Page 59 - Phoenix2003
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SPORTS Wednesday, February J 9,2003 - Page J 5 The Facts: The Kobe Bryant controversy Christianna Bagby Ference that was held on July 18 ecmors havevpresentedn-mtntmat Despite this fact, the Judge also prison if convicted of the assault. Sports Staff r+ thai he did engage in having sex amount of evidence' against Kobe "chided prosecutors for offering cently Bryant at the Lukers' EI Segundo, re- was interviewed -, ~~~n;;a~~~:~aOn~g~ri~~ro~h: conflicting information." ABCNEWS ;~t;~~~:~~E=~~~"~o:;~: Bryant's attorneys also have suggested that California how much Gannett's ruling in reports practice Facility. He was he was anxiety asked woman's thatthe Colorado injuries before feeling arc a result of media spotlight has shined ~:~!e~~~~~~~;::;~~:: her sexual encoun- the preliminary hearing. replied, "Bas- Doug Win- ters with other men in the days prior Sheriff's Detective Bryant reportedly brightly on Los Angeles Lukers tcrs testified that the 19-year- to her June 30 encounter with the ketball, zero anxiety. Other stuff', guard Kobe Bryant. old accuser "went to Bryant's NBAAll-Stllr. a little anxiety. BUI now I JUSl For the most part, media cov- room at the Lodge & Spa at Reports indicate that according pretty much. you know, give it up. erage of the NBA All-Star has Cordillera Shortly after check- to Judge Gannett, "only part of the I've pretty much done all I can. proven favorable towards both his ing him in." evidence has been introduced so Now I'll let God carry me the rest athletic abilities and his personal- Winters continues. "The far." of the way. Ifeel comfortable with uy, It wasn't until late June 2003 two chaued and began kissing. Outer evidence that has yet to that." that Bryant's cookie cutter image But a few minutes later, Bryant be presented in open court is the BUI while Bryant claims that he was forever changed and the spot- grabbed the woman by the statement from the woman that she is comfortable with Sitting on the JightsuITOunding the young super- throat, bent her over a chair was raped. issue, the public mayor may not Star beamed brighter than ever. and raped her, asking her sev- Judge Gannett has said that this prove to be so accepting or forgiv- Bryant's seemingly per- eral times not to tell anybody." evidence "could not be ignored." ing of Bryant's new tarnished im- feet image shattered after a 19 Winter's testifies that the Kobe Bryant's next court ap- age. year-old Colorado woman ac- woman said she told Bryant pearance will be on November 10 cused the NBA star of rape this Kobe Bryant's NBA career is in "no" at least twice, and he in a district court, where he will be past summer. seriousjeopardyashe/acespentiing stopped only after she re- advised of his rights, the charge, According to moved his hand off her neck. and the possible penalties., The Colorado with his accuser, but that the sex It was also reported that Judge Bryant will also be allowed to woman was employed at a hotel was consensual. Bryant says that Gannett ruled that the evidence enter his plea. ABCNEWS reports indicated that, "Unless Bryant ~~:%~~:~:;':~:~:~~:in~h;~e~:p~oe,admittoadultery,butnot~~::::~~~~~r:'~:~g~I~~n:I a speedy trial, waives his right to the trial would be scheduled within Bryant. now age 25, openly ad- on ~:;o~::~~i~~~t~:;~er~u~~~ her underwear indicated "submis- six months of his plea." mitled 10 the media in a news con- Judge Frederick Gannett said pros- sion and force". Kobe Bryant could face life in ounding Off: Should athletes be onsidered role models? oftheirskilt. .. Although they arc all aJmirablc Senior Allan Hoyt, whom him- Junior Andrew Bollard thinks for their amazing talents, urbfercs' self is a varsity basketball starter that the whole Kobe Bryant suuu- personafiries aml character traits on the Green Terror's men's bas- lion is definitely a bad one. vary from athlete 10 uthlere.just a~ kerball tearn, says, '" feel thai ath- Bollard says. "It's really a they do in people who are con letes are and have to be role mod- shame what is going on with the ercd non-athletes. After writing the above story. , els, whether they like it or not." Kobe situation right now, espe- I do think that children need 10 ound myself upset at the fact that Hoyt atso comments, ." person- cially because Kobe was thougfutc look to their parents 10 be the ulti- his person. Kobe Bryant, whom I ally don't think that Kobe should be 'the golden child:" mate role models to follow. ad personally admired for years. be playing ball right now while the Bollard says. "Even though I r think thai once our society rec- ad gotten htmselr into such a case is going on. but I'm sure that don't think that he raped that ognizes that, and fully accepts that, ess for him. pluyingdoes help his men- woman, I'm "till upset Ihal every- that hoth that the society and the But then I thought to myself', tal state (righl now)." one down plays the fact that he ad sports arena in general will be bel- '00 I really have the right to bedis- Setlior~ business major Erin mittcdly commil(ed adultery. J teroff. Cullison had a bitofa different luke think that that is u big problem in PPOinted in someone whum 1 OI1't even know, just because I on the issue. American society. We down played dmire his talents as a professional Cullison says, "I J'eel like ath- adultery the ~amc way when Presi- askethall player and athlete?" let~s are duing a job just like any dent Clinton did il." other prnfessiollal:' "Parents need to teach their Now looking at the big picture, realiled that Wh
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