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FEATURES Tuesday November 25,2003 - Page 9 Drug and Alcohol Restrictions KELLY FRIEDMAN lar among first year students. Beer common time for drugs and alcohol Staff Writer contains empty calories that are to be discovered. Bronson says that Finally, what all teenagers wait not easily worked off. Liver dam- most citations are written on week- How heavily do you rely on for is here! Freedom. Finally be- age and loss of brain cells are ends when most underage drinking the media for guidance? coming adults, moving away from other harmful effects of drinking. occurs. Three out of four underage said they par- students interviewed the restrictions and supervision of I was wasted and I'm pretty sure she was drunk too." He ex- ticipate regularly in underage drink- their parents, and taking their first plains that he brought her back to ing. taste of independence. When alco- his room. "I just like to have a good time hoi and drug use becomes a part of "The first thing alcohol im- and sometimes things are more fun this new found freedom, this taste pairs is your judgment," explains when 1 am drinking." Says another can become a bitter one. Students at McDaniel College express their Meagan Morris, a junior who junior, "I mean, what's the differ- feelings on drugs and alcohol and works in the Smith House. ence between when 1 am drinking how they have become an influence "I see people all the time now and three months from now like when I tum 211" Other students "All depends on what it is in their lives since they have begun come in with injuries they got this one say they do not think the when they were drunk. They have covering, if it is a special report their journey through growing up. no idea how they got these inju- age matters. They believe that drink- then Iusually pay attention. Thanks to the Department of ries. I also see girls come in ask- ing is drinking no matter how old Usually it is a lot of nonsense and Campus Safety and the alcohol pro- ing for the morning after pill. They you are. Idon't follow it." grams required during freshman don't think to use protection when Tamia Everett, a sophomore who -Britany Bowen '06 orientation, students are more aware they are under the influence of does not drink says, "I can have fun of the consequences of alcohol abuse. Amanda Rose, a Resident alcohol," without alcohol but I don't mind Life Coordinator, believes that a Michael Webster, Director of when my friends drink. I believe it student entering college is an adult Campus Safety says he believes is a personal decision that everyone who is going to make their own de- that drug abuse at the school has has the right to make on their own." '" refuse to rely on the media cisions and learn in their own ways. decreased since he began working Everett explains that she does not she is at parties feel left out when College. at McDaniel because they have a "I have noticed," Rose explains, where her friends are drinking. preprogrammed propaganda to "that a lot of people say the first Amanda Rose says that she Talking to the fraternities and so- push through. When it comes to year students are horrible this year. thinks more students are getting rorities is one of the new ways Cam- the war we will never know what 1 think they are the same as any year caught with drugs. She explains pus Safety is trying to reduce the that since more people are aware really happened, it's like but they are getting caught more. of drugs, marijuana in particular, risks of drug and alcohol abuse. Vietnam." They are just not using common sense." students will call and inform Cam- Though the Campus Safety Depart- -Liz Manns '06 pus Safety that they suspect the ment and Residence Life do every- A freshman who wishes to re- use of drugs to be occurring. This thing they can to prevent underage main anonymous admits that she did not drink before she came to used to happen less often than it drinking and drug use, this problem does now she says. continues to be up to the students to McDaniel. "I used to be a '?good girl' in high school. The night shift at the Campus decided on their own. "None at all, I never watch the Weight gain is especially popu- Safety Department is the most Science r=;:;"'"""=="....,===~~::;;;;---~=:;;;=---c;;;--",--=====:----, news. All my Political friends read and watch the news and I don't really get it. 1 feel clueless when they talk to me." -Helene Var Eecke '05 All they want for the holidays "I read the paper a 101, but 1 fonn my own opinions. 1 get a IS lot of my opinions from professors and class." a reason to visit you in college. -Mark Zebrowski '05 This Holiday season tell your loved ones to come and visit you. "I get a lot of my views on the war more from my professors Give the Gift they'll remember because the media is more one sided. They favor Democrats." -Mellissa McDonald '04 Overnight Gift Certificate "Not very much, it is a good Happy Holidays source of information but you can't base your opinions on it, From the entire Best Western staff it's always bias." -Margie Zom '04 4108571900 451 WMCDrive Westminster, MD 21158
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