Page 27 - Phoenix2003
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NEWS Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 3 119/03: 1:50 am, Second floor light. Westminster Fire Depart indow broken in McDaniel Hall, menr responded to clear the fire ossibly by a student (or students). Campus Safety Blotter Minor damage done to ceiling an vestigation ongoing. light fixture. September 19 - October 2, 2003 J19/03: 1:51 am. Students docu- 9/26/03: II :38 pm, Non-studen emed for possession of alcohol documented for underage posses n a public area, underage posses- compiled by sion of alcohol. Students docu 'ion, and failure to comply. Cam- KATIE MARTIN mented for Proscription of Conduc us write-up only. student involved in a minor vehicle News Editor #12. No r----..,;;---=::;;;;iiii;;~~;;;.----l9/25/03: accident. Tele- 119/03: 2:00 am, Sudents docu- injuries. but communications 9/28f03: 12:21 am, Student docu ented for underage possession of Westminster reported phone mented for underage possession 0 leohol, alcohol in a dry dorm, and alcohol. =~auns~ti:~~~ wires pulled from multi-liter container. a panel on the student driver third floor of 9128/03: 1:25 am, Student in pas 119/03: 11:15 pm, Underage SlU- had been Rouzer in the session of alcohol in a dry dorm ent found in hallway of Garden drinking alec- trash room. Campus write-up only. partments with hard liquor. hol. Sobriety I Phone lines dam- 9128/03: I J :40 am, Student docu ~e~~er pg::s:~: aged with no sus- /20/03: 2: 16 am, Several students pects Iisted atthis merited for Proscription ofConduc nvolved in a physical fight; no ar- Both parties time. #7, unauthorized entry to use 0 ests made. Sanctions pending. released with- College facilities, including build . out charges ings and grounds . 10:50 /20/03: 2:30 am, Racial slur writ- filed. Non- 9/25/03: Student prn , en and a sexually explicit symbol student re- knocked over ex- 9f28/03: 9:00 am, Student receiv rawn in a stairwell in Whiteford. ceived trespass terior trash can. ing harassing phone calls from 0 nvesuganon ongoing. warmng. Investigation campus and a message from 0 identified student, campus. /20/03: 12:32 pm, Student re- 9121/03: 1:26 who later made a orted being harassed and threat- am, Students tacted for clarification of a no-con- confession 10 the damage. 9/29/03: 9:10 am. Employee ha ned. Investigation ongoing. documented for underage posses- tact order given by Residence Life money stolen from her office. In slou o~ alcohol, .hard liquor, and Staff. 9126/03: I:25 am, Student assaulted vestigation ongoing. 121/03: Student cited by multi-liter containers, as well as another student inside a residence estrninsrer PO for underage pos- fa~lur~ to comply, partici~ating in9123/03: 9: 15 pm, Dining Hall em- hall. College disciplinary action 9129/03: 8:00 pm, Student beiu ession of alcohol and lewd con- games, and a quiet hoursployee being disorderly with super- taken. harassed via the computer and i uct. violation. visor. When asked for ID, em- person. Investigation to begin ployee became disorderly and non- 9/26/03: 4:25 pm, False fire alarm 121103: Racial epithet written on 9121/0~: 3:57 am, Two non-s.W-compliant with DoCS. Employee in Whiteford Hall (pull station: first 9/30/03: Parked car drifted int orm room door. No suspects. dents Cited forundera~e possession tried to leave the scene before the floor, back hall). another parked car. No one wa of alcohol by Westminster PD. invesrigaion was complete, so he driving either car, and no damag 121/03: 12:05 am, Former student , . was restrained in order to gather 9/26/03: 8:0 I pm, Vehicle belong- was assessed. n possession of hard liquor. Was 9121/03: 6:00 pm, Student s tlreinformation. Outcome pending ing to a student restricted from bserved being disorderly and driv- was slashed by unknown person(s)Sodexho investigation. 10f1l03: 5:38 pm. Complaints ad was observed ng erratically. Asked DoCS to dis- campus notified to remove and cited. vised that two suspicious subject Student vehicle ose of alcohol. 9121/03: 8:48 pm, Possible forced 9t )4/03' 12'57 am Student docu- at 8:15 p.m. Student observed in were seen in Whiteford Hall. Su entry into a reside~tial room for Ihem;nted for ~nderage possession of BWH and again warned at about jeers were selling magazine su 121103: 1:16 am, Student docu- purpose of vandalism. alcohol, hard liquor, a multi-liter 8:30 p.m. Again observed by RLC scnptions and asking for photo ented for underage possession of container, and violation of rules at9:51 p.m. graphs of students. Invesrtgatio lcohol, a multi-liter container, and 9121/03: 11:25 pm, Student as-governing college residence halls ongoing. violation of rules governing resi- saulted by another student. Stu~ent(dry dorm). Secondary to a room- 9126103: 8:24 pm, Electrical fire oc- ence halls (dry dorm). transported to CCGH for possible mate dispute. curred Oil the second floor of alcohol poisioning. Blanche Ward Hall in a ceiling 121/03: 1:28 am, Student and non- 9122/0 : z: I am Stud nt con- TRAINING, continued from page 1. "The Real World" International News Corner more challenging and advanced training before the ride back to training exercises. The Green campus. "They did great and it A new civilian administration in Information compiled from a last-minute deal led to all but one Terror Battalion arrived on Fri- was good training," commented Guinea-Bissau has been sworn in, FRUZSINA NAGY of them signing the document. day and stayed in barracks dat- Lt. Elko, who accompanied the two weeks after the army seized ing back to World War II. 45 ROTC students to Fort power in a bloodless coup. Photographer The National Transition Council, They rose early Saturday Indiantown Gap, which brings together political rep- Guinea- to, According morning for a four-mile run and The main objective behind Bissau is one cfthe poorest countries J SENEGAL resentatives in a quasi-parliamentary began training in obstacle these training days, referred to in the world. Its population is 1.5 C' -" role until a general election, was also courses, which emphasized as "lab days," is to prepare the million people, and most of them sur- -= formally set in place. leadership and teamwork. cadets for the National Ad- vive on 50 cents a day. Several African countries, as well Daylight land navigational vanced Leadership Course. as the United Nations, originally con- The coup training commenced later in the Juniors in the ROTC pro- Sunday morning occurred on an early GUINEA 'o~'1sMi- demned the coup and called for the in the former Por- day where the cadets were gram participate in NALC over tugese colony. It was a military re- BISSAU ~.~ reinstatement of Former President KumbaYala, dropped off in the woods with a 32 days at Ft. Lewis in Wash- sponse to former President Kumba ,11' If't, GUINEA But the army refused map and a compass and were ington with hundreds of others Yalafs' announcement to cancel {l.(,)n dent Yala back in power to let Presi- and they told to find their way out. The from around the nation. presidential elections for the fifth believe that since the president has exercise was repeated in the They are tested in day and time. President Yala dissolved the dent and to head a ttansitional gov- been removed, relief has been middle of the night, adding ob- night land navigation, weapons government last November and post- ernment. A new prime minister, An- brought among many ordinary vious complications to the ca- qualification, water survival, poned new elections four times since. tonio Artur, was also appointed. people. dets' already difficult task. and NBC (Nuclear Biological Since the coup, the junta has in- An agreement by the ruling mili- Portugal condemned the coup and Cadet Denis points out that Chemical) warfare 10 name a a critical aspect of night navi- few of the countless drills over sisted that it has no intention of hold- tary council and the political parties cal1ed on the army to al10w long-de- to go forward in its was signed to give way forparliamen- layed elections ing onto power. gational training is the ~enior their month-long stay. General Verissimo Sea bra tary elections in six months and for former colony. tradition of thoroughly bnefing The next lab day ROTC stu- Correia, the Chief of Armed Forces, presidential elections a year later. The The general said President Yala the underclassmen in ghost sto- dents can look forward to wil( led the coup and became president new civil government was sworn in was free to remain in Guinea-Bissau ries before heading out. be October 23rd, when they in- of the counci1. General Correia also only after the agreement was signed. or 10 leave the country if he wished. The training on Sunday con- vade the pool for a combat wa- appointed Henrique Rosa, a business- Disputes between political parties sisted of more obstacle course tersurvival course. man, to take over as interim presi- previously delayed the agreement, but
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