Page 70 - Phoenix2003
P. 70
Tuesday November 25,2003 - Page 10 SPORTS The Betterfan- McDaniel's Own PTI Column be greatly improved in his absence. That's the best in football. By: Walter Zalis, Sports Writer Their defense is not what it used to be the ball too, for he has over He can rush Carolina Panthers are going to surprise people 100 rushing & Ryan Brod, Sports Editor and it's hard putting a finger on why they're yards for three more touchdowns. He is the in the playoffs. playing so poorly. heart of a team that has no running game, a Stephen Davis is the truth (Washington I agree that Lynch is a real leader on the team that has the potential to win it all this should be kicking themselves for letting this Sigh ... the final issue of the semester. defensive side of the ball. When he's not year ... on his shoulders. guy go) and no defense has been able to keep Looks like we gotta cover ground all the way 100%, the defense is going to suffer. him in check. till February with this edition of The Better In the AFC, I like the Patriots, with their Fan. Zalis: Oakland is also having a horrible Brod: I have a hard time disagreeing solid defense and experience under center. That means, we must answer the ques- time. In my estimation, age has finally caught with that. (Isn't the idea of this column to Brady has proven that he can win the big tion ... who is going to be Super Bowl cham- up to half its roster. . disagree on everything?) games under pressure, and their kicker is Mr. my boy Tom Brady has things Although pions come January?? Before Gannon was injured, he wasn't rolling up in New England, the consistency Clutch. I'll take the Pats in the Super Bowl, even playing welL 24-21. Zalis: How about starting with some of Receivers Jerry Rice and Time Brown and versitilary of McNair this year cannot the more disappointing teams in the NFL this should both be thinking about the "R" word. go without mention. Zalis: BIG FlNISH- To wrap it all up: year? The Buccaneers definitely qualify. The Add to that, the injury to Charlie Gamer, Zalis: Speaking of picks, who is gonna Bonds and A-rod deserved the MVP awards world champions that were expected to have eliminating therunning game, and a defense with the super bowl?? lfthe season were to (especially when A-rod has been deserving an excellent chance at repeating are now a that wasn't even that good last season, and end today, the top seed in the NFC would it), Lebron lames is having a season that ev- dismaJ4-6. On paper, this is still a good team. you've got a last place team. eryone expected him to have (but he'll be They have been playing well on both be the Carolina Panthers, while the AFC awesome in a few years), and yeah, sure, Bill sides of the ball; they're just not converting Brod: I have to disagree with the age fac- would be represented by the Kansas City Parcells did change the face of the Dallas Chiefs. when it counts. tor. One season ago this team was a power- However, these teams will not make it Cowboys (but they won't go anywhere in the Brad Johnson is having an excellent sea- house, making it to the Super Bowl. The to the super bowl. playoffs). son thus far, with nearly 2500 passing yards. team is getting up their in age, but one sea- The Chiefs have the best record, bUI they He also has 19 touchdown passes, the same son is not going to tum things around this also have the easiest schedule. Brod: Yah, Bonds and A-Rod were the as Colts QB Peyton Manning. much. best players in their respective league. The super bowl will be won by an AFC The real question is where Rodriquez will However, the running game has definitely Their lack of success has to do with the team, the Titans, the Colts, or the Patriots. be playing next season? slid. Not only that, but the defense has got- vast amount of injuries the team has sus- NFC contenders for the super bowl would ten cocky, and lost that swagger it had last tained. Peter Gammons reported their's a 50%. be either the Eagles or the Rams, but they chance that he could be in Boston, while other season. Guys like John Lynch not being Although Rice and Brown are old, they cannot win against the AFC's elite. reports say he'll be playing for the Mets. 100% may be a part of that. have superior experience and knowledge of In the end, if Marvin Harrison returns My guess? This team has what it takes, it just needs the game, and their phyiscal ability is still healthy, the Colts may have what it takes to will be back in Texas, I think A-Rod to focus. on par with many of the league's rectevers win it all. star player for one of the worst teams in base- a Edgerrin lames is back and healthy, ball. Brod: I like their move to get rid of Zalis: My pick for best QB thus far this Peyton Manning is having one hell of a sea- Johnson, even though it was midseason and season has lobe Steve McNair of the Titans. son, and the defense has finally picked up I've been impressed with Lebron James' attracted a lot of media attention. Look at his thrown touchdowns compared the slack. play, not that I expected anything worse. he be- how "awesome" But no matter He was a real cancer to the team and I to his interceptions. 16 touchdowns vs. 4 Bro(l: '1:.ike I've said before, I think the think the mentality in the locker room will inr's. comes, he's never going to win in Cleveland. Davey Blake:The Unknown Coach on the Hill Samuell.M. Boardman have ever coached." At McDaniel College "I have no regrets whatsoever; McDaniel Members of the Green Terror all have re- Staff Writer Blake finished with a record of 12 wins and has proved to be a good community and I spect for Blake. For example, 2 losses in two injury-shortened seasons. like the fact that Jamie Smith knows whom Blake's brother Mikey is a junior and says When you think of McDaniel College Blake became involved in wrestling at his athletes are as opposed the AD's at most that throughout the years Davey has been very Wrestling, you probably wouldn't have the age of 4, because both his father and D-I schools." supportive, influential, but is overly demand- thought that one of their coaches is still a uncle were wrestlers. Blake says that this years recruiting ing at times. student- but actually he is. His father Arthur was a standout wres- class is composed of "talented, hard-work- "My fondest memories of Davey as wres- Former Green Terror grappler Davey tler and baseball player at WMC, and was ing athletes, who should be easier to teach tler was when he won the Eastern Blake is entering his first season as a Stu- inducted into the Maryland Public Second- than just someone who is one-dimensional." Nationals as a Senior and jumped into Dad's dent-Assistant Coach on first-year coach ary School Athletic Association's Hall of Wrestling coach Sam Gardner is thrilled arms." Sam Gardner's staff. Fame for Wrestling in 1999, and the to have Blake on his staff this winter. Mikey said that Davey will be a Head Blake is currently a senior here at McDaniel College Athletic Hall of Fame for For example, having a good coaching Coach as soon as he graduates college. McDaniel, and will graduate in May with a both sports in 2002. staff will make a head coach's job a whole Fellow junior Harry Kettner had nothing BA in Exercise Science. When asked about the pros and cons of lot easier. but good things to say about One word that describes Davey is disci- coaching, he said that the pros were that the Gardner said that having Davey on his Davey. pline. He has been enrolled in college for wrestlers know what he is capable of and staff will be great because "Davey is one of He said that Davey was "strong in tech- that he is just out to help them they know six years, three years at Appalachian State the most sound technical wrestlers that I nique and weak in body physique." and gain their respect. have ever been around. For example, I can University, in North Carolina, and three years Blake said some of the cons are that it is Harry also said that Blake can motivate at Western Maryland/McDaniel College. tell my wrestlers what I want done, and easier than someone else because he easier tough to separate his friendship from the Davey can show it". At Kent County High School Davey was to talk to and listen to because he is a peer, business of coaching. Gardner added that because Davey had a 3-time state champion, a "This will be extremely tough because I rather than an elder. high school All-American his senior year, have lived with four of the guys on the team to sit out part of last year due to injury Finally when asked how much it will help and finished his career with a 143-2 record. before," he said. and eligibility issues he can "see the Sport to have a coach who has wrestled for the He was also the Maryland recipient of from a different perspective, and he has in- college, Kettner said "tons because he has the 1998 Dave Schultz High School Excel- Asked what his thoughts were on get- tricare knowledge of the pitfal1." been through it all at his age and from a lenceAward, which is presented annually to ting into coaching he said, "Coachingis what Some of Blake's responsibilities will be wrestler's standpoint. a high school senior, and is based equally on I should be doing, I have been doing it for a to coordinate on-campus recruiting for Off the mat, Blake is a huge sports fan, outstanding wrestling success, scholastic while," tile Green Terror Wrestling program. and loves to play flag football, and watch both achievement and citizenship or community He feels as though he is a good teacher, He will al~o conduct individual work- and that "Coaching just feels natural." the NFL and the college game. service. outs with all the wrestlers, and will work on He is also member of the Chi Delta Upsi- One of most surprising things about technique. Winners are chosen at the state and re- lon fraternity here on campus. Blake was how happy he was gionallevels with the national winner being Blake will also help Gardner and his When he is not coaching or hanging out named at the Wrestling Hall of Fame's Hon- transferring here from Appalachian State. other assistant, Dan Pfeiffer, out with deci- with his friends, Blake can be found work- ors Weekend each summer. For example, one may have thought that sion making. ing at College Square Liquors. In last year's Wrestling Media Guide, it would be tough to make the transition from Finally Gardner said that Blake will be Finally, former Green Terror Coach John 'Lowe said, the Division I level down to the Division III successful wherever he ends up as a coach, with his friends Blake just enjoys hanging out and having a good time. "Davey may be the most talented wrestler I level. and that he is wonderful with kids.
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