Page 68 - Phoenix2003
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- - - ~~~ -- ---- Tuesday November 25,2003 - Page 8 FEATURES A Taste of Japan Comes to Jet-Setting: Westminster Croatia Shrimp, Chicken, Filet Mignon Steak, Lob- FRUZSTNA NAGY convent. BAILEY FANNIN ster, Sesame Chicken, Hibachi Steak, or any Staff Writer Senior Writer A city you must visit in Croatia is Spilr. combination of these. It is the heart of the province of Dalmatia, You can also order various types of Sushi Want to dive into clear blue water? and is the largest Croatian city on the Have you ever been to Japan? with your meal. Or just want to hang around on a beach? Adriatic coast. Well if you have not then this is your The Chef comes to the table dressed in Then Croatia is just for you. Croatia The city first appeared on maps in the chance to at least eat their food and see a black and white with a black chefs hat pull- is full of attractions, festivals, activities 4th century, when Roman Emperor small window into their culture. Sakura, an ing behind him a cart with all the ingredi- and history. Diocletian had his retirement palace built authentic Japanese Steak and Seafood House ents needed to cook the meals for the According to Lonely Planet, there. and Sushi Bar, recently opened next in The table. Most of the Chefs are fluent in both Croatia's history goes all the way back Because of this, one of the city's big- Westminster Shopping Center and is one of English and Japanese, but all of them have to 229 B.C., and since then, the country gest attractions is the Diocletian 's Palace, the hottest places to eat in Westminster. Japanese origin contributing to the authen- has been a part of the Roman Empire, which is one of the most imposing Ro- But bring a short-sleeve shirt because tic environment. and was under the Tatar invasion. man ruins in the world. they cook the food over an open fire right at First the chef warms the cooking area by Ithad a fascist government under the It is more a fortress than a palace. due the table. breaking eggs and pouring oil on the metal German' invasion until 1991, when it de- to its walls, which were originally 215m The atmosphere inside and out is com- surface and lighting the entire stove on fire. clared its independence from the Yugo- (705ft) by 180m (590ft) and contained the pletely unlike the surrounding Americanized Then he cooks the rice (either brown with slavian Federation. imperial residence, temples and a mauso- strip mall it is located in. vegetables or whitt;) and disperses them to But it was in 2000 that Croatia's new leum. The entrance has dark wood and white the customers. elected goverrunenthad promised a more Today, you can still see the remains of glass in the windows, which produces an After verifying all of the entree orders democratic country. the original palace, the fortress's colon- Croatia, priortol991, and today, is a naded square, the Temple of Jupiter and Between the showmanship of the prepa- tourist-magnet because of its Adriatic the remains of Diocletian's mausoleum, shores in search of sun, cheap living, me- ration and the quality goodness of the , known atmosphere and is especially now a cathedral. out- dieval Croatia is a great place for summer for its naturalism. food, I would haue to giue sakura as many The aura of medieval Croatia is re- door activities as well. islands off Croatia's The long, rugged thumbs up as is humanly possible. flected in the cities, with the medieval coast make this a yachting paradise. style buildings and streets ofRovinj and There are plenty of deep channels and the recently restored Start Grad in interior that is dimly lit with lights only on the real cooking show begins. Dubrovntk. good steady winds. It's also a great area the tables. Though this is not a typical food prepa- Croatia, because of its history, is the for sea kayaking and diving. The huge dinning room is decorated in a ration, many of these chefs make an art of home of some of Europe's finest Roman There are excellent rock climbing and consistent dark wood paneling with panels cooking food and usually have fun with the ruins, including the palace of Diocletian hiking opportunities all around the coun- of Japanese art. table by involving them in the preparation. in Split. try. down to places [0 see So when it comes There are 10 seats at one table and usu- From making a musical chorus with the The country hosts many festivals and ally multiple parties will be seated together. utensils! to throwing food around the table, carnivals throughout the year, such as the and activities to do, Croatia has a lot to offer. And the country also has cheap liv- The waitress, wearing a colorful Geisha it is truly more ofa show than simply a meal. International Days of Jazz in Zagreb, and dress, comes to take the drink and entree an Between the showmanship of the prepa- Dubrovnik's Summer Festival, from July ing expenses. for-example, a budget order then after a few minutes brings out the ration and the quality goodness of the f6od, to August. one around meal can be US$4-8, a mid-range and the classy res- US$8-20, soup and salad. Iwould have to give Sakura as many thumbs Zagreb has been the capital of Croatia taurants offer food from US$20 and up- The soup is a broth with mushrooms up as is humanly possible. since 1557, and although it was hit by floating in it while the salad has a sweet gin- It is one of the only elegant restaurants rockets in 1995, the damage was not se- wards. So ask your parents for a great sum- gerdressing. in our vicinity with an atmosphere and a vere and recovery has been rapid. The entrees range any where from $13.95 menu that could impress even the most ruth- Some of Zagreb's attractions are the mer trip to Croatia. because the best time to $26.95 and include such selections as less critics. St Mark's Church, with its colorful to visit the country is between May and September. painted tile roof and sculptures by Ivan Or just study on the Budapest campus, Mestrovlc, the Naruml History Museum, and take sea. the six-hour car drive, to the Museum of Croatia the Historical and iPorever the City Museum-housed in a former It is cheap and beautiful. Adriatic %ung TARA WEBB Esthetician I Owner .. Waxing .. Tinting .. Skincare .. Makeup ... and Much Morel 10% O(fWUJ.; S'tude.¥t1; I.V. Call for an ApPointment or Stop in (410) 857·0095 10 westminster Shopping svesrminster MD 21157
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