Page 95 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 95
COMMENTARY Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 7 .. Today's hot topic: "Why War?" I pose this question as I am try- have reiterated their objections to in Iraq using biological or chemi- ing to find the right words and the this war with Iraq. Other former cal weapons against this country. right way to convince the reader U.S. allies are trying 10 avoid the Almost nine in IOsaid they expect that war is not an inevitable event casualties of war and the need to it will inspire terrorist acts against at this time. But it is an event our rebuild the nation. Meanwhile, U.S. citizens." president refuses to find an alter- England's Prime Minister Tony No poll contacted me for my nauve to. Blair is trying to convince his coun- opinion; however, I fit into thut group of people who fears that wars This question is also being try that British alliance with the posed only three days after a ter- U.S. is a necessity if war is the only on foreign soils are no longer pos- rorism alert level was raised from way to deal with Iraq. sible. Ifweinitiate the waron Iraq, orange to red. Interrupting the typi- And what do the American they will fire back on us, cal "snowcasr'' that interrupts nor- people think? We can't expect to bomb some- mal T. V. programming when a sub- An Associated Press article where like Baghdad without any stamial winter storm occurs, was from February 8 contains statistics possible repercussions on cities like the national report' of the height- from a recent Newsweek poll: New York, Baltimore. or Washing- ened terrorist-threat level. In local "Support for the attack is 85% if ton. news. this increased level encour- this country has the support of ma- With the exception of the Civil aged several states to enhance their jor allies and the United Nations; War and when the colonies sought security. it's 50 % if the this county acts only independence from Britain, As reported in The Sacramento with the aid of one or two allies; America has only slightly missed Bee, CaJifornia created a new and support falls to 37% if the being II war battleground. It came agency. Gov. Gray Davis formally United States acts alone." close with Pearl Harbor, but I guess created a California Office of Unless Imissed the part of that not close enough for all those ready Homeland Security of February 7 story where the U.N. agreed to war to go to war. and said, "The purpose of this of- and not JUSt to search for weapons September 11th was a horrific fice is really to more rapidly share of mass destruction. thus far we do event that I do not want to happen and disseminate information and not have the support of the U.N. frequently because our country has coordinate security efforts up and and certainly not support of major to be a super power at any cost. down the state." allies. And since all Blair has said Believe me, there are enough po- Maryland governor Robert is that he would favor war if tential news stories in any given Ehrlich also held a press confer- America thought it was necessary, day and we do not need a war to ence and promised that extra emer- that leaves 37% of Americans sup~ keep the newspapers, radio broad- gency staff are now on the job and porting the war. casts, and television newscasts the state police command center is Iadmit I am not a math person. afloat. open 24 hours a day until threat but I know that 37% is not the rna- Not to get into any more statis- level is lowered. jority vote. It seems that this coun- tics, but does anyone know how In cities such as York, PA news- try has blatantly made a mockery many inspiring, enlightening, and papers contain headlines such as of "majority rule," "democracy," unique news stories get replaced by '''Military duties split families as and "freedom of speech." the redundant, biased. and expand-- war worries increase." While all this pre-war press ing war coverage. boa. Mr.ยท\IIelIei .. Deep down inside George W. coverage has inundated the front The percentage is overwhelm- Bush refuses to admit that it is our pages and has become the top story ing. government who is at fault. Not JUSt for newscasts, anti-war protests and I love the craft of writing and for Saddam Hussein's militarism, events have received intermittent my flair for finding a story, but as but also for Bin Laden's fanaticism. attention. But they are more preva- long as my "why war" question The U.S. gave both Iraq and Af- lent than one could imagine. goes unanswered, I find myself ghanistan a substantial amount of Washington, D.C .. San Fran- entering a profession I don't always money several years ago so that cisco, and even Stroudsburg, PA agree with. they could build weapons and en- have hosted hundreds of thousands Why can't all Americans go on hance their defense against other of peace activists who are willing a gas strike against the ever-climb- enemies. to ask, "Why war?" Obviously they ing gas prices that are a result of Surprise, surprise, it just so hap- have yet to hear 11 plausibleorvaJid "an inevitable war with Iraq." while pens that America is the new en- answer. the media refuses to cover war-re- emy. If Bush and other politicians lated stories. Because. like our "be- So as the cliche goes "hindsight would just asked out loud "Why loved Bush" Americans and the is always twenty-twenty." war" then they could hear such as- media would be rejecting reality. Busy practicing and pronounc- tonishing facts as these from 11 pre- And there is already enough of ing the witty words his speech writ- vious Newsweek poll: "Seven in 10 that going on! ers have written for him, Bush is believe it will cause serious prob- too busy to listen to the various lems for the United States through- world leaders. out the Arab world. -Staci George is a senior Germany and France's leaders Three-fourths think it will result communication major. ommentary suggestions for next issue: Should we be going to war with Iraq, rather than dealing with the North orean crisis? . Is this war really about weapons and mass destruction? . What campus issue do you feel needs to be improved most? (parking, ormitories, new apartments, etc.) *If you would like to take a stand on any of these current ssues, contact Commentary Editor Tara Dellafranzia at x8033, r respond in the form of a commentary and you can be ublished in an upcoming issue.
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