Page 33 - Phoenix2003
P. 33
FEATURES Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 9 Seconds continued from your hair. I know thai you will woman over 20 years old who is FASHION, lose precious minutes of steep a bow in your hair look wearing more sophisticated and less like but it is well worth it. And not to an ingenue. beat a dead horse but if you add that I do I should t are you scared page 8. cannot be parted with your hat at believe our student body dresses all than by al1 means at least throw it in the laundry. The are very well and in general of? underside than a fat man's running nicely put together and that is of those hats smell funkier commendable. something Ijust shoes. yourself Speaking of hair want to remind you 100 express the best way you know accessories, girls the ribbons in how. Be that A & F or fishnet '1am scared of/ife the hair have got to go. Now, as I stockings. Always remember the said about the funkdified caps, if slogan you will see plastered on after college they are meant to support a team numerous tweens T-shirts. because I feel I am and promote spirit than I "People laugh at me understand. But if you are a because Iam different. I laugh not ready for it.• because the are all the same." - RachelTaylor '04 "My big fear would be death, it is a fear of the unknown .• - Jenn Parry '05 "1 have leamed to trust in God, so I don't fear anything or anyone because I know everything is in the Lord's control .• - Kennedra Tucker '05 '1am scared of a lot of things. Pit bulls, • - Jessica Watson '05 - William Reynolds'05 MICHAEL, continued from page 7. Aside form ROTC, Michael is also on the wrestling team, a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, and an active member of the Christian Fellowship. Challenge. which Michael called the "varsity However, ROTC takes up a bulk of his time. As a sport of ROTC." result of the mountain warfare school, Michael is now In October, schools from around the certified in basic mountaineering. Northeast will compete over a couple of days The "coolest" part of the school for Michael was in exercises thai include road marches, land the rock climbing, bUI it was intense up on the cliffs at navigation, rope bridges, and first aid. night. McDaniel has finished third and second over "You definitely made sure you were clipped in up the past two years and will be looking 10 there, especially when you had to switch lines," said finish first this time around. Michael. ''Those are real mountains in vermont, they make Michael participates in Ranger the ones around here look like hills ... it was really Challenge that relies on juniors for leadership. rewarding to make it to the top of the cliffs." "'[1 am scared of. ..J the real world because 1 Want your tUrn to be in the apotUght? no idea what 1 want to do want to h..".. a voice in 60 seconds? and 1 have lots of college loans to pay off," If .0, can Bayley at ext. IOS7 - Jeff Crowe '04 Week1I question: H_ heavily do you rely on the media for guidance?
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