Page 67 - Phoenix2003
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FEATURES Tuesday November 25,2003 - Page 7 Outgoing Co-Editor- A Face From The Past Is Seen In in-chief Gives Final The Health Care Center Thoughts on the BAILEY FANNLN lation because these kids have the emergency medicine, and surgery, as well as one elective. same illnesses and problems that I Staff Writer "One day you could be work- did. It makes the job more per- ing in the ER and the next in Ma- reflects. Phoenix , Contrary to many students sonal.," Clabum Phi Beta Kappa, ternity. You don't have that kind of Graduating f--L-E-RO-Y--M-C-D-U"'FF"-'-'E='" As usual, the job at times was strong convictions that they would highest honors, Claburn's dream diversity being an MD." Claburn never set foot on their alma mater's explains. stressful and difficult, but my dedi campus after they walked across was a direct Medical School track. Co-Editor-in-Chief But by her junior and senior Physician Assistants are able to cation to the newspaper got m the stage, Taijwanttie Ctaburn. practice in all fifty states with the When I first began with the through all the tough times, an class of 2000 Western Maryland year of college the narrow road she help of a Physician. pursuing changed. was admirably hoenix during my freshman year, allowed me to have another sue College, did not follow this decree. She was burnt out by the inten- The premise of a PA emerged quickly became the News Editor. cessful year with the newspaper. Known as Tia by friends and sity of the material and could not from the idea that some of the work t first. I wasnft too sure if I was when r and Erin Romardkl too colleague, Claburn is currently imagine attending another four a Physician does can be done by eady to become a section editor over as Co-Editors-in-Chief, mor studying at the Essex Towson Phy- years of school for a medical de- another health care professional uring my first semester at responsibility was given to us. sician Assistant program out of gree. who is equally competent, but who ~cDaniel. Journalism is something Although we had our ups an Community College of Baltimore Clabum began researching does not hold an MD. hat I've had a passion for since J downs, we turned into a solid teen and has began One of her nine re- other options open to her when Dr. Although PA's have been in ex- as in high school, and J believed that was able 10 recruit the best staf quired rotations in McDaniel's very Michel Brow, professor of Biology, istence for over 40 years, Claburn that Iwould make a great editor for possible, get better equipment an own Health Care Center on Octo- suggested Physicians Assistant and her colleagues feel the pressure he newspaper. computers, and we even finally war ber 16th. SchooL of being a part of a job that is not able to get the internet in the Pboe As an intern she calls patience The work-load at first was a "1 think the science department yet universally established. nix office. into the examination room, takes ittle too much---always having to After dozens of issues, Itss no here gave me such a strong foun- "We are not as accepted as we tay on your writer; to make sure their vitals, inquires about their ill- ' dation for where Ineeded to be. PA should be in our community." lime for me and Erin to move 0 ness, and if necessary does a physi- hat articles were finished on lime, School just built on that ground- Claburn remarks. fmd trying to complete layout on a and seek out other opportunities. cal. ing." Claburn reflects about her Eventually Ctabum wants to .ompurer that always seemed to This newspaper has been rh She then goes back to the Nurse years at McDaniel. take on a leadership role within a best thing that happened to m rush at the wrong times. . Practitioner and explains the pa- Claburn has obtained a variety practice as an administrator, but since I came here, and I'm ex But at the end of layout week- tients symptoms and her opinion on of information from a vast number until that time she deems traveling nd, all the hard work 1 did paid tremely confident that the new edi a diagnosis. of different spectrums ofthe Medi- her biggest interest besides her ff when I saw my [1(81 article in tors will do a fantastic job givin Living just minutes away from cal field. work. ~e Phoenix. and my name being the McDaniel community the bes McDaniel and knowing that an in- This internship satisfied a com- Claburn finished her rotation at ublished with the title News Edi- newspaper possible. ternship at her alma mater would munity medicine rotation. McDaniel on November 20th. oraUached. Finally, 1 would like to sa satisfy one of her rotations, Claburn Her other rotations include She says she feels like she in- In my second year with the thank you to all the Phoenix stu could not resist the familiarity of medicine, family practice, pediat- teracted well with the students and l,hoenix:, I continued my job as the for your hard work, and I look for the people and atmosphere. rics, obstetrics and gynecology, in turn they accepted her. pews Editor and then later ward to reading plenty more grea "I feel like r relate to this popu- witched to bei~ the Sports Edi- issues in the future, Goodbye. Thpac Resurrection Soundtrack Lives up To its Title CHRISTlANNA BAGBY though it actually was that of a after being convicted of sexual Throughout his career, Tupnc Mike Tyson-Bruce Seldon heavy- Senior Writer movie script, that unfortunately abuse. According to the fan club successfully stretched his bound- weight title fight at the MGM ends in tragedy. website, he also became the sub- aries as an artist by also becoming Grand Hotel, police said Tupac Even from the grave, the very Tupec was a born rebel. Ac- ject of two. wrongful-death law- an actor. He put the same passion later died in the hospital of his gun- controversial rap artist, actor and cording to the Tupac fan club suits. into his acting roles, as he did in shot wounds. poet, Tupac Sbakur, in the release website, Tupac was born, Lesane In November 1994, Tupac was his music. Tupac brilliantly por- Today, the likes of Tupac have of his latest albumTupac Resurrec- Parish Crooks. June 16, 1971 in shot five times during a robbery trayed diverse characters in the been compared to that Elvis tion has once again managed to Brooklyn, N.Y. It was his mother, were the robbers managed to grab moviesJuicGridlocke, andAbove Presley. His energy, spirit, and grace his listeners with his power- Afeni, a then prominent Black Pan- $40,000 worth of his jewelry. The the Rim He also had a leading role memory are still believed by many ful words. ther avocet and crack addict, who public watched his recovery in- in the moviePoetic Justice starring to live on through his music. Tupac The album was created as a changed then, Lesans name tensely as Tupac survived the near opposite of Janet Jackson. had written and recorded so many soundtrack to the newly released toTupacAmarafter an Incan Indian fatal gunshot wounds. It was then Despite all of his successes, unreleased songs that several al- documentary, also entitled'Iupac revolutionary, when he was a small that Tupac created and released one unfortunately, it were the words bums were released after his death, Resurrection Both the movie and child. The nameTupac Amar of his most artistic and successful that he spoke in his music, that ul- making him the most successful the album were produced by Tupas meansShining Serpen, where as albums to dateMe Against the timately proved to be this mans and best seIling rap artist ever. mother, Afeni Shakur, as a tribute Shakur means'Thankful To Go in World At this point he had already tragic flaw. Tupac Resurrectio the to the life and premature death of Arabic. experienced success with his As a prominent member of soundtrack, proves to not only to her son. According to both The Tupac grew up moving from aibums2Pacalypse No andStrictly west-coast record label, Death Row revive his memory, but it invites lis- Hollywood and homeless shelter to homeless shel- for my N.I.G.G.A.Z Records, Tupac shared a common teners into the heart of a man that MTV news, the main intentions in ter. At age 15, he began to write Tupac went on to experience enemy with his fellow west-coast was as complex and controversial the actual creation of the documen- lyrics and poetry about the tough even more success with the release artists. This enemy was that of the as the life he lived. What makes tary and the album were to let life that he lived growing up in the of his albumAIl Eyez on Me which east-coast record label, Bad Boy this album so special is that most Tupac tell his own life story in his ghetto, as well as expressing the sold more than 5 million copies. Records. which was the label that of the unfinished songs were re- own words (through interviews and strong political views embedded Tupas listeners fell in love housed, also rap and hip-hop pow- mixed and finished by some of unfinished songs written by from his mothers influence. with his music simply for the fact erhouses, Sean (thenPuff) Combs todas most popular and controver- Tupac). TheTupac Resurrectio From age 20, up until the time that-he spoke the words of living and the Notorious B.I.G. It was sial artists in their own right. soundtrack proves to accomplish of his murder, on September 13, a truethug life his true experience this east-coast versus west-coast Such artists that appear on the exactly that. 1996, Tupac amazed the public of being an African American male mentality, which is believed to be album are rappers Emienem and 50 But before one can truly with his stunning lyrics of both growing up in the ghetto while Iiv- the ultimate cause behind the still cent. Both Emienem and 50 cent appreciate the masterful artistry of passion and compassion, while he ing in american society, unlike unsolved murders of both rap an- provide the record with is most this soundtrack, it is first impera- lived a helter-skelter life style that . some other rappers today, who dot ists Tupac Shakur and the Notori- masterful beats in the songsOne tive to know the complexity behind erupted into an east-coast versus actually live the experience that ousB.I.G. Day At A TimeRunni (which de- the man. The trials and tribulations west-coast gansta rap rivalry that they rap about. Despite this fact, The Washington Post picts the east-coast vs. west coast that seemed to shadow Tupac his is credited to the cause of his de- Tupac also managed to show com- reportedThe 25-year-old rap star rivalry, and actually featur! es the entire 25 years on this earth were mise. passion towards the African Ameri- (Tupac) was shot as he and Notorious B.I.G.), andThe Realist no secret to those who followed his It was during this time, prior can female experience as well. He MarionSug Knight. chairman of Killaz These songs, along with music, nor were they a surprise to to his death,that the public watched did this with his two hit Death Row Records, Shakus label, many others allow theTupac Tupac get arrested eight times and singlesBrends got a bab, andKeep Tupac himself. Tupas life appeared were on their way to a nightclub Resurrectio soundtrack must buy sentenced to eight months in prison 'your head up to play out in the public eye as about 11:15 p.m. after watching the status. ---..._ ...... ~~-..----- ..
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