Page 25 - Phoenix2003
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Volume XXVIII Number 3 Wednesday, October 8, 2003 Families Weekend Draws A Crowd To The Hill The Hidden Role of KATIE MARTIN News Editor SASS Parents, siblings, and other fam- the men's and women's soccer ily members of Me Daniel students teams, respectively. BRYAN RENBAUM were invited to campus this past Other activities held Saturday Staff Writer weekend for various events during morning included a presentation by our annual Families Weekend. Dean Liz Towle on living options, Activities began on Friday night an exhibit in the library on the life The basement of Wins tow Hall with CAPBoard's presentation of of William Roberts McDaniel, and is home to a small group of learn- hypnotist and mind reader, Chuck another presentation on intern- ing specialists who head the Stu- Milligan. ships, January Term, and Study- dent Academic Support Services "He was very entertaining. I abroad programs. Center. According to the center's wish they had events like that more A reception was held for par- director Kevin Selby, the mission often," said sophomore Lindsey ents of first-year students to meet of the Student Academic Support Schwartz. Guests were also en- the professors and peer mentors of Services (SASS), "is to help stu- couraged to check out the Pub and the first-year seminar program. "I dents with disabilities by provid- Coffeehouse, as both were kept got to meet two parents," said Busi- ing reasonable accommodations." open until! a.m. ness professor Susan Milstein. "The SASS has a very high rate On Saturday, tailgaters lined the "I think it [the reception] always of success in helping students," hill around Bair Stadium and fans goes well; it's nice for the parents Selby stated. Long lines in the packed the sidelines and bleachers to meet the professors and vice- waiting room and phones that rang of the field hockey and soccer versa." off the hook demonstrated the ac- fields, as many parents chose to However, Milstein added that curacy of his statement. spend their weekend attending the attendance at the event could A McDaniel ROTC member participates ill aile of many Some of the services thai SASS Green Terror sporting events. have been better if activities had training drills. See related RorC stories on page 2. provides include note-takers, alter- The football team was the only been better coordinated, for there native locations for exams, and McDaniel team to capture a win at were a number of other activities Westminster community also soundproof studying rooms. home, topping Ursinus 24-20 and sporting events that were oc- added to Saturday's Families vest Days at the Carroll County According to Selby, the great- However, after a close and excit- curringat the same time. Weekend activities. Parents and Farm Museum. est challenge for the center is ing game, the field hockey team fell "I happen to absolutely adore students were encouraged to check Families Weekend Activities "working with a high number of to Ursinus 2-1 in sudden death my freshmen seminar students, and wrapped up on Sunday with the students with a very small staff." overtime. 1 would have loved to meet more out the Farmer's Market in down- Ninth Annual Families Weekend This has become more of a chal- Ware- town Westminster, SERVE's Muhlenberg College and of their parents," she said. Golf Tournament lenge each year as the number of Franklin and Marshall also topped Organizations in the house Sale in New Windsor, or the students enrolled with SASS in- various activities during Fall Har- creases and (he staff size remains the same. There are only a hand- ful of full-time employees who run For The Green SASS, and they are faced with the task of advising hundreds difficult of students. Terror Battalion, Selby Another challenge discussed the by included how to handle diverse characteristics of the stu- There Will Be No Rest dent body. "Each student who comes here is a unique individual and ended around 5:00 p.m. •••see SASS, continued on NATESTARUN "Combat Lane" is a drill in- page 2 Staff Writer tended to simulate a combat patrol -_ - - -- in which juniors are given the For the past few weeks, ROTC cadets in the Green Terror Battal- chance to command squad-level first Inside ion have been going through rigor- groups in the field for their time while seniors observe and ana- ous military training, both on cam- lyze their performances. The pus and at FOri Indiantown Gap. twenty-person squads of cadets On Saturday, September 20, the two "op-for'' cadets trained in military maneu- were pined against force") opera- ean Maslinisa and Bryan (short for "opposing vers on the baseball fields and ~ellbaum confirm bad tives who ambushed around the 6th hole of the golf cautiously advanced them as they emocratic politics. the through course. wooded areas around the golf Senior Cadet Mark Denis ex- plained that the freshmen and course. Though not completely was ruzsina Nagy profiles Dr. balanced, the mock fighting sophomores were given a "crash valuable field experience for every- hristianna Leahy of course on everything," from one involved. ntemational Studies. PHOTO COURTESY OF weapon assembly to movement for- The next weekend, the cadets CHUCK MILLIGAN'S WEBSITE mations. They were expected to were shipped out to FOri Hypnotist and mind reader Chuck Milligan provided employ these skills serving as Indiantown Gap to participate in !Bayley Fannin introduces a entertainment during Families Weekend, courtesy of squad members during the "Com- ..•see TRAINING, reat start to the tennis CAPBaord. bat Lane" drill towards the end of continued on page 2 eason. the day, which began at 7:30 a.m.
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