Page 26 - Phoenix2003
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" ~ t , fo' NEWS Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 2 Green Terror Still Too Early To Tell If Recruiting Efforts attalion For R.O.T.e. Have Been Significantly Travels To Affected In The Aftermath Of The 9/11 ort Indian Attacks And The War On Terrorism Town Gap CHRISTIANNA D. BAGBY religions have of America." Sophomore I had to get over that aggressive I decided and feeling Many cadets feel similarly. positive. turn it into something that Staff Writer cadet, Robert Hegmann, who is not a con- I wanted be a part of the biggest and baddest tracted Army R.O.T.C cadet due to the fact team in the world, the United States Army. CHRISTIANNA D. BAGBY There is no doubt that the attacks of9111 that he is already enlisted as a Lance Corpo- But to do that, I realized {hat I would StajfWrirer and the war on terrorism fuel many mixed ral in the United States Marine Corps, ad- have to set my aggression aside in order to On Friday, September 28, the McDanie emotions. The events of that day are etched mits that he is only enrolled into the program be a competent leader as well as a'profes- into the hearts and memories of just about to "pick up some extra credits." allege R.O.T.C Green Terror Battalion con sional in this career field." Prush comments, ucted their annual battalion field trainin every American because its tragedies resulted Despite this fact, Hegmann says, "Ini- "As an officer, I think that being a profes- xercise at Fort Indiantown Gap, PA. in the loss of millions of innocent lives in tially after the attacks, I was very angry ... I sional and learning to keep your emotions The weekend was a three-day rrainin our country. was willing to drop everything in order to in tact is key to doing what you have to do in vent geared to give cadets hands-on ty Now that America has declared war on go help." order [Q succeed at your mission," Prush is aining and experience in a military envi terrorism, some may wonder how the mili- Junior cadet Michelle Levesque says that planning to contract officially into the tary is ultimately affected in light of our her decision tojoin R.O.T.C. was not affected onment. The training consisted of day tim RO.T.C. program next year. country's current mission. by 911 I or the war on terrorism because she nd nighttime land navigation courses, an ob As for recruiting efforts, Kraft and Elko As far as McDaniel College R.O.T.C. had made her decision prior to the attacks. mete course, and a field leadership reactio say that although it is still 100 early to tell, ourse. Battalion Commander, LTC James Kraft, is When asked to comment on her initial reac- they believe that the 9/11 attacks and the war During the event, freshmen, sophomore concerned, "it is still a bit too early to tell tions of the attacks, Levesque said, "I don't on terrorism will ultimately have a positive nd junior cadets were placed into leader how the continuing war on terrorism is af- know. I had very mixed emotions of shock affect on R.O.T.C hip positions and evaluated on their perfor fecting our recruiting efforts." and anger." Kraft says that, despite what happens, ances as leaders by senior cadets. Kraft continues, "Those who feel a sense One person who clearly feels very there will eventually be some type of effect. LTC James Kraft, the Green Terror's Bat of calling to wear the uniform of a soldier strongly about his desire to become an Army He says, "Certainly, any major current events alien Commander, comments, "leadershi and leader in the United States Army will officer is freshman cadet Michael Prush. involving the Armed Forces of the United s not easy. It requires discipline, physica likely not be dissuaded to enter our cadet Prush says, ''The scholarship money was not States, broadcasted to Americans every- nd moral courage, confidence. and compe ranks as a result of our Army's continuing a factor for me. where, will impact recruiting efforts- posi- ence. All training at Fort Indiantown Ga mission. Ijoined RO.T.C. mainly because I have tively or negatively" as designed to develop these requisites." After ail, our Army exists to fight and win seen many family members and friends who Kraft says he is fully aware that "some Junior cadet, Michelle Levesque, say our nation's wars and had done just that for have joined the military and have gained ex- students, who are simply drawn to R.O.T.e. hat she learned a lot from completing bot 228 years - never failing the American perience and discipline that way. Watching out of a sense of curiosity or an opportunity and navigation courses. She said. "I lik people." them has inspired me to want to be in the to get some scholarship dollars to attend col- e fact that senior cadets helped teach m 2LT Greg Elko, the current Gold Bar military as an officer." lege, may begin to shy away from ROTe. me of the basic aspects of land navigatio Recruiter for the college and former Prush says that he plans to take the expe- as the realities of the war on terrorism con- hroughout my training on the courses," McDaniel College cadet, agrees: "I really, rience he gains as a military officer and ap- tinue." SOT Lerosha Joshua, the Battalion's Su seriously could not tell you if recruiting has ply it into civilian job markets. In light of this fact, Kraft says, "I am con- Iy Sergeant, comments that "one leamin been affected or not. Prush also had very strong emotions fident that we will continue to attract extraor- 001" that she noticed that the cadets As of today, I know that the Army, as a about the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror- dinary talent- as we offer the best leadership as "team building. especially on the: fiel whole, is meeting our goal and then some ism. He says, "Being a resident of New York, course in the world and an opportunity (0 eadership reaction course!' She says, "team when it comes to commissioning officers. I was very angry." serve in, arguably, the bestAnny in history." ork is key to success in this training". We are actually over commissioning of- He continues, "Eventually I realized that The Batta1ion's Training Non-Commie ficers every year. RO.T.C has done a good' job of filling the ranks of the Army with qual- toned Officer, SFC Rodney Clark, stresse ity lieutenants." he importance of the "actual experience an e actual physical challenge" that me ca Elko says that although right now the ets experience at Fort Indiantown Gap Green Terror Battalion has a numerous lark says, "the actual experience of th amount of freshmen cadets enrolled into the ands-on training is really important. espe R.O.T.e. class, there are no freshmen cadets ially for the freshmen cadets." contracted into the program as of yet. Despite this fact, Elko says that 8 of those Freshman cadet. Michael Prush, says 'Without a doubt. the most important thin cadets have 3-year advanced designee schol- hat I learned from the training at Fo arships lined up for them next year, if they ndiantown Gap was teamwork, and reali choose to take it. hat I am about to join one of the bigges He also says that the program currently earns in the world, the United States Army.' has enrolled I4 contracted sophomore cadets, Kratt's one piece of advice to all cadet 7 contracted junior cadets, and 12 contracted ho conducted the training was to "srriv senior cadets. The twelve senior cadets will 'or excellence in all that you do and. as commission in the Spring. Elko says, "The eader. demand it of others." program's mission is to commission 9 offic- ers every year." Elko was in his junior year at McDaniel SASS, continued from when the 9111 attacks occurred. Elko remi- and his initial re- about his thoughts nisces page 1. actions to the attacks. He says, "As a cadet at the time of the and must be treated that way," he said. This attacks, I knew that my career path had al- is especially important because SASS deals ways been to be in the Anny. I had always with students of every race, gender, class, just had an interest in it ... my thoughts about and ability. joining the Army as an officer really didn't Selby also discussed the role of SASS for change in the aftermath of911 I and the war." students in their post-McDaniel lives say- Blko describes his initial reaction as "a ing, "the center's services help to instill life- little bit angry." He says, "It made me curi- long habits of self-discipline, personal ad- ous to see why someone would be filled with vocacy, and organization." The programs are so much hatred that they would want to at- designed so that when a student reaches the tack America." He also notes, "But more end of hislher college career, he/she will be than that, I wanted to know what we could FRVSZINA NAGY independent and ready to tackle the chal- McDaniel ROTC members participate in a training driU. do as a nation to change some of the nega- lenges of the real world. tive perceptions that some cultures and some
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