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NEWS Wednesday, February 19,2003 - Page 3 Campus Safety News January 1 - February 11, 2003 COMP'U;V S'I KAnE CIIAfoo1l'JON N .. w.\'E,t;r(>T 11103: 3:22 a.m .• Unauthorized 1/27/03: 2:08 p.m .. Steam pipe 211/03: Toilets in men's room in banco 011 Pennsylvania Avenue. ccess to student room in Blanche leading 10 Levine Hall burst and ANW Hall were found pulled up ant Hall during holiday break. flooded the ground floor causing from floor. '212/03: 9 p.m.. DoCS dispatcher the fire alarm to sound. located wallet and cash at /lO/03: 11 a.m .. DoCS officer dispatcher's station. ound C02 powered BB gun pis- 1129/03: 9:30 p.m., Threatening 211/03: lil La.m.c Studenr cited for possession of alcohol outside of 01 ill the combative roomof Plll-C. notes left on hall wily walls. bath- Garden Apanrnents. 2/4/03: 5 p.m .. Student harassed room mirrors and door of the sec- and threatened other students in 110/03: 11:17a,m.,Twoswdents ond floor of ANW Hall. Student 2/1/03: Decker Center. eressed via computer in McDaniel reported receiving threatening 2:01 a.m., Student dccu- lall. emails from the same possible SIlS- mented for underage possession of 216/03: 1:45 u.m., Suspicious male peer. alcohol. possession of alcohol in a observed on third floor of ltO/03: 5:34 p.m., Firework set dry dorm and playing drinking Whiteford Hall. ff in first floor men's room in 1/29/03: 9:30 p.m., Underage in- games in ROULer Hall. lanche Ward Hall. Damage to toxicated male entered female 2/6103: 11:50p.rn., Restrfcted sub- athroom reported. rooms in Whiteford Hall without 2/1103: 2:46, Students ha- jeer reported on floor of Blanche permtsslon. rassed by other on their floor in Ward Hall. Rouzer Hall. It2lD3: l:t4a.m.,RestricledslU- ern observed in Whiteford Hall 1129/03: 10:48 p.m .. Underage stu- 217103: 2:30 u.m., Unknown sus- nd arrested for trespassing. dent" ill Whiteford Hall docu- 211103: 10:50 p.m .. DoCS assisted pect seta bulletin board on fire in mented for possession of alcohol Westminster Police with a theft of Rouzer Halt. 113/03: 4:22 p.m .. Student s no- and a fire code violation. ~ an off campus business iced trashcan on fire in front of 218103: 12:30 a.m .. Subjects look WHal1. 1/30/03: II p.m., Student's door 2/2/03: 12:40 a.m .. Student in- beverages from the Pub without destroyed in Blanche Ward Hall volved in off campus party. paying for them. when her room was broken into. westminster Police requested as- sistance. Several students cited for 218/03: 12:38 a.m., restricted non- 1/31103: 12:01 a.m .. Property dam- possession of alcohol. student observed by DoCS exiting age reported outside of ANW Hall. Decker Center. Subject was ur- Blue light on the emergency phone 212/03: 1:18 a.m., Underage sru- rested by Westminster Police and was torn from tbe base. dents in Rouzer Hall documented found (0 he in possession of dan- for possession of alcohol in a dry gerous wen pons. 1/31/03: 7:41 a.m., A brick was dorm ami a fire code violation. 123103: 7:13 p.m .. Notified by thrown through the front wind- 2/8/03: 1J :56 p.m.. Three male stu- 2/2/03: 1:40 a.m., stolen college dental involved in CDS., marijuana armsen mg ~he"~~::'-Ce~.a~in&beNorth propeny (burdle cross bar) found and paraphernalia possession. One at an off campus party involving student was arrested. 125103: 1:30 a.m., Student had 1131/03: Ex-female student clilled McDaniel College shldents. everaJ items taken from his vc· student's cell phone and left threat- 219103: 1:20 a.m., Student and non- icle. cuing message. 212103: 8:04 p.m., DoCS assisted student pulled a locked door open Westminster Police with distur- to Decker Center_ Senior Jim Perry has also joined McDaniel marine reservists called to his unit in preparation for war with Student Research and Creativity Grants for active duty: Sophomore Rob Iraq Perry, who has been in the ma- Spring, 2003 Hegmann and senior Jim Perry leave rine reserves for four years, has The deadline for applications for student for up to one to be active orders school to train for war year. The sociology major joins his esearch and creativity grants for Spring, 2003 is KATIE CHAMPION unit in Missouri. February 28, 2003. News Edilor He too hopes to return and com- plete his degree. As the threal of war with Iraq need to serve a higher cause. To apply for an award) a student must have a continues to rise, tension is height- It will be IWO years on May Editor's Note: !vIcDaniel College grade point average of 3.2 and ened on the homefronl. 21sl, he said. A new section entitled btain the direct involvemenl or close sponsorship of a Many reservists in our area During those IWO years, have been called to active duty. Hegmann went through intensive "Letters Horne" will aCLlIty member. The awards are competitive. Family members. friends and loved training in firefighting, land navi- feature letters from ones are leaving their homes to gation, night navigation, urban L[pl Aob Hegmann in training and crew weapons train- future issues. The grants are intended to encourage special serve their country. rojects that complement students' major academic So far, two of MeDaniel's own, log. Hegmann will detail Rob Hcgmann and Jim Perry, bot.h La~t week, he joined his some of his eHperi- mphases; they are not inlended to cover the normal marincreservists, have turned Ihelr Wilmington. Del., based unit. ences while training xpenses of a course. The project mayor may not be lives upside down to train for war. Bulkfuel Company B, in North for possible war with onnected with a patticular Course. [t may be a special Last semester, Rob Hegmann, Carolina for training. of Fort Meade. Md. was enjoying. "Ana lhis, I go 10 Fort Lee in tudies outgrowth of a course. the life of atypicill co!lege >;wdent Virginia then overseas," Hcgmann Need Cl·edit'!Know - attending cla~ses. playing rugby, said. A grant may cover the cost of 'llatcriall-i for such Though he kno:-,,'s he will ~ and partying on the weekends. how to write? projects. It may cover travel expenses to libraries or Less than two weeks after cel- ~hippcd OUl later thiS monlh, he 1\ Do an independent ebrating his 20lh birthday with not penniucd to say where ell thiS 'pecial collections. These are mere examples; Dean friends and family. tt1e sophomore (lme. study with The ase woulcllike to see what kind~ of creative was called to active duty. For now. Heg:ll1ann\ education .Phoenix this semester. proposals students may devise, in consultation with "It was hard al first," said is on hold for up to one year. He It's not tuo late, hopes to return to McdnoieJ for the pppropliate faculty_ Grants may range from $25 to Hegmann. "Then I got used to the fac~ that I don't have n choice:' spring 2004 semester. Call Terry Dalton at ~500. Applications arc available in Dean Case's "It's not to wonder why. bUltD pmce. LCpl Hegmann joined the ma- x2424 for demils. rines at age 18 becaus.e be felt the do and die," Hegmann said.
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