is a lot more Since they know one another, the com- football field, he becomes employee nurn- quickly getting used to being a college quar- involved. In high school, it was 'Go munication is good between coach and ~:r5h~l~~~t~: ~~ ~~ ~::~~!::~::~h~t~ terback. run the play.' Now it is 'Let's adjust the play player. "I With each game] the pressure is less so that we have the best chance of succeed- Baercan easily understand what Keating ballgarne. and less as I get to know the guys on the ing" said Baer. is asking of him in the game. Women's Soccer has great season, promising future Pat O'Toole r---------------, picnship," he said. He went on to note mat every player 0 Assistant Sports Editor Even the 13-7 record cannot effi- the roster contributed to the team's achieve ciently reflect the team's prosperity ments, in one way or another. Whether.i As the clock wound down on what turned this year. was consistently starting at a certain pas. ut to be the Women's Soccer ream's final The women went 9-1 in their first lion or tilling in wherever needed, each ath arne, it didn't really matter what the score ten games, cutscoring their oppo- Iete played her part. as. The scoreboard read "Haverford 4, nent s 36-7 during that streak. Over On the defensive end of the field. a ne cOaniel 0," but Coach Scott Swanson was the course of the season, four of their group of players quickly came together t Iready looking toward the future. seven losses were decided by two form a cohesive unit. Although most of r goals or less. "We have a fantastic opponunity next players were not new to the team, the major ear because we have the potential of 20 out "l thought we did very well this ity of them were new (0 their defensive po f 21 players returning," Coach Swanson year," Coach Swanson said. "We sitions. ater smd. played with great consistency Included in the newly formed defens throughout the season." That fact bodes well for the team, con- was freshman goalkeeper Michelle Mullen idering that this year the Green Terror fin- The captains that led the Terror this Starting at her position for each of the team', Christine shed their season with an impressive 13-7 year were senior Leeson. Mayne, 20 games, Mullen nccumu luted a .797 sav Niki cord, 5-5 in Centennial Conference play. senior Toussaint. and junior percentage and posted eight shutouts. Lauren Whereas the majority of other schools Offensively, junior forward Katie Kirle 'ill graduate their core starting players, According to Coach Swanson, each led the team with 10 goals, followed by se clhmicl will be able to retain its expert- of the three captains contributed nior midfielder Christine Mayne and junto need athletes. something different to make a great forward Dawn Fletcher who each had combination. Due to an exceptionally strong confer- goals. nee, the loss to Haverford kept the learn out L-"=======- Coach Swan~on was [,esitant to "We're happy with what we did this year name this year's exceptionalplayers __j f the playoffs. 2()(M. season, Coach Swanson was quick to when questioned. but we feel like there's a lot more that w Yet Coach Swanson is happy with the un- could have achieved," Coach Swanson can eniable success of his team, and knows that respond. year we will build on our success reason "To pjck Out a single player that was the eluded. "Next for our Success this year is laugh bt'- ere is still more to be accomplished. from this ycar with an even bettcr und¢r- cause ( feel like i( was a real team effort aH Look out for the McDaniel Women' When a,<;ked to give all outlook 00 the standing of what it takes to get to the chJ.m~ around:' he stated. Soccer ream next year, because they'r~ stil hungry for more.
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