Page 92 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 4 NEWS Two new Board of ment according to Dr. Seidel is the size of occur this summer and estimated that "they lots will Dr. Seidel said work on parking College to the eleven compared McDaniel spaces." in the Centennial professors to Trustees to other schools schools are 400-500 Conference, will add at least 200 parking to increase en- In the end, the decision students as several larger .. rollment will be made by the Board of Trust- He stated "You can be too small and you join English decide on can be too big, we don't wantto be too small, ees, but SGA President Jamin Bartolomeo will have a student vote. What does the SGA President think about is about." that is what the whole discussion He said, "I am kind of in the concerns Department enrollment with a discussion of increasing that surface the proposal? the students ...I don't mind the There are several it is ok as long as they ac- I think middle, enrollment regarding commodate the effects it will have on residence and as long as class sizes are 10% increase increase halls, parking, and other facilities. does still small, but Ido not want to see the school Jamln Bartolomeo SGA President Since late November 0[2002 the English not to think the residence halls will become too big because I like the small atmosphere." that by Dr. Seidel It was emphasized more crowded, but instead will be more department underwent the lengthy task of KATIE MARTtN "space friendly." He said "Ironically, I think "there is no suggesting we increase the stu- hiring two new English professors. While Assislant News Editor the living situation will be better because dent body with the current facilities" and that the entire process wrapped up on Thursday, The current undergraduate enrollment they can now spread people into the North "the upper end range of student growth won't February 13, the new professors will not be here at McDaniel of 1,615 students could be Village and the other buildings will be less happen unless facilities grow." announced until they are officially hired. increased by about 10% over the next five dense." There is a Campus Facilities Master Plan The need for the new English professors that is also to be voted on by the Board of years, a decision to be made by the Board of Dr. Seidel echoed this by saying "with came last spring when Dr. Erin Smith, who Trustees that according LO Dr. Seidel, details Trustees in upcoming months. all of the new residence halls they are just taught Professional Communication and plans for facilities here on campus, includ- This enrollment increase proposal is in- trying to fill the beds that they are building." Advanced Composition, left to pursue other eluded in the five-year Strategic Plan forthe With the opening of apartments in the ing the addition and renovation of residence job opportunities. It was then determined college. The plan will be preliminarily pre- North Village in January and more opening halls, the Gill Center, Harlow Pool, the Pub, that not one professor would be needed to sented and discussed at the Board of Trust- in the fall, the six total buildings are a huge and Englar Dining Hall. fill her shoes, bUI two, due to the difficulty ees Meeting on February 22nd and then addition to housing space for students here Such changes would allow the college to of the classes that Dr. Smith was teaching. voted on at the April Meeting. on campus. increase the number of students here on cam- The search for replacements began in The Strategic Plan that has been in place Parking is another issue, that could be pus as they could then provide adequate fa- New York City at an English convention. Dr. for the last five years also included an in- worsened by the addition of students. How- cilities and services. Leroy Panek was one of the professors from crease in enrollment, a much larger increase ever, Dr. Seidel explained "As soon at the While the increase of enrollment by 10% McDaniel College that attended the conven- may seem like a large number of students to that took enrollment from about 1,300 to the city is done with the project on Union Town tion and interviewed the prospective profes- current 1,600 students. Road, they will do a major expansion of add to such a small campus, it is important sors. At the convention, twenty candidates According to Dr. Ethan Seidel, vice presi- Harrison Parking Lot, totally redoing it." to remember that this will occur over five were interviewed and were then narrowed dent of finance and administration, such in- There is also a possibility of the addition years. According to estimates made by Dr. down to a total of eight; four professors for creases "allow for a more diversified student' of parking over in the North Village area be- Seidel, one can expect to see about only 40- each class. body" and "aid in student interaction." cause of the number of students that will now 50 new faces in addition to the freshmen The next part of the process involved the Another reason for an increase in enroll- be traveling from there. class here on The Hill next fall. eight selected professors participating in hour long interviews held here at McDaniel. Every professor in the English department met the candidates while they completed their interview, which included teaching a sample class. This process as a whole has fn recognition of the federal commuter students, faculty or staff who may nity in the event of new developments. If yo taken up a lot of each professons time. ovemmenr's current designation of elevated need to stay overnight. The McDaniel Web have concerns or suggestions, please call 0 "It's exhausting," Panek laughed. "We t level, all members. of tbe McDaniel site at will be periodi- e-mail the Dean of Student Affairs (41 0-857 have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with them ge community should beewere thatthe cally updated to keep parents and others. on 2242 or or the De so that the English department can really get ollege has a plan under which it operates campus and off, informed during the course pertmenr of Campus Safety (410-857-220 to know them." n times of emergency. The well-being of out of the emergency and for as long as it is prac- or In addition to the presence of the English tudents and campus community is and wiJI tical. Like the rest of the nation. the Colleg professors, Dean Philip Sayre sat in on the outinue to be the driving force of all activi- In the event of an actual emergency the community is well advised to be in a state 0 sessions as the Affirmative Action Liaison. ies in an emergency. campus community will be notified through readiness. Students and employees should g His purpose was to ensure that the TIle plun provides guidelines for handling the phone mail. e-mail, and the McDaniel about their normal business but should se interviewees were not asked anything that ower failures, water shortages, weather College Web site. Students should lake re- port any suspicious activity to the Depart would offend them based on race, sex, or mergencies. and other contingencies, It pro- sponsibility for regularly checking their e- mem of Campus Safety by dialing ext. 2202 religion. ides a structured response to be followed mail. In order to receive campus-wide e-mail Should an emergency arise, please be sur Once all of the individuals have been in- n the event of emergency and was cevel- announcements, students must have a Col- to: terviewed, they are ranked based on the ped under the guidance of [he College's lege e-mail account. which may be obtained professoris personal feelings towards the etery Committee. The College has on hand from the Office of Information Services in candidates and the students response to them. he necessary supplies for use during an the: middle level of Decker Center. Instruc- For the candidates that are ranked the high- mergency. tions for automatic forwarding of e-mail est, it is then up to Dean Samuel Case to Prctessioaals on staff are trained to su- messages from a College account to another present the job offer lO them. Whether they account are available from Information Ser- choose to join the English department or not vioes or on tbeCoUege Web site. is uncertain, however Panek hopes the top Please be aasured we.will eommuaicate choices will accept. ~.aIlOlOll1lioll:Bof""eom_ Indicating that an important addition will be made to the English department, Panek concluded, "I am absolutely pleased with the selection." The two new professors will start teaching in the Fall of 2003. Faculty and Staff! What's going on in Seats five, has 53 cubiC your department? feet of cargo space, and Anything that is available with 180 hp and a 6-speed manual deserves recognition? shift. Even evolution If so, contact The can't fully explain it. Phoenix at x8600. CC(l210V0'T1l~OR$oII..ES.U.sAINCI!IJCKI.fIP OIllrFOllTK':JSl;WHO~CM:YCU 'i6FlPltatllES CiEt..'VElIV.I'IIOCESSING.oNCHANClJto:>I'e£.E'lCQ.\JDE$TAX. lI'!lE.LaNSI:.~~~~REQl.lFl£D w..ruENT~DEoIU!IPRlaW."_
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