Page 23 - Phoenix2003
P. 23
SPORTS Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page II NCAA Football Blame Game PATD'TOOLE State freshman records with 1,237 whole. What they are forgetting is Assitant Sports Editor rushing yards and 18 touchdowns. that the National Title system is run He scored the game-winning by the BCS, not the NCAA, and The scene used to be wide- touchdown in the Buckeyes' 31- therefore the NCAA could have no spread: a college football player 24 overtime win over the highly authority over the title. messes up and his school and favored Miami Hurricanes at the Instead of backing Clarett up, coaches do their best to cover up Fiesta Bowl. And at the first sign Ohio State has decided to let him the situation. The organizations of trouble in his personal life, his take the fall on his own to save their used to put the players before team suspends him from the en- own skins. But who can fully themselves. But something has tire 2003 football season. After all blame the organization and its changed with the new millennium. of his success and leadership, Ohio coaches? As of late, the media has Oh yeah. college football players State is as loyal to Clarett as they reported every negative detail it are still messing up. Big rime. But are to a homeless man on the cor- can get its hands on. One can only in a day and age when the media ner. No, wait, they might actually imagine the negative publicity that and NCAA officials are so quick offer the hobo some assistance. would be associated with the team to point the finger, organizations So what caused the Buckeyes taking Clareu's side. They don't and coaches are starting a new to tum their back on their star? As even want to risk the blame being trend: you mess up. we don't even outrageous as it seems, Ohio put on them. know you. State's glory was Maurice Clarett's If the head coach had stood up That's the position Ohio State downfall. The same National Title for his player, he would have risked took with runningback Maurice that Clarett led the Buckeyes 10 is an all-out inquiry into his personal Claren after he allegedly falsified now the cause of their ferocity to- life: does he gamble, does he go to a police report, claiming that he wards him. Because Ctaren's of- strip clubs, does he drink? Ohio had lost over $10,000 in items fense occurred in 2002, before the State coach Jim Tressel had no in- when his car was broken into. Buckeyes won their National Title, tentions of risking his neck for one No one can say that this wasn't the university is worried that the of his players. Loyalty? What's The football field goal post was damaged from Hurricane a stupid mistake, but is it worthy title may be in jeopardy. By sus- loyalty? He'd rather wait until next Isabel's strollg winds. of tarnishing an undoubtedly pro- pending Clarett from the 2003 sea- season to pick up a new hot high lific future? After all, Clarett son, Ohio State is hoping that the school recruit than worry about played a big part in Ohio Slate's NCAA will not take any actions tainted goods. National Title run. He set Ohio against the organization as a Football Team Loses Another Close Battle was no good, veering off to the left game for the Terror offense to try LYDIA of the uprights. and regain the lead. Staff Writer Nate Oetchcrt, McDaniel's The Terror offense was unsuccess_ place kicker, broke a school-record lui in scoring again, but lhedefcnse The stands were lined with um- streak of 31 successful extra point held the Captains scoreless for the brellas while the rain poured on attempts with the miss. rest of the game. Tn the Saturday afternoon. Wet field conditions may have loss, McDaniel quarterback Orion The McDaniel Green Terror took played a part in the miss. Canine completed nearly 70% of on the Christopher Newport Cap- With the score 6-0 heading into his passes for a total of 109 yards. tains. the fourth quarter, the Captains tied Omar Phillips lead the defense Despite a rocky start, the Ter- the game with a 65-yard drive in with eleven tackles, including one ror opened the third quarter with a 14 plays, while running 6:20 off the sack. full head of steam. clock. Scoring the touchdown for Although the Green Terror's Scoring thecnly touchdown for the the Captains was Thomas record is now 0-2, they have lost Terror was Dave Posin, who turned Thornton. giving the Captains the both games by a combined four a fourth and three charge into a 30- lead with a successful extra point points. yard run to put points on the board. by Jason Broskie. The attempt at the extra point Ten minutes remained in the Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett has found himself abandoned by his team 100;0 off with McDaniellD! HEADS -N- THREADS Glass and Apparel The Green Terror defense swarms to the 2B Bond st. Christopher Newport ball-carrier during the team's hardfought battle.
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