Page 94 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 94
Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY ~~--~------~~~--------~------------------- Staff Teach your children, teach your parents Editors-ln-Chief Erin Romanski '04 Parents want their children to have bet- change when I see injustice being done in wasn't Al Gore, it was our parents. LeRoy McDuffie '05 ter verstons of the things and experiences that my own country, but when my opinion dif- In 21 years, I have been taught that: vio- they once enjoyed fers from the majority, r am told to move to lence is bad 'despite what I watch on televi- News Editor For me, this consists of a better educa- Iraq. sion, people are generally good despite Hitler Katie Champion '04 tion, better job opportunities, a better coun- Isee wistful and forlorn looks appear on and Manson, it's great to have try in general, and hopefully a much better my motherrs face when I tell her that I am multiculturalism, an eye for an eye isn't Assistant News Editor marriage. against this war and the way it is being always the best rule, and that it's great to Katie Martin '06 So naturally, I stand to inherit a much waged; even though the gunfire hasn't started take obsessive care of the environment. cleaner war than the one they had to deal and the chemicals haven't been released, As I approach my 22nd year, I am now Features Editor with. there are thousands of American troops over told that: violence is unavoidable when a pre- Jessica Watson '05 I can remember my American History in the Middle East now. emptive strike is necessary, anyone can be teacher discussing vietnam almost as well Iwonder if she is too brave or too cow- bad and Ishould be watching my neighbors Assistant Features Editor as " remember my parents talking about it. ardJy to tell me that a peaceful protest doesnft for suspicious activity (especially if they are Laura Peterson '06 My history teacher was afraid. make a difference in the long run of history. of Arab descent), it's okay to hurt someone He protested, he cried, and he wondered's she saddened by that, which she be- if he tried to hurt my daddy first, and that Commentary Editor if he would be drafted next for a war that lieves to be fact, or is she saddened because the only parts of the earth worth giving a Tara Dellafranzia '03 waswtoh~njmh~mwmaOs',.anl.COllege,hJh.a-d girl- I believe a difference can be made? damn about are the parts that contain oil. "" ..... "".. So how are our parents doing as parents? Then we get to take oil and pollute the Assistant Commentary Editor friends screaming and crying down the hall How do they see us? environment with it. Staci George '03 because their boyfriends had been drafted. I think that many of us really have bet- Now I understand why Woodstock was Monthly, then weekly, then every few days. ter opportunities because of our parents and being used to advertise Jeeps. Sports Editor The screaming in the dormitories per- to their credit. And yes, that may make many Our parents became over 30, and are Greg Lederer '03 sisted. He always told us how lucky we were of us spoiled. unable to trust themselves. Theyfvesold out not to have to worry about nukes being However, do we deserve the barrage of sooner than Bob Dylan went electric, and Assistant Sports Editor pointed directly at our country every day. insults that our parents generation has placed now they hand us the same type of war they Ryan Brod '06 He said we were lucky that we could say upon us in the media? protested. Iwill not be a screaming girlfriend goodbye to our families each morning with- We are lazy, jobless, anorexic drug users in a dormitory hall. 1will not be told to grve Graphic Designer out wondering whether wefd see them at the with severe pornography addictions. We are up my citizenship because r am doing my Jessica Watson '05 end of the day. reckless drivers, apathetic voters, and gen- duty to disagree, and refusing to blindly fol- I miss that year, 1998. I didnft have to erally ungrateful. low. Subscriptions Manager worry about that type of thing then, and he And we most definitely spend far too I will not be taken over by the disen- Katie Martin '06 was right. much time on the chanted media-driven image of my genera- Today is very different, though. If Icom- internet. tion, 1 will become the media, and instead Senior Writers plain about the economy, everyone my Who handed us this economy, the left- disenchant it. Edward K. Schultheis '03 parent's age says I am too lazy (Q find ajob. over 60's drugs? Who published the porn, I will dissent, while I still have the right Michael Wiles '03 I voted, and lim American, so that gives me and taught us how to drive and be indiffer- the right to complain about whatever Iwant. ent to politics despite their former selves? ~oi~:~'DeliaFranzia is a senior Furthermore, it is my duty to insist upon Who invented the internet? No, it English major. _,....____.. Start wnters Despite Columbia. exploration positive c;h~~sl!~'~!'~di!,~~g~n~X,c§1~lIsspac~J?o~,~~!~e!Ph"'V'n. Dan Hamvas '03 Trinicia Flores '06 tional conflict in outer space. Its hazards While reports continue to come in daily brave men and women about the ~olumbla. Adviser are hostile to LIS al\ about the possible causes of the accident, We must continue our venture l~to space Terry Dalton Its conquest deserves the best of all man- there are people in Washington who have so that no heroes lost in the peaceful explo- kind, and its opportunity for peaceful coop- been looking for reasons to shut down the ration, die in vain. _ eration may never come again. NASA manned space program for years. Space is the future of the human ~ace n President John F. Kennedy uttered these With a budget in excess of $13 billion, it is in fact, the stage for further explo~atiO~ [0 words at Rice University in 1962 as a way one .f the most expensive facets of the yearly other planets and for more mulrinanona of inspiring the nation towards the prospect br et. cooperation is in orbit right now. of space exploration fi namely landing on the Sen-e J Ie ask: what do we receive in Manned flights to Mars are in the plan- moon. return for to .he money that is spent ningstage, the search forextraterres~aIlife While the days of Neil Armstrong, Buzz on the space program? is ongoing, and because of depletlfig r~- Aldrin and galloping around the moon have We have already been to the moon and sources, either mining the moon or cotoni- The Phoenix is published biweekly. Th opinion.. s expressed do not necessarily represen ~~:: ~:~~;~h~~~:~sn~nl:~~ i~~~:~o~~: zat~~e~:;u~; ;~rc:~s=ity does indeed lie lhose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or th must look no further then the tragic flight of beyond our own atmosphere. administrators of Me Daniel College. the Space Shuttle Columbia. Astronauts know this, and that is one of The paper welcomes free-lance Submission On January 16, during my flight into Or- the reasons that they choose their career on Macintosh disks in most word processor for lando, Florida, Iwas lucky enough to watch path. Like many great explorers before them, mats. The editors reserve the right to edit fa the Columbia launch. The pilot announced we must not be afraid to follow in their foot- clarity, length, and tibel and to publish as SF over the intercom that if we were lucky, we steps, to whatever Iundiscovered countryi permits. AJI submissions (excluding self-ad would be able to see the shuttle launch be- that our explorers and heroes may lead us. dressed diskettes) become the property of Th fore landing in Orlando International Air- The Old World traveled 10 the New Phoenix and cannot be returned. port. World, we sailed around the world, we fle,:" Please include a name and phone numbe About five minutes later, r witnessed the across the Atlantic, we ventured 385,000 ki- for verification. Names will be withheld onJy b initial orange blast from engine ignition; sec- lometers to the moon we cannot be afraid to the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief ends later, I watched as the Columbia lifted travel further fi we can not let our heroes die TIle Phoenix does notdiscriminate based 0 off from Cape Canaveral and sliced like a back. numerous times, as well as sending in vain. age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientatior bullet through the sky. The plane then made landers and robots to Venus and Mars. We To quote Kennedy once again, IMany national origin, condition of handicap, or mati the bank to start landing, and I watched out have sent probes that have studied planets years ago the great British explorer George tal stems. the window as it ascended faster than I had and even ventured outside of our solar sys- Mallory. who was to die on Mounl Everest. imagined. tern. was asked why did he want to Mail to: I lost sight off it and concentrated on What more is there to do? How many climb it. The Phoenix the imminent landing f little did I know that lives need to be lostvfhe Columbia tragedy He said, Because it is there Well, space McDaniel College, 2 CoUege Hill I had witnessed the final launch of the Co- marks the third manned space flight tragedy, is there, and we're going to climb it, and the westmlnsre; MD 21157 lumbia. r was awoken at school on February the other two being the first Apollo and the moon and the planets are there, and new (410)751-8600 I by my father, who called to tell me that Challenger. The latter set NASA back al- hopes for knowledge and Peace are there. FAJq41O) 857-2729 NASA had lost contact with Columbia, and most 3 years. Why risk lives for space? And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's E-Mail: was believed lost. What if the Europeans said this about cross- blessing on the most hazardous and danger- My first question was: the same ship that ing the Atlantic Ocean all those years ago fi ous and greatest adventure on which man has we saw launch? The answer was of course, where would that leave us? ever embarked. yes. I must have spent the majority of that History is built upon people who risk -Edward K. Schultheis is a senior Saturday watching the various news shows their lives to further discovery and I- ~-- ....~q!<~!mil}gup."Y~tl).~~ av!i1.~pl!2.1lJ..(g!IQ!!.:.__ 'lI!.,!!!,.!jD'_'!IlA~!u_I!!~U_Sl!d~%~ .~'?~~'!~~~~~«?!1.m.aj~~':...... _.
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