Page 28 - Phoenix2003
P. 28
Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 4 Welcome to McDaniel College: Home of the Apathetic I hear people whining everyday. But another difference between you and ernment meenogs? There is not a class, a lunch. or a walk to I is that I am good at it. There are people there who meet regu- Lewis that goes by that someone isn't com- If you know the rules you can use them larly with the people who you supposedly is looking for new plaining about how they were in some way in your favor. hate. violated by the school. Play within them and everyone is happy. Your SGA representation has the power members You know I am right. It really is easy to know you cannot drink to make change, to answer questions, and You hear it. in public: not on campus, not in town, not make the school better for you because after All current You do it. at home, not anywhere public. all, that is the only person you care about. Here is my problem with you all: you This is not a new rule, it is an old law. Why don't you be productive with your sophomore, junior talk a big game about how everyone else is It is not hard to follow. distaste for the school and make some and senior students to blame, is wrong in how they do things It is also easy to know that there are no changes so the future classes don't have to and how if you were in charge how things parking spots on campus that are a 30-sec- put up with the same "injustices" you did? with active would be different. ond walk from the building you need to go The point of this article is to tell you to Guess what? You got no sympathy with to. quit making excuses, quit running your participation in any me. "Why is that?" you ask. There is a simple answer: walk 6 min- mouth without the facts, quit being lazy and "You are a student; you must get utes across campus from ANW to Harrison quit being irresponsible. campus-wide media wronged, too," you think. Lot or from the Stadium to Lewis. La Di Start taking action. Well, I do get wronged, but the differ- Da. Start getting your questions answered by re welcome to apply Start taking action. Start getting your questions an- Applications are available at the swered by the people who know the real story. Start Information Desk voicing your opinions proactively. Start doing some- For further thing. information, contact Katie Champion or ence between you and I is that I do some- You expect me to walk for six whole the people who know the real story. thing about it. Erin Romanski, minutes of my life? Start voicing your opinions proactively. And realize, people, talking trash about Forget it. Start doing something. Campus Safety, RAs and the Administration Co-Presidents I will not. Realize that in life, there isn't Our campus is riddled with apathy and it is nOI doing something. always going to be a close spot and that a 6- is time we put an end to it. The more people What really tweaks me is how the very minute walk is a far cry from a 20-minute involved, the easier it is to get things done. same offenders that warrant the campus's bus ride you would get at other campuses. Your complaining isn't getting you or reaction have the nerve to complain. So you have heard my spiel from up on your issues anywhere, so how could an hour Honorary members Did you ever realize that if people didn't my soapbox and here's why. drink in public, they would not be harassed here or there with the right organization or must maintain a I will agree that some rules are meant person be any more of a waste of time? by Campus Safety for drinking in public? cumulative GPA of to be broken or are flawed and should be Wake up people! The real world is knock- How about if you didn't park in non- changed. ing on your door and it's time you answered. spaces, Campus Safety would not issue you I am not going to sit here and say that 2.5 or higher a$25 ticket? our school is perfect, but not only do you How about if you didn't have the stereo provoke the behavior you complain about, cranked up at I :30 a.m., RAs would not bust you don't lake an active role to change the you for a noise violation? policy and behaviors you hate so much. ctive members mus All of the things you complain about are You don't go to (he people with the con- your fault and could be prevented. So now nections to make changes. You don't care maintain a you believe that I must be some closet kid enough. cumulative GPA of with no social life and is afraid of fun. You are too lazy or too tired or (God for- Nope. . bid) too busy. 3,0 or higher Wrong again. But you have no problem running your I drink. mouth to friends and family, and some of -This article was submitted by a I party. McDaniel College Student who Deadline is Friday you even bother to write to the paper with I have lots of fun. wished to remain anonomyous brainless insight and complaints. October 31! Why don't you go to the Student Gov- Sex? Need Advice? The Phoenix is currently looking for submissions for our new column "Sex on the Hili." Need advice on your relationship? Is your friendship about to break? We can help you. Join us through every issue in the Features section as we unravel "Sex on the Hili," Just send your questions to our mailbox, or our e-mail addresses: Andrea= Box 943, or abluangell@yahoo,com;LaRhonda=Box 1422, or
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