Page 63 - Phoenix2003
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NEWS Tuesday November 25,2003 - Page 3 Survey Provides Striking Results on Gay Studies college students. 30 have seen Will & Grace at least Samantha Hemler Of these students, thirty-three once, 18 Queer Eye, 8 Boy Meets even just a positive image of the paper about the accuracy of the vis- StaffWriler are straight, one is transsexual, and Boy, 8 Sex In the City, 5 Queer As gay world. ibility of homosexuals in the me- If you would like a copy of the one is questioning his or her sexu- Folk. survey, to have or if you want 10 dia. In working with the Allies ality. 35 watch movies, 2 only new mov- I~ you would like to look into (Gay/StraightiBisex:uaI/Question- The results are quite shocking ies, and 33 both old and new. take it for fun, my campus mail- it, the website is http:// box is 977. ing/Transgender group on for students both on and off cam- 14 watch movies frequently, 20 s tuden I. mcda ni e I.ed ul - srh0021 McDaniel campus), I have dis- pus: only sometimes, and one did not I am also writing a research portlhome.htm. covered a whole new world. 35 watch TV, 28 at night only, I answer. WHITE HOUSE, page 1. The members are hospitable morning only, 2 afternoons only, 7 watch many movies with aspects and loving. easy-going, and great and I at both afternoon and night. . of homosexuality, 27 on~y few, and ''The sheer opportunity to enough coffee, which people to be around. 20 watch cartoons, 15 watch talk I none. have fronl row seats at the movies I often spilled all over the bureau I discussed with them the im- shows, 20 watch reality TV, 2 is unbeatable," said Zeleny. "We carrying it to people, homosexual 33 know portance of visibility ofhomosexu- watch religious channels, 24 watch both male and female, 9 male only 23 have the ability to see history people's desks, I got a job," he als in the media, television and sports, and 6 watch educational and I female only. being made." added, illustrating movies in particular. TV. 23 are friends with 10 male and At the end of the debate, the the hard work and determination The amount of visibility and 29 watch shows thai include topics female, 12 male only and one fe- audience questioned the necessary to break the accuracy of the lifestyles of or storylines including homosexu- male only homosexual and one panelists in regard to the ethical into the industry. those on the shows are crucial for ality. doesn't know. actions of some "It was interesting to have two the homosexual community to be- 22 watch Will & Grace, 13 watch 28 agree with homosexuality and journalists such as Jayson Blair, to Harvard alumns come accepted as another group in Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, 3 one didn't answer. the future of talking to us ... .I got the sense that society. watch Boy Meets Boy, 14 watch print journalism. they were I have conducted a small sur- Sex In the City, I watches Queer Through these answers, I was When asked what factors and well-rounded people and they had vey, in which I potted the TV and As Folk. able to discern how good television circumstances enabled knowledge of the movie viewing interests of thirty- 35 have heard of Will & Grace, 33 and movies are portraying the ho- their success and rise, Greene world outside of journalism," said five individuals, ages 17-21, twenty Queer Eye, 19 Boy Meets Boy, 34 mosexual community and if that quickly responded it Sophomore Ryan female and fifteen male, mostly Sex In the City, 16 Queer As Folk. image promotes a truthful image or was luck. "Finally after making Brod. KARAOKE NIGHT, from page 1. The Real World) great to be missed. Waeger. International News Corner Throughout the night, there was Though he and Weaver nearly no shortage of laughs. It seemed brought down the Pub with the rau- that the songs chosen were done so cous applause they received, Compiled from as to invoke laughter. Waeger remained humble. "I would Fruzsina Nagy From songs like "Fill Me Up Staff Writer grade that performance as average. Buttercup" to critically acclaimed But I am definitely trying oUI for songs like "MMMBop" and "I Will the next American Ido!" said Survive" to songs oozing with ma- Waeger. chismo like "I Feel Like A The fun continued after that, Woman," the tunes matched the with high brow songs like "Baby rea as an "evil re- _- _ light-hearted nature of the event. Got Back" being sung. Well, actu- gime." Inspired by the openness of the ally only the song's first line, in This comment event and perhaps a little by the which Sir-Mix-A-Lot proclaims his will not affect an growing lower of empty beer cups, admiration for large posteriors that already existing seniors Dan Waeger and Rob cannot be disputed, was sung. tense relationship Weaver cast down their masculine After that, frenzied dance en- between North Mr. Rumsfeld has visited Osan shackles and decided to give "Girls gulfed the Pub, because no one re- Korea and the Air Base as part of a tour of US Just Want to Have Fun" their own members any other lines to that US. military bases in South Korea, and twist. song anyway. Rumsfeld, Each probably had puberty to The Country Music genre made while visiting US was impressed by the simulated blame for their inability to hit the a respectable as well. Johnny troops on the Ko- battles he watched on a tactical high notes, but apparently the al- Cash's endearing classic, "Burning rean border, said training system at Camp Casey. Diplomatic need to be relations cobol on this night had an effect on Ring of Fire" was sung with all of that Pyongyang solved, since North Korea broke the the audience's hearing, for each the deep voiced wackiness of the spent money on 1994 agreement on suspending the missed part was meet with wild original version. Weaver and an- weapons while L......:.. --' nuclear weapon program. screams of approval. other friend made an encore ap- people starved. But in December 2002, it re- Good reaction or not, Waeger pearance, giving the crowd a stir- The US and its allies in the re- yourmission,"saidRumsfeldwhile started its nuclear reactor at would have been unfazed. He ring rendition of "Rocky Top" that gion are attempting to call new dip- visiting the troops at Osan Air Yongbyon and forced two UN clearly shared in Cindy Lau_per's delighted bumpkins from here to lomatic talks with North Korea Base, the 51 st Fighter Wing. nuclear monitors to leave the coun- playful spirit after he was finished the banks of the Mississippi. Thus, over its nuclear program. These comments will not be a try. with the performance. whether observing or participating, The diplomatic talks can be ex- surprise to Pyongyang, which is the America's CIA says a separate, "The fact is that I am a senior. I do the good natured fun overflowed pected around mid-December. capital city of North Korea, after enriched uranium program could not care what people think and like out of the Pub. 50 years after the Korean War, President George W. Bush has in- girls, I love to have fun" said the divide between the communist cluded North Korea in the "axis of be producing "two or more" bombs each year.' North and capital- evil" in 2002, which also includes ist South is now Libya, Iran, Iraq, Cuba and Syria. North Korea has threatened the so big, that "the North Korea is in this axis because world with nuclear blackmail be- VICKIE L. ROOP & STEVE ROOP people in the the isolated, bankrupt and commu- fore in 1993. OWNERS North, repressed nist state of Kim Jong-il was se- That time, North Korea was people to be sure, cretly developing nuclear weapons. pursued to suspend its nuclear pro- watch their chil- North Korea was also publicly gram by negotiations which led to dren waste away, criticized in September by the US the 1994 agreement. eat (tree) bark, as official news agency that quoted So this tense relationship that evil regime Rumsfeld and called Kim Jong-il leaves everyone worried that an BAHAMAS TANNING SALON INC. spends huge sums a "dictatorial psychopath." unstable government driving to its on weapons. Pyongyang on the other hand, fall is developing weapons of mass When you live has called top arms official John destruction. and work as you Bolton, "human scum," and said matic We can only hope that diplo- talks will again encourage 10 WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER 410-85705115 do on the border they refuse to deal with him after North Korea to suspend its danger- he criticized freedom between Korean leader North WESTMINSTER. MD 21157 and slavery, be- Kim Jong-il. ous program.
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