Page 96 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 96
Wednesday, February 19,2003" Page 8 COMMENTARY Facing reality as a community and as a generation Well, folks, it would appear that, at least All the same, for the sake of what fol- The question is, have we truly prepared even jobs that we can learn to love over time. for those of us graduating in May, the end is lows, you should just agree that there was). ourselves for these things? What is more, we must all learn that, to a in sight. While graduating from college in May This might all seem obvious, and it hon- similar end, it really doesn't matter what sort Wait a minute: it actually isn't even re- will indeed be a exciting and rewarding estly should be, but I think some of us are of job you have, as long as you are stay motely in sight, and anyone who tells you experience, I've come to believe that actu- overlooking the "finer points," if you will, healthy and above ground. otherwise (assuming that you've been told ally earning a degree is only part of what of this somewhat harsh reality. Again, this should all seem obvious, but this, I we should be collectively trying to achieve Even if you know what you are going recent history has shown us that we tend to at this point in OUf lives. to do as far as employment after gradua- be a generation, not to mention an entire so- Not to in any way dismiss the impor- tion (and that would put you one step ahead ciety, that never sees "it" coming. tance of a quality education, but, as I have of me, I might add), there are still many AU I am really saying is this: it's truly said MANY times before, college is about other factors you must be prepared to deal time to look around and see what exactly lies way more than just getting your diploma with. ahead of us, not only as a college commu- and getting on with life. and it is these other For example, if you think Campus nity, but as a generation overall. lessons that we must make sure we carry Safety rules with an iron fist, wait and see If you are one of the few who has been with up as we face down what we will en- how the police will handle your drunken able to do this, and has come to terms with counter after graduation. antics. the dismal life you may and will have if you Aside from what from what one learns Of course, some of us already know continue to live blindly, than Icommend yOll. about themselves during their college ca- how that goes, and to those of you in this For the rest of us, it is time to open our reers (which is quite extensive in itself), a category, I give an ironic "good job." eyes. truly educated student should learn a lot You are truly ahead of the game. After all, the real tests lie ahead of us, AYler ali, there is life after college, just about how to navigate through the "real All joking aside though, what we are Finals and term papers are nothing. as there was life before college (if Iremem- world" and how to deal with those with facing as a generation can gct pretty over- ber correctly, and Ihonestly probably don't. which they must coexist. whelming sometimes. Bad habit, pet peeve Aside from the daily threat of war and terrorist attacks (you know, the trivial stuff), -Mike Wiles is a senior English Perhaps it's a person who tries to use big actually call you or send the e-mail, there we must also face the fact that many of us words but ends up mispronouncing them. shall be no such communication! will never uer the lobs we wish we had. or major. Or how about that person who squeezes Example number three: Taking up a park- the toothpaste from the top instead of from ing space on campus with too few parking Campus Poetry Corner the bottom? spots already and not driving said car until Maybe it is the person who leaves the the next holiday break occurs. smallest sip of milk in the carton and it is Think it doesn't happen? Each issue, The Phoenix will /lOW publish poetry from the campus not until you have found a clean bowl, Trust me, it does. While I leave campus community. Poets should submit their work to the commentary edi- poured the cereal, and cut the banana that arleast once a day and return, Isee the same tor via the Phoenix box at the information desk in text format on a you realize there is no f*!@#milk left. car parked in the same spot it's been in since disk, or call Tara at x8033 jor more information. That's right, class, today's subject is pet last week, if not before. peeves. And believe me, everyone has them If [ knew I'd only be driving once or Scmeone's bad habit is another's pet twice a semester, I'd leave the car at home peeve. in the garage, where it would not be sub- Certain Things Example number one (lind my biggest jected to winter's messy conditions and the peeve): the running water while brushing carelessness of other drivers who may open by Lauri Gann teeth. Hopefully, those who live on my t100r their doors quickly without such a regard for know how much it bothers me. Some times my defenseless car door. 1 truly feel bad for 1 am figuring out why certain things happen in the I try to ignore the fact that the water is run- commuters and faculty who practically have world ning full blast while it's not ---------- to play Russian roulette being used as the band I know how angry this pet eno:~~r:,~;~u~~; :~~r~r, I try not to envy people or even hate them. Spot. to get a parking ;~~::~:~h t~~~h~~~:!~ o;:~ peeve ma.kes me when I But at times it seems so hard. thodically for 30 to 90 sec- think about how many labeled parking spaces ~~:~ O~~:~l;!,~::i:;d °f~~ other people share this ~~c~~t~OO~::f~~:n~~~~ I wish to look, to act, and to be other people. particles. Other times I bad habit of leaving the nor is there one space can't ignore it and reach water running when it is per commuter. Vehicles I do not understand why I cannot love myself ~hv:~:~~ ~:~i~::~i~~~h~I~' not even being used. ~~:~:::;~~~;tl~~:'Yat;: But then I remember that people may envy me. how wasteful this is. taking these spaces Then there are the times when I have to away from those who come and go daily. bite my tongue because I know how angry And when we have a substantial snowfall this pet peeve makes me when' think about like Friday, February T:«, can the powers that Response how ma.ny other people share this bad habit be please coordinate some sort of snow plow- of leaving the water running when it is not ing, where parking lor-by-parking-lot driv- by Tara DeliaFranzia even being used, It's one thing to let it run to ers remove their vehicle for a few minutes flood the glob of toothpaste
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