Page 66 - Phoenix2003
P. 66
Tuesday November 25, 2003 - Page 6--,- --=C:..:O:..::M:.::M=E=N:..T.::~~R:..Y=__ ,__---------- Staff A Letter to Editors-In-Chief POETRY CORNER Erin Romanski '04 the Campus LeRoy McDuffie '05 Melody of Tears Walking Out y Brooke Bennett Jamie Fallows Black Lantern Processional of News Editor Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity Katie Martin '06 tear falls to the ground Walking out of you , A ceremony dating back to the early years education ike a shooting star in the room, J noticed som of American of McDaniel will be enacted on the campus College on Decem- Features Editor sky things: ber 6, 2003 (time unknown). It is the Black Laura Petersen '06 parking a flow of emo- I can see my fee LAntern Processional of Alpha Sigma Phi ions touching the floor bu Fraternity, born in the mid-1800s at Yale Co-Commentary Editors nto a page once calls a Ican't feel my steps university. Members march in silence in dark Jamie Fallows '06 ieee of poetry My arms are swing robes, carrying a Diogenes Lantern (the lan- tern is named for the kind of light carried by Brian Patterson '05 houghts of fear appear ing but I can't fee the Greek philospher Diogenes in his search n the soggy piece myself reaching fo for an honest man). The manner of the pro- Sports Editor hat what has not hap- the doorknob, cessional is passed down from the early days Ryan Brod '06 ened at Yale when members of the fraternity ill soon come marched to various student residences [Q to candidates Assistant Sports Editor he worst was once feared by one announce for membership. that they had been The new member selected Pat O'Toole '07 imes change and now the one no A million thoughts are runnin was placed into the line of the march, and onger fears through my mind, hten taken to the Fraternity's room for his Advertising Manager yet r can't think of anything to sa meeting. The solemn Dirk Sampselle '06 e leaves will fall to you except that Ilove you day on campuses ceremony is carried out to- where AMerica throughout he snow will come and go and I'm sorry. Alpha Sigma Phi has chapters. It is used to· Subscriptions Manager uds will appear once again The Garden day as a memorial for deceased brothers, to Katie Martin '06 ut nobody can plan the future commenorate the Fraternity's founding, and by Bayley Fannin to welcome new memebers. The brotherhood wishes to stress that this fraternity ritual has Senior Writers I saw the tears He did leave you one thing no racial overtones and is not in any way Fruzsina Nagy '04 Of your yet sheltered face That you will always hold dear related to any supremacist organization. Robbie Saville '04 I say your hand A sketch of a garden The Black Lantern Processional can be Rebecca Selletti '04 Trembling in their place Both planted last year viewed on December 6, when members will I heard your pain Then he like his father march fromANW to the quad betweenANW Staff Writers And J heard your cry Drew his last breath and Elderdic. Those watching are asked to the solemnity of the ceremony. respect Samuel J. Boardman He was the heir of a widow And he like his brother -Matt Cline, President Alpha Matt Cline '04 Who could not now c Will finally rest Sigma Phi Rob Goeke '07 • I Brad Groover '05 Health Advisory for Young College Women Bryan Renbaum '06 ERIN ROMANSKI of clubs on campus, such as the Women's are alive in America today. Mark Swift '07 Co-Editor·in-Chief Issues Group, go almost unnoticed in their Every year, research and development has Walter Zalis '05 attempts to provide information to the rest given us reason to hope that a cure will be of us through informal weekly found someday. cancer is the most Photographers commonly occur- meetings. Until then, the overwhelming amount of Bailey Fannin '05 ring type of can- . Those little pink ribbons the support has helped speed the recovery pro- worn cess along. throughout Fruzsina Nagy '04 cer. In fact, one of October demonstrate For more information on breast cancer, Jenn Parry '05 study by the esti- only a sense of community go to mates that, based Graphic Designers on cancer rates The importance of breast Beth McLane '07 from 1997 through 1999, I in cancer awareness is more Jessica Watson '05 8 women in the United Stales will crucial than most young col- Copy Editor '04 develop during breast her lege-age women (18-22) be-; iOOS='1~~~~=~ lieve it to be. cancer McNeil Deshawn lifetime. This year esti- alone, the but an acknowledgement If you are interested of the disease Nearly 40,000 of in the United States. women 111£ PhoenixsUlff, the faculty, orthe administrators 0 mates that breast cancer will strike 211, 300 among women, itself. about McDaniel's Women's in learning more Issues Group, or McDaniel College. those cases will be fatal. I implore you, ladies, be committed to would just like to discuss the aforementioned The paper welcomes free-lance submissions 0 These staggering statistics can be found, checking yourself on a monthly basis. topic in an open forum, attend the weekly Mecintoshdisks in most wordprocessorformats. along with further information, on Those 10 minutes are hardly time-consum- meetings Thursdays at 8 p.m. in Ensor editorsreservetherightto~tforclarity,length, The importance of breast cancer awareness libelartd topublish asspacepermits. All submissi is more crucial than most young college-age (excludingself-addresseddi.skenes)becomethe women (18-22) believe it to be. erty of The PhoeniJ; and cannot be returned Over 2 million breast cancer Pleaseiocludeanarreandphonenumberforveri With October behind us, the deemed "breast fication. Names will be withheld only by the di cancer awareness month," I find it to be even survivors are alive in America tion of the Editors-in-Chief. more imperative to encourage my female peers The Phoen.ixdoes notdiscriminate based on age not to disregard the information on this all-too- today. race,religiOll,gender,sexualorientation,nationaJori common disease. gin,conditionofhandicap,ormaritaistarus. One month out of the year is hardly enough ing and can spare you quite a lot of mis- Lounge. ery down the road. to fully identify the severity of a disease that Basically, get involved and stay in- Mail 10: This is of course not meant to scare The Phoenix has affected each of us in some way, whether you, but simply to inform you of the risk formed! McDanielCollege,2CollegeHill directly or indirectly. that is out there. Westminster,MD21157 My hope is not to preach to the choir, but When breast cancer is found early, the (410)751-8600 merely to spread a good dose of reality cam- -Ertn Romanski is a senior FAX: (410) 857-2729 pus-wide. . five-year survival rate is 96%. English major with minors in E-Mail: phoenix@mcdanieLcdu It is rather disconcerting to see the efforts Over 2 million breast cancer survivors J,:,~~alism an~ ,!ri~!lg.
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