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Wednesday. October 8, 2003 - Page 6:_ _::C:.O::..:M.:::M=E::N..:..:T.:_~_=R::..:Y ,""'==-""''''''==='''''_'''''l Staff Jet-setting: Editors-In-Chief Poetry Corner Erin Romanski '04 LeRoy McDuffie '05 Budapest My Cavern The Good Old Days News Editor style Katie Martin '06 I was once a solid block of stone. Whatever happened to the good old days Now 1 feel the years of erosion washing me when I lived without a care, Features Editor away. when all I needed was my steadily growing Budapest. which is the capital of Hun Laura Petersen '06 Inside of me is a cavern that grows larger imagination and some Play-Doh, gary, is a beautiful. historical city. every day. My heart used to when 1 could pick a dandelion for my It offers many picturesque places an Commentary Editors I am empty mommy and say, "Happy Mother's Day," monuments during the day, and plenty 0 when school was as easy as my ABCs and Jamie Fallows '06 nap time, bars, clubs and cas every night of the week Brian Patterson '05 when love was sharing cookies and juice with This city is also the host of the bigges little Stephen, and one of the most important music festi vats of Europe: the Sriget (lsi and). Sports Editor when I didn't have to worry about my fu- It is a small island in the heart 0 ture, Ryan Brod '06 Budapest that is packed for a week wit when every day was an adventure, from al when someone was always there to make my more than 60 thousand people Assistant Sports Editor When fears go away? around the world. Pat O'Toole '07 the feelings you have for someone Budapest is also known for its hot sp during th aren't returned, Whatever happened to the good old days that became part of the culture empire. 100 year reign of the Turkish Advertising Manager you feel abandoned, when I was innocent, happy, and free? If you are in Budapest you cannot mis Dirk Sampselle '06 alone. -All poetry was submitted by Jamie FaUows taking a walk on Margaret-Island. This green island, on the Danub Subscriptions Manager River, divides the two historical one. towns Buda and Pest, that later became Katie Martin '06 Throughout the country visitors ca IF YOU WOULD LlKE TO find the rich Hungarian art and architec Photographers _ ture which is laced with Romanesque Stefanie Lilly '06 SUBMIT POETRY TO THE Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau influ Fruzsina Nagy '04 PHOENIX, SEND IT TO ences. has one of the finest fol The country Jenn Parry '05 JAMIE FALLOWS, BOX 1190 traditions in Europe, producing exeellen examples of embroidery, pottery, ceilin Copy Editor and wall paintings, and objects carved fran Deshawn McNeil '04 wood or bone. Because of low CUIl-eIlCY exchange rate Hungary is a bargain overall for Amen Senior Writers cans. Christi anna D. Bagby '04 A cheap meal can cost anywhere fro Fruzsina Nagy '04 Tribute to Johnny Cash: A $2-$4, or a mid-range meal only $4-$8 an Robbie Saville '04 a meal at one of the best restaurants en Rock N' Roll Legend Planet. Walter Zalis '04 cost $8 and upwards, according to Lonel are: rl Hungarian Most known dishes Staff Writers When the name Johnny Cash is brought (stew, and what everyone calls 'goulash Bayley Fannin '05 up there is only word to describe him: leg- delegate to you what you should do when abroad); guls (a thick beef soup); and has it's coming from way in here [taps heart]. Rob Goeke '0 7 end. Iwouldn't let anybody influence me into (spicy fish soup cooked with paprika,joka Brad Grover '05 But even legends are mortal thinking I was doing the wrong thing by bablel'es(bean soup), hideg gyumolcsleve. Cash's mortality was shown on Septem- (cold fruit soup made from sour cherry) Sean Maslinisa ber 12th, 2(}()3, when at the age of 71, he singing about death, hell and drugs. 'Cause palacsinta (stuffed crepes. 0 Bryan Renbaum '06 succumbed to diabetes. I've always done that. Wine isn't difficult to find, but the hes And 1 always Nate Starun '07 Although Cash is no longer with us, in a interview shortly will," Cash told ones come from Eger, the city of heavy before his death his presence in the music world and our Although Cash is mainly known for his strong red wine, and Tokay, the home a culture will never be forgotten. sweet white wine. Adviser work in the I960s and I970s, many students While Cash mainly was considered to The beer is also good and cheap ($1 Terry Dalton have been influenced by his music, in terms be a country artist, his songs and his per- glass), and the brandy (linka) strong. of rock musicians. sonality transcend musical boundaries. He is right up there with Elvis and The Hungary is affordable for foreign rrav He was the first punk rocker, the first Beatles. elfers. musician to go against the trend. "He has had an impact on music that it According to Lonely Planet, if you sta The Phoenix is published biweekly. The opin- He has in the recent past been covering in private rooms, eat at medium-priced res ns expressed do not necessarily represent those or tunes from Nine Inch Nail's 'Hurr'(which is very tragic that some of us are only learn- taurants and travel 2nd-class on (rains, on e Phoellixstaif, the faculty, or the administrators of was nominated for four MTV music ing of all that he has done after he dies," might only spend about US$25 a day with cDaniclCo!Jege. says freshman Sebastian Williams. awards) to Soundgarden's 'Rusted Cage.' out scrimping. The paper welcomes free-lance submissions 011 "It feels like when you read his lyrics acinlOShdisksinmostwonl~fonnats. The in the I950s while rockabilly was king, and listened to his music you feel like he is On and did 1 mention the drinking ag itoes reserve the right toedit for clarity, length, and Cash was writing and singing about darker talking to you. is only l8? And of course no one check bel and to publish as space permits. All submissions things than surfing. If you are having problem it feels like he lD. xcluding self-addressed diskettes) become the prop- With his baritone voice, he belted out is going through the same things. Y of T11l!Phoenix and cannot be returned. the words, "I shot a man in Reno just to Any time music speaks to you, you know Plea<;einciudeanameandphonenumberforveri- watch him die." it is good music," says freshman Chris cation. Names will be withheld only by the discre- He was never a showman, never had a on of the Editors-in-Chief flashy style. Howard. The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age, It was just him on the stage with a We all mourn the loss of Johnny Cash as religion, gender, sexual orientation, national 00- a human being and as an artist. .condition of handicap, orrnarital status. simple bass and guitar telling experiences He has left an impact on all music like about his life. no other. Mail to: That was the charm of Cash, what you The Man in Black's spirit will always live The Phoenix saw is what you got and you know what on through his music and those that he in- McDaniel College, 2 CoUege Hi!! he was saying was the truth. fluenced. Westrninstcr,MD21157 And he never let anyone else tell him (410)751-8600 differently. Fruzsina Nagy is a senior with a FAX: (410) 857-2729 "Do what you do. You can't let people E-Mail: -Sean Maslin is a oumalisrn minor.
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