Page 58 - Phoenix2003
P. 58
Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 14 SPORTS amponelli proves to be a ough competitor hristianna Bagby 'ports Staff quiet ut times. honest. and very coach able Her athletic personality has come a long wa over the last four years." McCord contin The Green Terror women's field hockey ues, "On the field, Kim is very competitive 'am hits done it again. For a second year in hardworking, vel)' fundamentally strong. an row. the team has proved very successful she has excellent field vision," 11 conference play, with a record of 14-5. Camponelf comments. "The last fou There is no doubt that a key player among years have been great. Originally when f EO he Terror, is its mid-Field defensive hack, out of high school. I didn't evert intend 0 euler captain Kim Campanelli. playing." Twenty-one- year-old Campunelf has But today. she is definitely glad sh een a starter for the women's field hockey changed her mind. earn for all of her four years at McDaniel. She says. "The team has been gctun Campcnelh..a biology major and French better and better each year. Last year w Inor; is originally from New Casue, Dela- were uble 10 win conferences. this year w are. There. she attended William Penn high are hoping to do the same." Senior field hO{'kty plover Kim Campanelli has helped her team cbcot. Camponelli says that it was in the As her college and field hockey caree slIcc€t!d and is ready to mOI'€ Oil 10 succeed on her own. ixth grade when she noticed that she started comes to a close, Cempoeetu says that sh o generate an interest in field hockey. plans to attend graduate school. attemprin Like in years past. the women's field a degree inenvironmenut science. Right no ockey ream has faced many tough compeu- she is looking at obtaining her graduate de Football team goes into ors within conference play. Both gree at Towson. UM~C. or College Park. amponclli and head coach Mindy McCord Camponept says that she will miss bot uy that Salisbury, Skidmore. and Ursinus playing field hockey and being a student Johns Hopkins game on fire a 01lege have been their toughest opponents McDaniel his season. She says, "After playing so long, I wil Despite this fucr. Campcnelli has man. defiantly just miss playing rbe game.' gcd to SCOrl.' 14 goals. and divvy out four Carnponclli continues. "01' course I'm go Nate Dawg Starun Though the first half ended in a 7·7 stale- ssists on the '(cason thus far. ing to miss my teammates, the girls, an Sports Starr mate, Bethany's poor rush defense and the Camponelli says. "The main rcason OUf going on away games:' rushing proficiencies of McDaniel's Brad 'am hus been ablc to be so successful this As far al' school goes, Camponelli say. The Green Terror football team has given Baer, Meikos Parker, and Dalys Talley trans· eason is definitely because of great team. she will mi,>s her friends the most. a great perfonnance these pa'lt few weeks fanned the game to a rout. ork. and communication." In the second half McDaniel gained 38 She says, "I urn defiantly going to mi~. winning two consecutive games. Coach McCord agrees. McCord also at~ my roommate, Andrea. We have been room The team crushed Bethany 45·15 on Sat- points and allowed o~ly 8 to seal the vic· ibutes the team's ~uccess to having returned tory. . mlltes for the past four year~, and my expe urday. This win came just a week after very single starter, and having good talent rieuce here at colJeg~ would not ha\le bee McDaniel's huge21~7 homecoming victory With the momentum from these twO VIC~ hrough quality recruiting. the same without her." againsl conference competitor Franklin & tories, McDaniel football is striving to a win Coach McCord also has much to say MarshalL ~ against Johns Hopkins lhiscoming Saturda.y. bout her tcam ~ptain. Brad Baer shined in the homecoming With a record of 5-4. this next game WIll McCord comments, "as a person, Kim is game, rushing as well as passing. He made determine whether or not the Terror will a huge contribution to the Terror's 410 total compete in post season ruatchups. McCord's versatility adds yards compared to F&M's mere 178. nial McDaniel is currently 4-1 ill the Centen° Johns Hopkins Conference, while Unger reo While Nick Venuto and Jamie flavor to athletics ceived for good yardage on several oc·ca. the posesses the same record. Whoever wins the Confer- Saturday's matchup will share won through sions, the game was primarily with Muhlenburg. ence Championship strategy in which an effective rushing Muhlenburg of Baer, Broderick By:Kim Lowry eventually became a regional All~American. perfomlances Pope were pivotal. Maybank, has already clinched is ?~l in the conference and and French of the Cham· a portion Teacher, aun~Pg'b'J~~~asrchologisl. coun. More often than not, outstanding players Troy Mason and the Terror defense per~ pionship. selor, recruiter, friend, parent, consultant, struggle as coaches. However. McCord formed admirably, allowing only one touch. Incidently, Muhlenburg's only loss in the proved lhe exact opposite. wife, servant, moti\lator. and dictator. One down. The lone touchdown resulted from conference came against McDaniel earlier would think this list represents a group of Positive high school and college athletic an F&M drive which began in lhe red zone in the season, while Johns Hopkins' gave up people; on the contrary, these are the titles experiences, along wilh tremendous coaches, following an intercepted pass. their only loss overall 10 Muhlenburg. were McCord's driving forces in becoming of one person. Mindy McCord. If the homecoming victory was big, r.he a coach. Sbe loves "watching young women The Head Coach of the Field Hockey and win against Bethany was huge. mature and gain confidence in themselves Women's Lacrosse teams returned to her hometown in 1999 with a vision. She wanted as they grow into great adults." to rebuild the then-weak lacrosse and field One of these young women, impact field Off campus, McCord enjoys various ac- Last year, Paul McCord was faced wir.h a hockey programs of Western Maryland Col- hockey and lacrosse player Kristin Ramey, tivities. including exercising, practicing mar~ tough decision. He was offered a job to work lege (now McDaniel College) into not only said, "Coach McCord is always lOOking lO tial arts, watching movies, and spending time as a strength and conditioning and special Conference champions, but national con- make herself inviting and the environment wilh her family. Recently, McCord became teams coach with the NFL's Jacksonville tenders. around her positive." Although she makes involved with a multi·billion doHarcosmetic (Fla.) Jaguars. The newly married couple cvery attempt to keep her environment en- company, Mary Kay, [nco These goals were more than attainable had to make a decision ~ refuse an amazing because she had done it before. McCord was couraging, she does not do this alone. As an independent beauty consultant, career opportunity to physically stay to· successful in ber first head-coaching job at McCord has a very loyal and competeOl . staff McCord not only has the Opportunity to one gether, or baltle the distance to pursue a pas· in both SpOrts. Oberlin College at the age of 23. Despite day own an infamous pink Cadillac, but to sion. The two went with their passions and Muffie Bliss, graduate student and As~ her age and lack of experience, she led pursue a career where she could make mil~ currently live more than 800 miles apart. sistant Field Hockey and Lacrosse Coacb, lions of dollars. Oberlin 1'0 Conference titles in bor.h sports views McCord as not only her boss, but also Despite this unforeseen event, the McCords and even received Coach of the Year honors her friend. Bliss firmly believes that r.he suc. Mary Kay's mission statement says they have maintained a strong relationship while in 1997. cess of the field hockey team in particular "will reach out to the hean an'd spirit of they continue their mutual coaching suc- McCord majored in Psychology at can be mostly attributed to McCord, who women, enabling personal growth and ful~ cesses. Lynchburg College and went 011to obtain her spends countless hours recruiting the best fiJ[ment for the women whose lives we Mindy McCord has set a precedence as a Master's degree in Counserlor's Education players and trying to motivate and inspire touch." The resemblance between this mis. coach at McDaniel, and not just for the at Virginia Tech. A standout athlete at lhe girls. sion statement and McCord's coaChing phi- women. Last year, she broke the record for Lynchburg, McCord knows what it takes to losophy is not a mere coincidence. Her pur~ the highest winning percentage, male or fe- "She makes it known that field hockey be a successful player. From the beginning, should not be life; this, in tum, makes the suits in life share a common theme, enhanc. male. she displayed her tremendous talent as a field ing the lives of the women around her. With Paul in Florida, McCord must now tplayersJ respond better," says Bliss. Prac· hockey and lacrosse player, earning "Rookie McCord's dedication and desire to achieve make the important decision~~stay away from ticing what she preaches, McCord is involved of the Year" honors in both sports. She rna· this philosophy has Somewhat strained the her husband to continue coaching at in many activities besides coaching. tured to All-Conference in both sports and relationship between herself and husband McDaniel, or move to Florida and build more Paul McCord. championship-caliber programs.
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