Page 88 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 88
Dmenspor,s Ti:ffllr McDaniel College Football team suffers tough lost to Johns Hopkins GREG LEDERER Co-Sports Editor The Blue jays capitalized on the For five consecutive seasons, Green Terror miscues, scoring two the McDaniel College Football more touchdowns to take a 21-7 learn has been on top of the Cen- lead into the halftime. tennial Conference, securing the Things didn't get much better championship trophy and road to for the Green Terror in the second the National Playoffs. The team's half, as they continued to struggle streak alone at the top ended on on special teams, fumbling away Saturday, November 16, 2002 four punts in the process. against fierce conference rival The Blue jays continued to take Johns Hopkins University .' advantage of the miscues, recover- Remembering last year's upset ing a fumbled punt and scoring two loss to the Blue jays, tbe Green plays later to end the scoring in the Terror ventured to Baltimore, MD contest at a 27-7 final. with payback in mind and their Despite an first quarter injury conference title aspirations on the to senior defensive lineman Jesse line. As the game began, McDaniel Hudson, the defense played val- jumped out early, as the stingy de- iantly, and the ending score was fense forced JHU to punt on their deceiving as the Blue Jays out opening drive and gave the ball to gained the Green Terror offense the offense. It didn't take long for slimly 257 to 254 yards, but the the Green Terror to take advantage team's seven turnovers doomed of the field position, as they their fate. The defensive unit was marched right down the field in spearheaded by senior linebacker four plays and scored on a six yard Matt wilchinskijs 16 tackles, while scamper by junior running back fellow senior Matt Miller had JO French Pope. stops in the contest. Despite the success of their Senior quarterback John Luster opening drive, the Green Terror completed seven of 18 passes in the offense stalled the rest of the first game for 101 yards, while senior quarter. After coming up short on wide receiver Joe Ellis had 3 recep- 3rd down, McDaniel set up to punt tions for 60 yards. French Pope led the ball away at the JHU 45 yard the running contingent on the day line, but were stunned when the for the team with 66 yards on 11 Blue Jay's Mike Barrasso found a carries. tory. The McDaniel College Green slit in the blocking and smacked The loss knocks the Green Ter- The 2002 McDaniel College Terror and the Johns Hopkins Blue Corey Allen's punt In the ensuing ror into a three way tie for the Con- Field Hockey team smashed Jays both advanced to the Centen- pileup, Johns Hopkins recovered ference Championship with Johns records this season, most notably nial Conference Championship the ball on the McDaniel 22 yard Hopkins and Muhlenberg. Elimi- by winning their first ever Centen- played at noon on Sunday Novem- line. They then broke even with nated from the National Playoffs, nial Conference Championship. ber 10th. the Green Terror five plays later on the team awaits a possible alterna- McDaniel College hosted this a one yard quarterback sneak by tive post season bid. year's tournament, featuring two After out shooting the Blue Jays George Merrell. Despite the tough loss, the ream semifinal games on Saturday No- 110 in the first half, the Green Ter- Looking to respond to theJHU is optimistic about the 2002 cam- vember 9th, and the face off be- ror finally pulled out a goal with score, disaster occurred when the paign. ''There were good points tween the winnens thefollowing 24:47 remaining in the game. Susan offense coaldn't hold onto the and bad points to the season, but day. Rohrer scored the game winning fumble in the second quarter fum- we consider it successful," said The top seeded Green Terror goal on an assist from Kim bling away the ball four times. Miller. Campanelli. Nicole Mele came up took on (he No. 4 seed Franklin and with a defensive save late in the Marshall College Diplomats in the second half to preserve the win for first game on Saturday, defeating the Green Terror. However, the them 1-0. After dOminating the Green Terror's record-breaking Diplomats for most of the game, season ended this past Saturday in and out shooting them 16-3, the the NCAA Division III Playoffs as Green Terror secured their victory they lost 4-1 to nationally ranked with a goal by Freshmen Melanie Rowan University. Rowan scored Thompson off of an assist from two goals in the first half and added Kim Campanelli. two more in the second for the win, Later on in the afternoon. the No.2 seed Johns Hopkins Blue topping made the lone Clara goal by McDaniel's Jays defeated the No.3 seed Wash- ington Hollingsworth. Kim Campanelli had the assist, her tenth of the sea- College Shorewomen in another son, setting the McDaniel College round of the Centennial Confer- record for assists in the season. ence semifinals. After trading leads Hollingswonhfs goal was the 61st throughout the game, the Johns of the season, setting the record for Hopkins Blue Jays were able to goals in a season. The team also score on a penalty stroke late in the second half to secure their 3-2 vic- smashed the record for wins in a season with 19.
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