Page 87 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 87
SPORTS Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - Page 15 Field Hockey team played hard Ultimate throughout Centennial Conference frisbee team Playoffs Continuedfrom Page /3 plays several ompson score, and freshman feared number #1 ranked Rowan tournaments Danielle Unflar finished off the University. Co-Sportsedilor Rodriquez just because it played on scoring for the day. It was a record- On Saturday, November 16th Although the Nauonal League 500 for the season, in area breaking day for the team, as they the team ventured on the road to MVP award was obviously going a team that finished well over 20 set many new milestones in the Glassboro, NJ looking to continue 10 Barry Bonds, theA.L MVP will- games under rout. their incredible season. Unfortu- and with no strong pitching staff. KEN BERTKAU ner was uncertain. This year's Not to take anything away from SsajJWri/er Arnold's ninth shutout of the nately for the Green Terror, Rowan season in goal for the team and her played like a top team, shutting out American would League MVP award- Tejada, but he was supported lead with by A few weeks ago the Frisbee staff pitching be debated winner a great regard- fourth in arrow set a new school McDaniel in the first half and net- less if Miguel Tejada or Alex American League Cy Young win- team ended its season on a great records, while the team's 61 goals ting four goals to take a 4-1 vic- note. The team went up to Rodriquez WOIl the coveted award. ner Barry Zitc. I feel that if Shippensburg College and played in a season breaks the school record tory. Both players had a phenomenal Rodriquez was surrounded by a of 55, McDaniel's lone goal came a night tournament for their first year statistically. These two men good pitching staff that was able to official tournament of the season. The collective team shutout oc- from Hollingsworth, who was as- both had a batting average above make the playoffs, then Rodriquez Ending the night with a record of curred for the 13th time this sea- sisted by Campcnefll, with only 300 and each hit over 100 RBIs's probable would have walked away 2~2 after hard fought games and SOn, setting another school mark for 13:41 left in the contest. (runners batted in). However, many with the MYP award. In order to only barely escaping injuries the 2002 squad. The loss ended the team's sea- sports experts were split as to who be {air to all parties involved, I be- before the real weekend began. The win improved the teamis son with a 19-4 record, but the fu- should win the MVP title. Although lieve that there should be two From Shippensburg, the team record to 19-3 on the season. ture of the program is very bright. Rodriquez did have a slight edge awards given: MVP and most out- traveled to Dickinson only to get The victory moved the team to Losing only one senior from this statistically on Tejada, Tejada was standing player awards. The MVP up after a few hours of sleep and the second round the champion- year's squad, the team will return able to make an impact during the would goto the individual that help start anew as the Dickinson Jive ships and their biggest obstacle of virtually intact and can look to go playoffs. The balloting was close to lead his team to a playoff berth, fest was about to begin. The team the season, a date with the unde- farther in the Playoffs next season. between the two men, but at the end while the most outstanding player played brilliantly on Saturday as Tejada edged out Rodriquez for the award would go to the best statisti- they went 4~0 and showed that the MVPaward. cal player in the league. team was really out with something However, I must ask the ques- Tejada and Rodriquez both had to prove, not only to the Frisbee tion as to whether it's fair to not tremendous seasons; why not rec- community bur to OUf college as give the person with the best sta- ognize both players with awards welt. tistical numbers the award? Is it fair highlighting their accomplishments This team really showed to punish a talented player like during the season. something this semester. They can play with anyone and give then a Don't forget to watch as the difficult challenge. With three great seniors and many up and Baltimore Ravens face off coming freshman, not to mention some core sophomores and juniors ~gainst their arch nemisis--the they have a chance \0 shock people at secuonals in the Spring. rrennesee Titans next week ... Loosen up!
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