Page 110 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 110
Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 6 COMMENTARY --------------------------~----------~~ Staff Defending campus Greeks A look at Editors-In-Chief Erin Romanski '04 As longtime readers of my work know, I since I am a brother of our school's Lelcoy McDuffie '05 like to get all disjointed over trivial things, chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma (in case you creativity's such as television programming. didn't already know, and honestly, why Often, my anger is drawn by something would you? You don't care about mer). News Editor seen on MTV (hey, remember when they Anyway, as I have said before, I was benefits Katie Champion '04 actually showed music videos? Yeah, I probably the last person who would ever thought not), and how this "cultural have considered joining a fraternity when lt's another commentary written after two barometer" of sorts has their target audience Assistant News Editor all wrong and horribly mis-portrayed (at least lcame ro western Maryland College back a.m. Another waste of time. Another time in the fall of 1999, and yet here I am. Katie Martin '06 I would like to think so. Anyone remember slot during which Icould be doing something what happened last time I went down this "My brothers and I do more useful like homework, or practicing for Features Editor road"). my senior recital, or even getting an actual of sleep. Jessica Watson '05 Latety,a new type of assault has been fired not push each other to eight hours options, Ichoose Instead of the more to write. practical at a portion of our generation attending drink and be morons, The thing about writing, for me, is that it is college, and this time, MTV might just be Assistant Features Editor right. but rather to succeed entirely therapeutic. Give me a research Laura Peterson '06 But l still somehow doubt it. paper, an article, a poem, or a song; there is T am talking about the new season of and thrive ... " little difference. Commentary Editor Sorority Life on the horizon and the series If I am required to do it, all the berter. Some some people play sports. I mean, Tara DellaFranzia '03 debut of its "brother program," Fraternity Whatchanged? Nothing really, except people play the guitar. Some play videos, or Life. my perception of what fraternity life chess. Some people just play with While I must admit, as 1 often must, that I really is. Beyond al1 the false stereotypes Assistant Commentary Editor found the concept behind Sorority Life created by rouge organizations (such as themselves. Staci George '03 incredibly funny (at least abstractly) last those now showing on MTV), I found Whatever it is you're doing, the pleasurable season, after watching an episode or two, I Greek life on this campus to be a creativity involved is your potential therapy. began to see the problem that would, and has, supportive experience; not just socially, Why stay up until two a.m. writing? So Sports Editor that tomorrow I'll beable to care about human arose from the series. but academically-and personally as well. Greg Lederer '03 Without wasting much time, Sorority Life My brothers and 1 do not push each biology when Inormally wouldn't be able to confirmed what most people think they know other to drink and be morons, but rather pay attention. when we go to We really Assistant Sports Editor about sororities, as well as fraternities, in to succeed and thrive in the ways that, as college: recess. lose something Allotted free time Breaks. Ryan Brod '06 general: such organizations are nothing more the individuals we are, decide for in OUf schedule. than collectives of loud, drunk kids with loose ourselves. morals celebrating their unity and freedom What is more, I have found that, Advertising Managers with their "bought" friends. Sound about regardless of our respective "... the pleasurable Craig Johnson '03 right? organizations, Greeks on this campus creativity involved is your Dirk Sampselle '06 Well, if MTV and these "real life" Greek tend to co-exist quite well, not spending organizations are to be believed, perhaps so. our lime sabotaging each other as the potential therapy." Subscriptions Manager Granted, these are indeed real Greeks at real yahoos on television would have society Katie Martin '06 schools we are seeing, but do they truly believe. represent what Greek life on EVERY campus The bottom line? Don't believe Yes. we procrastinate, sit around. and eat offers, and, what is more, do they really everything you see on television, and snacks, but when was the last time you took Graphic Designer convey what ALL Greeks are like? don't allow yourself to be the victim of a good mental dump'? Jessica Watson '05 Despite what you may believe, Iwould like the hype found there. When was the last Lime you temporarily to offer you the truth: no. Now, I am sure Greeks. like any other group of shoved aside all of the academic diarrhea and you are all as sick of Greeks on this campus people, should be allowed to prove world political affairs saturating your brain Senior Writer defending their right to exist as I am. but, themselves and succeed, or fail, on their to do something thai you enjoyed? Michael Wiles '03 with these sorts of images being broadcast own merits. Lire's too short to not do what you want about us, it is clear that more defense is After all, if I want to get drunk to do. If you concentrate on something fun, Staff Writers needed. and break stuff, that's my decision, right? the serious stuffdoesn't always seem so se- This, in itself, is sad, since no one, Isn't that how this country works? rious later. Jamin Bartolomeo '03 regardless of their lifestyle choice, should Matt Jackson '06 have to justify themselves this much. -Michael Wiles is a senior Tara DellaFranzia is a senior Michael Vyskocil '06 But, such is life. And yes, I do mean "us," English major. nglish major. Photographers Tiffany Lee '05 Following sister's footstep, found her own! Jenn Parry '05 The last thing I needed was another ste- Feeling like it was first-year orienta- to rush in the first place. Adviser reotype to define the person that I urn. As tion all over again with the sickening Slowly though, Ibegan to notice myself start- Terr Dalton spring semester began, Inoticed the pink and amount of icebreaker activities and chat- ing to embrace one of the sororirtes-c ironically black posters around campus informing stu- ting to people I didn't even know I enough, a different one than the one my sister TIl/! Phoenix is published biweekly. The opin dents that sorority recruitment was about to started to experience the same feelingof ions expressed do 001 necessarily represent ucsc o begin. anticipation I felt before high school la- was involved tn.I realized that it WUSIl'tjUSl gig- 17IePhoenixstaff,lhcf.'lCully,orlhcaoministrntOiSo Icould just imagine it now, "sorority girl" crosse tryouts. gly girls and nametags, but really caring people McDaniel College. I have already been that were involved in the community-the kind The paper welcomes free-lance submissions 0 My sister is simply ec- of people I look up to and strive to imitate. MacinLOsh disks in most word processor formats. labeled so many other tha:~~~ ;;~rtd!~~~~~~ The sorority I orginally thought r was a shoe- editors reserve the right toedn forclarity,lengt/t,an names, including my static over my brave ~h~~:r :/~~~~~e~! in fordid not invite me back to the final round- libeland topubhsh as space permits. Allsubmission all time favorite- I felt relieved. I could choose the one I wanted (excludingsetf-addresseddi.skeues)bccomcthcp blondie. decision, and it feels select groups of without feeling guilty about letting my sister eny ofn,e Phoenix and cannot be returned. down for not choosing the one she was a rnem- Pleaseinclude a name and phone number for veri stu~~tt:~~:s~:e~: nice to make my own ;oou~~~ar:i:;ved of ficaticn. Nat1'lCSwill be withheld only by the lettered sweatshirts footprints instead of As then tension berof. tion oftheEditors-in-Chief. passed by in the halls, grew, I remembered J received a bid from the sorority of my The Phoenix does not discriminate based on age the image of my sis- _-l.f.-"o"'ll"o'-'w=in"'g:>....::in:.::._:h.::e"'r_''''s.'--that I was a legacy to choice and it is history from there. Here comes mce,religion,gendcr,scxualoricntation,nalionalori the cliche. but yes, I feel like these are lifetime gin, condition of handicap. or marital suuus. ter flashed through my mind. As a three-year my sister. Being that she was involved friends. We giggle, true, I wore nametnges many member of a sorority in another college, I in one of the same sororities that I was itmes, indeed, and now 1 have Greek lettered Mail to: was beginning to feel the pressure settle upon trying out for, I was more likely to re- sweatshirts. But I am not a stereotype; I feel I The Phoenix my shoulders. ceive membership. I was not very happy am an individual in a very unique group of McDaniel College, 2 College Hill Then J got the phone call. "Guess what when the idea of automatic acceptance women. My sister is simply ecstatic over my Westminster, MD 21157 time it is?" she exclaimed. "RUSHr!" though and tried to stear clear of chat- brave decision, and it feels nice to make my own (410)751-8600 And so it began. I decided to attend the ling about my sister's sorority. footprints instead of following in her's. FAX, (410) 857-2729 first round of sorority rush. I prepared my- But the topic of my sister arose any- -Laura Peterson is a freshman Englisb- E-Mail: self for hoards of laughing girls and "hello way likean ugly pimple I wanted to hide major. my name is" ta,gs to wear. and I began 10 second-guess my decision
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