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FEATURES Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 9 ~ Preview: 'rrhe Threepenny Opera" McDaniel's stand on ~ "There is no Affirmative Action STACI GmRGE better way Assistant Commentary Edi/Or have many more applicants than I'd like to TARA DELLAF'RANZIA Imagine a play that draws par- comeback." spaces." allelisms between Nazi Germany, "It's in- CommelHary Editor O'Connell also describes the in- Margaret Thatcher's 1981 En- teresting Like McDaniel, many schools terest on our campus to make our gland, the punk movement, and how you have administrations that pride college experience one of diversity. the United States in 2003. take bits of themselves on creating a diverse The Board ofTrustees, faculty, and This is what the cast of The your charac- environment for their students by the Presidentfs Cabinet have been Threepenny Opera has been cre- ter and ap- encouraging campus communities particularly motivated to encourage ating since the last week of Jan- ply it to your that include African-Americans campus diversity. Instead of using term when they were rehearsing real life and and other groups and races'rhm are more discriminatory methods, eight hours a day, said Elizabeth how you commonly classified as minorities. O'Connell asserts that McDaniel's van den Berg, director and profes- take your Over our schoous break, the Uni- marketing often targets minorities sor of theatre arts. real life and versity of Michigan received na- with advertisements. Kurt Weill and Bertolt put it into tional attention when President She also believes thai minori- Brecht's The Threepenny Opera is Bush made remarks on the issue of ties who have had positive experi- your charac- based on the 17th century play quotas being debated at that ences at McDaniel have had a great ter," said McDaniel'sjinesl reherse endlessly /0 pili on The Beggar's Opera by John Gay. school. impact on increasing minority en- Pero trying Weill and Brecht adapted Gay's to explain what its is like to playa play that would reflect the politi- The University of Michigan, a rollment by word of mouth. She play to have the same story line character very different from him- cal events of today. Van den Berg large school, uses a point system says: "It is still a difficult decision and added political commentary self. says The Threepenny Opera is a in their admissions process. The for a minority student from a pre- to make audiences think. Senior Amy Hyde plays Polly play she has always liked. It is a more points a studen's record can dominantly minority school and Van den Berg's show is set in 'and describes her character as acquire in the admissions process, community environment to choose London in the year 1981.She said "pure and innocent until she meets complex play she wanted to ex- the more likely that student is to a college and community like ours plore for a long time. the story could be understood on MacHeath and starts to take con- Confident that she, the cast, and be granted admission. Tbe contro- that is predominantly white. The two levels. First, the very simplis- trol of her life and becomes corrupt production staff could adapt The versy over admissions occurs be- more students are happy and suc- tic plot where MacHeath, a crimi- like everyone else.t'The second Threepenny Opera into a play that cause minority students are given cessful here, the more they will rec- nal "mob boss" ruler of the under- level is the other elements that would reflect the political events of extra points because the school ommend it to others" world, meets and seduces Polly, make the audience think about a today, Van den Berg selected to di- wishes to add diversity. However, As for scholarships, O'Connell the daughter of the King of deeper meaning. rect this complex play.She warns this can also be seen as discrimi- maintains that they are academi- Beggar's. The father does not Van den Berg wants the audi- that this show is not for children nation toward white students, who cally based and "never awarded want MacHeath with his daugh- ence members to, "Ask what does due to its sexual and violent con- are ineligible for the extra points. only on the basis of race." Admis- ter so Mac Heath and Polly run that mean. They may not know. But tent. McDaniel's Dean of Admis- sions would like to continue to away. Her parents go after them hopefully they'll think about it." The show runs February 28, sions, Marty O'Connell, has of- make efforts to include more mi- and try to get him locked up. These other elements include March 1,2,6,7 and 8. All shows fered comments on the issue as it nority students so that McDaniel Playing MacHeath is senior slides from various time periods of starts at 8 p.m. and are in the pertains to our school. "We have might better represent the diversity Albert Pero, who recently re- that exists in our country. 1981 England, Nazi Germany, and Alumni Hall mainstage. the luxury, with a pool of applicants turned to McDaniel College after present day United States to show Tickets for The Threepenny just over 2,000, of being able to Through student and school taking some time off from stud- created groups and programs such how history repeats itself. Opera are $8 for the McDaniel review each one individually, so we ies at (what was then) Western as the Black Student Union, the Faculty discussion of the 2002- College Community/Senior Citi- do not rely on a point scale," she Maryland Collge. study abroad programs, and the 2003 school year productions took zens/Students and $10 for general explains. "Typically this system is Excited about the show and his place shortly after the September used for schools with very large Office of Multicultural Services, return \0 the school's theatre de- II attacks. Vall den Berg recalls the admission. For tickets, call the box applicant pools and/or colleges that our campus community appears to office ut Sf O) 857-2448. partment, Pero commented that discussion and how she wanted a are highly selective in that they ................ of such progress. be welcoming '"=B--=-L--;-A-=C=K:-=H=I=-=:-:ST=-O--=-=R=-=Y=-=-=-M~ONTH Upcoming SOUL FOOl> Keepin'it "rTfie 'Meetin8" Black Real Forum TRINICIA Ft.ORES in our world today. So educate and then get together to discuss it wrote about the power of friend- • Historv Slt.JjfWriler yourself, for yourself. later, except it was with a movie. ship. BSU (Black Student Union), This allowed students to express The "Keepin' it Real" forun Month Black History Month is is just one of the many cultural or- their own opinions on the positive took place on February 12; it was meant to be a month in which we gamzations on the McDanicl Col- and negative aspects of the movie. a lime for students and faculty of take time out to celebrate, give lege Campus. 11 is an organization Next, there was the Soul Food all races to express issues of face events homage to, and learn about the that caters to the needs and issues Dinner, which took place on Feb- and the alienation that can be many contributions made to this of the minority students all cam- ruary 9, which presented the cam- brought on by race. All week memo country. by African Americans. pus. Along with the Multicultural pus and community with an oppor- bcrs of the McDanicl community It is a shame rhar fill of the Black Services Office, rbc BSU plans a tunity to panake in fine dining and placed their questions i ntc a +The Meeting" History that is within our drophox at the Information reach is only confined to a "A lot of students may not know what soulffood is, Desk. On thb night, these A play month. There is so much out questions were addressed by highlighting Black there that we need to learn so for the record, is is a home cooked meal, where a panni of students and fuc- icons. about find become aware of. family and friends sit downtogether and share in uhy, and discussed amongst Black Histor-y is indeed the audience there. February 18, 2003 American History. goodfood and conversation." These activities are for all Sp.m, Forum It is important for African who arc interested. Thc BSU Americans 10 know what contribu- variety of activities open to the good fun. A lot of students may wants everyone to be educated and tions their ancestors have made to public to educate on Black history. not know what soul food is, so for to feel welcome. Gospel Jubilee tbis country, and to take pride and During the month of February the record, it is ahome cooked This has been a short responsibility for letting the world there are many activities that have meal, where family and friends sit synopsis on Black history month at Performances know about the great dreams and been planned to raise awareness of down together and share in good McOanie! College, but the • from several accomplishments. On the other the accomplishments of Afr-ican food and conversation. cetebraruon is not over. There are • choirs within the hand, it is important for people of American Community, both in the Students, faculty, staff, and still more events to be planned. all walks of life 0 learn about black past and in the present. The past members of the community cooked Stay informed by listening to your • community. history as well. It is important be- activities included the viewing of or brought delicious treats, from phone messages so that you can get February 22, 2003 cause by understanding others, you Barber Shop followed by a forum fried chicken to sweet potatoes. the latest updates about upcoming • 7p.m. Big Baker better understand yourself. discussion on some of the issues After eating, there was atalcnt activities. Then take the time to • This principle goes for many with the movie. It was almost like showcase that featured junior Tia come out, learn somehing, and ~.....~.~...~.~. other cultures and races that exist a book club, where you read a book Lawrence. She read a story she have ~ good time.
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