Page 24 - Phoenix2003
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t:MBR mrmr Volume XXVIII Number II SPOIn'S Wednesday September 25, 2003 Page 12 Cross Country Teams Start on Right Foot -Upcoming any of our top seven runners could finish in the conference, which was their previous ROB GOEKE first," said Coach Renner. S!afjWriter best. Sports The concept of "packs" plays an impor- Finishing first at Anne Arundel and third tant role in Cross Country. It looks optimistic for the The team's best runners often run close at the Green Terror XC Challenge, the team Schedule- McDaniel Cross Country teams. together throughout most of the race and is off to a solid stan. it one race at a time and "We are taking then kick into their highest gear when they we are trying to improve each week," said Saturday. Sept. 27 Though a very simple statement, it near the finish line. Coach Renner. Men's Soccer desribes the mood of both the men's and The top seven finisher's places for each Like the women, the men's team has re- women's squads. team are added together and whatever team ceived contributions from their younger vs. Marymount, 3:30 pm A strong recruiting class on both sides has team lowest score wins. members. Hugus won the first meet and fin- Women's Soccer should forcast a bright future for the teams. Therefore, a close pack will aid a team ished second at the following one. vs. Bryn Mawr, 1:00 pm But much can be accomplished this year. in garnering a low score. Freshman Ben Brown finished sixth over- The women's side has had two consecutive The women's team depth makes for a all and second on the team at Anne Arundel. Volleyball years of strong additions to the team. very close pack. This will aid them as the Freshman Matt Rouse, Regan and Wood- vs. Messiah, Noon "Of our top ten runners, nine are fresh- season progresses. ward men and sophomores," said Head Cross During the 1999 season, the women's Arundel. all placed in the top twenty at Anne Wednesday. Oct. 1 Country Coach Doug Renner. team won the Centennial Conference with "We have strong team chemistry and we Men's Soccer This has made the learn very young. the help of All-American runner Jill Krebs. are off to a good start," said Woodward. vs. Dickinson, 4:00 pm But the team has run without inexperi- However, with the depth the team has, ence thus far, winning at the Anne Arundel this squad could improve upon the 1999 Hugus, coming off a successful freshman Volleyball year, has only improved since then. Invitational and placing second at team's accomplishments. "Thus far, Paul has not been beaten by a vs. Susquehanna, McDaniel's own Green Terror XC Challenge ''This team is better depth-wise than the non-Division I runner," said Coach Renner. in consecutive weeks. 1999 team. Right now, the challenge is to The mix of experience and youth will only 7:00pm Sophomore Natasha Young took first get the team to believe that they can take help the team as the season goes on. Saturday. Oct. 4 place at Anne Arundel while the team fin- the next step," said Coach Renner. As long as the team can keep its runners Football ished first. At the second meet, freshman The team has much work to do in build- healthy enough for meets, a conference fin- vs, Ursinus, 1:00 pm Lianne Price finished first on the team and ing up towards the Conference meet as well ish above fifth place is not out of the ques- eighth overall. asthe NCAA regional, but the team mem- tion. Men's Soccer Senior Jennifer Pullen also finished in the bers feel like they can improve. "When we run with all of our guys on the vs. Muhlenburg, lap twenty in both meets. These strong show- "We would like to win the conference or course, we can improve on last year's." re- ings prove that the learn is taking steps in be in the top three," said Young. sults," said Hugus. 1:00pm the right direction. The men's team outlook is equally posi- Overall both the men and women of Field Hockey "We have improved since last year. The live. McDaniel Cross Country look to work hard team is progressing," said Sophomore After some injuries last season, the team and have a triumphant season. vs. Ursinus, 1:00 pm Kristen Aversa. is looking to improve as well as keep healthy. Coach Renner added, "My assistant [Tory Women's Soccer Though the team has much potential, its Led by Seniors John Regan, Calvin Smithland I have particularly enjoyed coach- real strength may be its depth. Woodward and Sophomore Paul Hugus, the ing these groups of student athletes. It will vs. F & M, 11:00 am "It is hard to pick one standout runner squad is looking to finish higher than fifth be a fun season for both groups." [for the women's team). On any given day, Despite Losses, Men's Soccer Still has High Spirits AMAUE SHAFFER Staff Writer After falling to Messiah College 7-0 on Defibaugh made it clear that there will September 10th, 2003, the Men's soccer be strong competition in the Centenial Con- team still seems to have their heads on ference. The team will need to bring a high straight. level of play in every remaining game. Directly after the game there were many disappointed players. "The best way to learn is to lose and see our mistakes," said ~fibaugh. But according to Coach Ryan Defibaugh, Having lost to Messiah has helped the frustrated spirits did not last long. team see their mistakes and grow. the The team knew there were other games to play. The team is young and will need time to feel each other out and build team chemis- Messiah is one of the best teams that the Green Terror Soccer will face this season, try. Difibaugh explained that it is still early as they are the defending champions of their in the season and with the new players ev- respective conference. eryone is still trying to playas a unit on the "Obviously the team was distraught af- field. ter the game but we looked at it [the game] "We are a young team ... we are going to as we did positives," said Defibaugh. have these bumps .ln the season," said Beating GOUCher 4-1 on September 17 helped to raise the teams' spirits. Defibaugh. Sophomore Paul Hugus has emerged as a leader The soccer team's first conference game Although the squad has lost three games the coach season, for McDaniel's Cross Country Team. was Saturday, September 20th, which the thus far in the young all have high goals. and players respectively Terror won, 1-0, over Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Defibaugh commented, "I am expecting a lot from our team." {"I"~ .,..,.,.._/0
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