Page 29 - Phoenix2003
P. 29
Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - Page 5 Democratic Disaster in the Field of Losers: The Running Democrats Good news to Republicans! It Graham aU announce their bid for Who will win? looks as if the Democratic parfy candidacy in the 2004 election. We will just have to wait and With a little over a year left be- country telting audiences tha is more worried about running There are ten people running for see. Hey I wonder if we can get ore the 2004 Presidential Election, President Bush is "a miserable fail against itself than you. just a shot to become President of Hillary to run too? t is becoming increasingly clear ure", and continues to accept en In a year where political dra- the United States. at none of the Democratic Prest- dorsements from corrupt labo mas have become commonplace( Where is the leadership of the -Sean Maslin is a enrial candidates are going to be unions. North Carolina's Joh Iam looking at you California) the Democratic party leadership telling ble to defeat President Bush. The Edwards may have the JFK 100 Democratic Presidential Nomina- these putzes they are only weaken- n challengers are mediocre at best but he lacks any substance. He is tion has become more of a battle ing the party? nd lack a proper vision for tort lawyer who makes his mane royal. Seriously, does Al Sharpton HAVE AN OPIN- merica. However, it is amusing by crippling businesses. With ten candidates currently think he has any chance of winning o explore their various candida- The final Senator in this race i. in the running (Yes, even light- when he is near the bottom in popu- ION? WANT ies. Florida's Bob Graham, a dull gu weights Dennis Kucinch and Carol larity. TO MAKE A RE- While most them are wasting if there ever was one. Moseley Braum) the Democrats Until writing this piece, I had eir time trying 10 obtain their Graham had used his previou are killing themselves before they never even heard Bob Kuchnich TALIATION arty's nomination, there are a few position as Chairman of the Sen run against Lord Bush. and when I first saw his picture T AGAINST A rontrunners. As of last week re- ate Intelligence Committee to tr This whole situation, as a lib- thought it was my Uncle Bob. Ap- ired four-star general Wesley Clark and undermine the Bus eral (I am a proud Green Party parently he is a real conservative, COMMENTARY? as leading all of his Democratic Administration's war on Terrorism member) has left me wonder if we which would not go over well with ivals in the polls. Clark's entrance and that is largely what his cam will ever get back into power. Socialists like me in the next elec- WRITE A LET- s rather peculiar given the fact that paign message is all about. It is not looking very good right tion. TER TO THE e has been a life long Republican Some of the lesser-known can now. Ifl am stuck between voting Gephardt is a loser ad so is nd a supporter of President Bush didates include Congressman Den for another Bush administration or Lieberman for sending the party to EDITOR? IF ntil ten days ago. nis Kucinich of Ohio. former Illi the Reverend Al Sharpton I think where it is today. SO, SUMBIT His top rival Former Vermont nois Senator Carol Mosley Braun I may just move to Canada. In this humble writer's opinion, overnor Howard Dean is a and the notorious Reverend Right now we have Dick the odds on favorite to win the ALL INQUIRIES taunch leftist who supports gay Sharpton. Gephnrdt. who as head of the nomination is retired General arriage and state sponsored These three candidates hay Democratic Party lost the major- Wesley Clark. TO JAMIE FAL- eaun care. not had much luck with regards t ity in the Senate and then quit the . As a political candidate, he has LOWS OR Unlike Clark, Dean has consis- poll numbers or financial support job a day later. Joe Liebennan? very little experience but his main ntly spoken out against the war They are even further from main Was Al Gore's running mate in strength is in foreign policy, which BRIAN n Iraq, instead of changing his stream thought than the other seve 2000, which most Democrats would give him strength against PATTERSON, osition to what is most popular in candidates. However, they refus would wish to forget about. Bush's bumbles in Afghanistan and given week. to exit the race at any cost. Then there is Howard Dean, Iraq CO-COMMEN- Massachusetts Senator John In conclusion, it is pretty obvi who is the former Governor ofVer- With the war on terrorism and erry resembles Clark with regards ous that the American peopl mont. Iraq still going on TARY EDITORS. a the fact the he lacks any charisma should just stick with Presiden Dean is hated by other Demo- I think it would be best if we nd keeps changing his position Bush. crats because he thinks the United had a President who had some mili- DROP OFF ALL ith regards to the war in Iraq. This is not just because the al States should take a more neutral tary experience and who would SUBMISSIONS Joe Lieberman of Connecticut ternatives are too horrible to can stance in the Middle Peace Process know what to do in the heat of the IN THE PHOE- s a good guy who will lose his template. bUI because he ha. (but we CANT not support Israel.) battle. aule for the nomination simply proven to be a true leader. Fron The list grows as folk such as Our current President has made NIX BOX AT ecause he is a centrist who lashes Afghanistan to Iraq, the Presiden Senators John Kerry(a veteran of a huge mistake with starring the ut at his party's more radical can- has made the right decisions tha the Vietnam War,) John Edwards Iraq war and I feel that the only way THE INFORMA- lidates. will ultimately make us all safer. (who I gave kudos to for announc- to fix this mess is by having some- TION DESK IN Class warrior Richard Gephardt -Bryan Renbaum is a ing his intention to run John one with a clear exit strategy that s constantly making a fool out Stewart's Daily Show;) and Bob works for all. DECKER. imself. He travels around the sophomore political science major Sayre, Seidel, and Webster: Parking Policy needs Changes! Occasionally, I read an article of $25/ticket results in the college eral." They'll try to displace blame : Marlin Collins said the problem you suggested? Don't you feel, in that both impresses and bothers grossing at least $65,000. [Note: on you: "Seidel said many students "is an idea of situation vs. policy. the name of fairness, that students me. I felt this way about Walter This estimate does not take into ac- receive tickets due to their own la- I have to do my job, or else chaos should have access to a docu- Zalis' commentary, "For Every- count the money grossed from fees ziness." Are you lazy? will occur in the lOIS." CHAOS! mented parking policy? thing There is a Reason," pub- for registered cars nor the increased Don't buy into this deception. See what I mean about deceptive Dr. Seidel, please answer my lished in the last issue of the Phoe- value of multiple tickets for one of- I say it's bullshit. Director ofCam- rhetoric? questions: You stated that "students nix. I was impressed by Zalis' fender.l There's your answer. The pus Safety, Mike Webster, stated in But J don't blame the tool; I get tickets because they park where thoroughness and analysis of the college is pilfering tens of thousands the Phoenix. "To park legally, stu- blame the tool-handler. Let those it is convenient." Do you feel the parking ticket situation on campus. of dollars out of student's pockets dents must park in a marked spot responsible be blamed. You admin- parking situation is inconvenient"? I was disgusted by his report of the in the name of profit. or on the grass along the stadium." tsrrarors, Sayre. Seidel, or whoever If so, what steps are you taking to increase of parking tickets. I was As Zalis pointed out, "After con- else, we're tired of your arcane rectify this? disgusted by the administrators' "Listen up people, the ad- suiting the parking rules ...there is policies. We want answers and You also suggested that "There comments. ministration. wants park- no mention of legal places to park changes. We're sick of you pilfer- are other [parking] spaces; they His article incited a number of on the grass." Does Webster know ing our money. So, address these simply aren't close enough to sat- questions. ing violations, the more the policy? concerns: isfy students." Where are these Zalis reported that "about the better. That's why Ultimately, the end result of Mike Webster, please answer "other spaces?" 2.600 tickets were handed out as their policy is so vague." these tickets is profit for the col- Zalis' question: "How can one pos- Do you really believe that we, of March" last year, almost an lege, at the expense of students. sibly distinguish between legal the students. are witling to risk a 100% increase from 1998-99. Now I ask you: what is a more ef- grass spots when there is no rule minimum $25 charge to park, oh Zalis suggests reasons for suc~ a You can be sure, the administra- fective means to that end. a specific set fonh for grass spots?" Further- say, 50 yards closer to classes? If gross increase in tickets '. I thl~k tion will disguise their motive. and clear policy or an unspecified more, why did you refer to a rule you do, then I believe you are fool- use deceptive rhetoric. the answer rests quite obVIOusly III They'l! exaggerate and perhaps lie, and unclear policy? Listen lip that does not exist? ish. They'll the numbers themselves. people, the administration wants Dean Sayre, please answer my Evaluating these statistic~ as as I saw in Zatis' article. They'll parking violations, the more the questions: How can an undocu- modestly as possible, 2600 tick- claim the ticketing policy is "overly better. That's why their policy is men ted and arbitrary policy be -Bradley Groover is a ets last year at the minimum value fair" and "fair, and perhaps too lib- so vague. "fair, and perhaps too liberal," as junior philosophy major
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