Page 32 - Phoenix2003
P. 32
Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 8 FEATURES McDaniel College Student Fashion Column: Called To Duty To Combat the Wrath of Isabel Coed Culture that his Military Police unit, also known as CHRlSTIANNA D. BAGBY the 290th MPCompany, had been alerted and REBECCA SELLEITI Senior Writer Staff Writer called to duty. . . Hoffman immediately called his unn. the hot shirtless boys on the wall. In fact, it would be quite fitting for J thought Is probably happened to you at least one They informed him that the 290lh MP Com- y first fashion related article in my there i;nothing wro~g with looking like a time during your college career. You forgo! pany out of Parkville, MD, had been call~d fingers crossed) feature column, to deal Abercrombie ad. Hell, 1 wish I could pull to tum off your cell phone, which se~ms to to duty to perform a law enforcemen~ rrus- 'lith the look of McDaniel. the look off. ring twice as long and twice as loud nght as sion." Hoffman admits, I kind of knew It was No, I am not talking about our However, it would be nice to see you are dazing off twenty minutes into that coming to me, it was just a matter of when prawling hillsides, beautiful greenery or someone on this campus show lip to class hour and a half lecture. Hoffman, because of his status as a cadet quirrels as far as the eye can see. Tbe look in something other than a logo tee, a faded But for the many of us who has suffered platoon leader in R.O.T.C., and his prep~ra- am referring-to is that of the 'individual' pair of blue jeans, and flip flops. numerous embarrassing moments from hav- tion to become a future officer in the UOIte? tyle of a McDaniel student And if you genuinely feel that ing our cell phones ring du~ng the middle States Army, serves his National G_uard urut First let me ass a disclaimer to this Abercrombie's look is the one that best of class, putting the cell on vibrate serves as as the 290lhs MP Compan's officenn charge, ide before it is read. expresses you, there are cheaper versions a crucial option. also known as the O.I.C. Let me make it quite clear that I of Abercrornbiesque merchandise that 100 For McDaniel College junior Adam His main duties consisted of conducting m writing as a casual observer and in NO just as cute as the real thing and don't Hoffman, it is the only option. . pre-combat inspections on his troops, and AY mean to exalt myself or depict leave your waUet quite so llgtu. Hoffman finds it necessary to have his cell making sure that they had all of the ?ec~s- yself as having a higher level of fashion Now while the Abercrombie trend phone on vibrate at sary equipment needed to ~arry out their nus- onsciousness than anyone else. And I also may be gender neutral, this next trend all times due to his sron. tends to focus more specifically on our hould ass that there are always exceptions very hectic and de- Hoffman's unit male population. o the rule so this article may not even manding schedule. found themselves I am referring to the beat up, pply 10 you. . Hoffman, who in Eastern Balti- torn, stained, and sweaty baseball caps tha With that said and my consCIOUS is a full-time stu- more. Bowles seem to grace the heads of almost every statements lean. there are a few general dent at the college, Quarters. Their hat could be made about the apparel of boy at this school. some how, not mission was to be cDaniel College coeds. It's one thing if you are only manages a an advisor to an In- For one thing it looks as if supporting a team that you play on ?er~ part-time job off fantry unit. The but if you are just that much of a Michigan bercrombie campus, but also 290th MP Com- ampus. & Fitch threw up all over our State fan that you can't part with the cap takes on the re- pany was to In- long enough for it to be washed, than Not to bad mouth Abercrombie. I sponsibilities of struct the Infantry you've got a problem. nyselfthink that they produce very cute being a National ' unit on what they nd casual attire and have spent many an Guard Reservist as could and couldn't our in The Fitch looking through their well as a McDaniel College R.OTC c~det. do, if situations following t~e wrath o.f ~ur- icro minis, relaxed fit jeans and of course ...see Fashion, continued on Hoffman, who enlisted into the National ricane Isabel eluted to tooting and noting. Guard in 3 years ago in Columbia South The 290th MP Company, who was also to page 9 Carolina, while attending the University of serve as drivers, was originally wanted on South Carolina at Columbia, says, It is chal- the ground first, following their air insertion. lenging trying to juggle, school, ~ork; Unfortunately says Hoffman after all of the R.O.T.C, and the Guard, all at the same time; preparation and rehe~rsals, our mission got It wasn't until recently that Hoffman s scrubbed at the last minute. He adds, It turns schedule got a little more challenging and a out that they didn't need you." Hoffman says lot more hectic. that part of the reason is becaus~ there were On Wednesday, September 17, while already so many different agencies through- most of the McDaniel College community out Maryland at the site. was either fighting off any rumors that H~r- Hoffman says, All day, all we heard were ricane Isabel might pay Maryland a bnef fire trucks and police sirens. I also saw atl visit, others were stocking refrige~alor doors types of water rescues, mostly via boats and with milk and bread in preparation for the probable storm. Hoffman's plans, like others that day, took on a twist of its own. .. While sitting in his Political Institutions ~~~~~- C n~!uIanon10ilit Ntw Mtmoom f class, he felt his phone vibrate." Hoffma.n says I only answer my phone during class If 100% the train- Ph· K· S· a the ~umber that comes up is work, or t~e 1 appa 19m Guard." The number that appeared on hIS ~:.ts~~!~'l~~~J~t~~, phone was his work. . Ing in R.O.T.C. heJpedme prepare my After quickly, getting up and leaving cla.~s unu for the storm." to check his voice mail, Hoffman called hIS pe,~~~~l~,r'~~:';jl~~t,~:;":;~~re:; work to find out the situation." Hoffman's boss had called to inform him that the Na- R.O.T.C. about leadership. tional Guard had called looking for him, and . Zach Ambrose "Carroll's Best ~ 5 YEARS!!" McDaniel College Students recieve 10% OFF!! 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