Page 89 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 89
Volume XXVII Number 1 Wednesday, February 19,2003 New North Village Apartments open to Bookstore accomodate 'modest' increase in enrollment prices on Residents pleased with quality of their new homes, price increase the rise questionable Students shocked LAURA PETERSEN Swf/Wriler As temperatures at McDaniel by book price College fall. the new North Village increase Apartments continue to slowly rise. Since the conclusion of January A.uiswlII COlllmt;lUury Editor term, some McDaniel College up- With each new semester, there perclassmen have been calling is that inevitable trip to the college the recently constructed North Vil- bookstore to prepare for the semes- lageApartments home. terahead. Sophomore Bayley Fannin who Along with that trip is the com- resided in the Best Western for the plaint of how many books one fall semester is pleased with her needs to purchase and the money new apartment. spent on such books. "They are $0 cool and so nice," Art suppl ies, notebooks, pens, Fannin said smiling. "We had la- pencils, and a new McDaniel Col- sagna the other night." lege sweatshirt may be a part of the Equipped with a stove for cook- final purchase. ing such meals, the North Apart- No transaction is a simple trans- ments also sport hardwood floors, action when thecomplaintofprices bedroom carpeting, and even sepa- and me realization of handing hard- rate light switches for double bed- earned money across the counter The new North Village complex offers apartment style living with full kitchens equipped with stove, microwave rooms. occurs. and other appliances and separate light switches for double bedrooms. See full story continued on page 2. Elizabeth Towle assistant dean Just ask Kyle Meloche, book- of McDaniel CoUege residence life, Board of Trustees, the planning store manager, about complaints expressed the same enthusiasm as committee decided that McDaniel from angry students about the cost Fannin. College students would prefer of books and other items in the col- "I think the new apartments are apartments the appeal of the brand $50,000 grant for new lege bookstore. to suite style rooms. beautiful," Towle laughed. "When Despite As recipient of such backlash, you walk in, you're like, 'WOW, new apartments, some questions Meloche wonderedif students were this is student housing?'" have been raised among increase, technology aware of a few important facts. students Originally planned to be concerning cost, student First, he wants to let students suites, the North Village turned out and the effect on the already diffi- know that a certain percentage of to be apartments based on the in- cult parking situation. Smart classrooms to appear in every any bookstore purchase goes back put of a planning committee. Con- campus bulding in by fall 2003 to the College itself. Calculating sisting of staff, students and the Continued on page 2 the specific percentage of any single purchase is complicated, and KATlE CUAMPION trying to explain it to someone is News Editor the students who made their pre- just as challenging. On Friday, January 24, students sentations Friday, said that the tech- Pointing to paperwork, in Benjamin Higgs' experiential nology helped her group commu- class presented their fi- nicate their findings to the class in Contillued 011 page 2 nal marketing strategy projects us- an interesting and organized way. - - - - - ing computer software and high would not be able to focus on spe- Inside we Point, Power "Without tech gear. This will soon become a com- cific ideas," Sinclair said. mon occurrence at the college Moving graphics, colors and thanks to a $50,000 grant that will sounds add to the presentat.ion and be used to transform eight more keep people from getting dis- ora Dellafranzia discusses the classrooms into smart classrooms. tracted, she added. influence parent's have over their A smart classroom is a room Sophomore Donnie White hildren with regards to matters that is equipped with VCR and agreed. ifwar. DVD players, speakers, and a LCD "Without the technology, nothing (liquid crystal display) projector, would have worked," White said. all in place to help students and "It's great - we can give an orga- taci George gives an artistic teachers get more out of me edu- ccoun/ of the Jail term: ttaly trip nized resentarion through a running this year, cational process. outline." aken by students The school already has eight The grant comes from the ej7ectjng culture and the arts. smart classrooms and one day George 1. Alden Trust, of Worces- hopes to have high tech gear in all ter, Mass. Since 1920, the trust has ~Daniel College Swim Team 58 of its classrooms. awarded more than $10.8 million inished season strong with Junior Heather Sinclair, one of Continued on page 2 inning records and focuses on onference Championships.
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