Page 22 - Phoenix2003
P. 22
Wednesday, September 24, 2003 - Page 10 SPORTS Women's Golf Steadily Improving Tournament win bodes well for future Another weakness that is currently affect- golf courses the team will be playing on are LINDSAY GRAHAM Malkiewicz shooting an 83. SraffWriter ing the team is that coach Diehl has not seen completely new to them may also hinder Every player had played to their poten- the three freshmen play very much. He needs their game in some way. After five years of existence, the The Terror made their way up to the tial and many players rebounded on the back McDaniel Women's Golf team has been get- Kutztown Invitational on September 5 and nine after having trouble on the front nine. ting better every year, according to Head Even though coach Diehl is excited about all three freshmen made their college tour- Coach Mike Diehl. The 2003 Fall season is nament debut. the team's first win this year he still sees apparently no exception. Cramp won the tournament with an 83. room for improvement. "I was actually very excited to get this Pumphrey came in third overall with an 88 He is taking it one tournament at a time year started because of the new people that and Coach Diehl believes that she still has and working with his team on the next tour- were coming in," coach Diehl explains. more potential. nament in Cortland, New York. He will have three new players in Chris- "Garnett has struggled the past couple of He wants his team to focus on Cortland tine Malkiewicz. Lindsay Graham and Bryn years, in which she was getting acclimated and also St. Lawrence, which is known to Szesze, tojoin retumingjuniors Kelly Cramp to college golf. I think she's gonna have a have a very good team. and Garnett Pumphrey and sophomores real good year and play up to her potential," The win at the Lehigh Invitational is al- Britany Bowen and Kelly Tewes. says coach Diehl. ready out of the golfers' minds and they are It looks and sounds like the Green Terror Overall, McDaniel finished third with a thinking to next week when they play in the are in for a good season with the number one score of376, which turned out to be the low- Cortland Invitational. Coach Diehl thinks and two players, in Cramp and Pumphrey, est the team has shot together at that golf that next year is the year that they can get gaining experience. course, says Diehl. Lehigh University would into the national spot light. They are also acting as coach Diehl's as- But right now he is concentrating on the take the win, with a 351, followed by sistanr coaches who can assist the freshmen Kutztown University, with a 370, and Mount Cortland Invitational and a week later on the with things that are both golf related and non- St. Mary's College coming in last, with a Mt. Holyoke Invitational which he says can golf related. 388. give the Terror more of a national spot light if they do well in the tournament. Right now the team has a few minor David Sinclair The three freshmen did not playas well weaknesses that can be overcome quickly. as they would have liked, but Diehl says that One of the key weakness's that is currently he took in the "freshman factor" of it being affecting the team is a back injury to Bowen. their first tournament. Interested Because of this back injury she is not able Golfer Kelly Cramp follows Coach Diehl was "pleasantly surprised" to play in tournaments or go to any practice. through on her put. by the way his girls played at the Lehigh in sports Coach Diehl is unsure of when she will be Invitational in Allentown, Pennsylvania. able to return playing but so far her absence The Terror won, behind Cramp and photography from tournaments has not hurt the team but to see them play in order to learn about them Malkiewicz, by two strokes over Mount St. getting Bowen back healthy will only make and fix some of their problems, whether they Mary's. Cramp had shot a 77 at a course she or sports the Terror stronger. be minor or major. The fact that most of the had never seen and the same with writing? Those Damn Yankees The Phoenix is looking for Why I hate them ...and why you should a copy editor with good Call with -the lack of recent Championships, grammar, punctuation, and Ryan@ RYAN BROD which the Yanks have not won since 2000. I Sports Editor spelling skills. For more in- extension find this hilarious. Please tell me I'm not the only one W)lO Take, for example, the Boston Red Sox, formation, please contact 8385 hates the New York Yankees. who's last Championship came in 1918. There has not been a more dominant team According to my math skills, thats 85 Erin Romanski at x8266 or or Pat @ in all of professional sports over the last cen- years. Steinbrenner needs to be put on some stop by one of our weekly tury than the Bronx Bombers. sort of tranquilizer. extension They have won an unrivaled 26 World Secondly, the Yankees fans are just as meetings, Monday nights at Series Championships, four since 1996. spoiled as good 01' Mr. Steinbrenner. Dur- 8193 The Yankee pinstripes are known around ing home games at the Stadium, many of the 7 in the basement of the world, and the team has one of the larg- 70,000 seats are filled. Rouzer. est fan-bases of any sport franchise. When the beloved Yanks are winning or This being said, let me present to you the playing well, the fan noise can be deafen- reasons why they are (especially in my opin- ing. ion) easy to hate. But when the Yankees are losing (shock- First of all, George Steinbrenner, one of ingly), you could be sitting in the upper deck the most arrogant, cocky, and shameless men and hear it pin drop on home plate. on the planet, is the Yankees majority owner. It's strangely intriguing how the cocky Steinbrenner has helped transform baseball and spoiled nature of the organization can from America's pastime to a large market rub off on its' fans. entertainment organization. For me, the real fan is the Devil Rays His relationship with management has al- season ticket holder, who shows- up to every ways been suspect and he is quick to talk game to cheer on his team, disregarding that negatively about his players. they don't have a snowballs chance in hell Why, then, does his team continue to suc- of making the playoffs. ceed? Simple. Steinbrenner and the Yan- Thirdly, through it all, the Yankees always kees have the money to land baseball's most win. There is nothing more frustrating than prized free agents, many of which come to watching the big-market, cocky organiza- New York as aging veterans with hopes of tions beat up on the competition year after getting a WOJld Series ring. year. Steinbrenner, who has a fiery temper and Last years World Series, while not impenetrable shell of arrogance with the recieving high television ratings in compari- media, can be seen watching the Yankees in son with other years, was extremely refresh- his press box. ing solely because the Yankees were not in- When the Yankees are struggling, it's volved. amusing to watch Steinbrenner talk to him- Maybe I just love to hate the team that self, squirming in his seat. . - always wins, or maybe the New York Yan- Roger Clemens and the Yankees continue to be one It was rumored that current Yankee man- kees deserve the hatred on a much higher ager Joe Torre's job was in jeopardy this sea- level. of the greatest franchises in the history of team Apparently Steinbrenner was fed up spans.
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