Page 105 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 105
Volume xxvn Number 2 Wednesday, March 5,2003 Lingering snow has a lasting effect on the Hill Israeli Snow cancels classes and delays start to spring sports season founder of New KATIE MARTIN Assistant News Editor Profile On the evening of Friday Feb- ruary 14th, the video store was packed and the lines in the grocery speaks to store were long as the threat of an- other "major snow event" loomed overhead. McDaniel By Monday morning it was clear that the predictions of the National Weather Service were ac- students curate, as the storm dumped a record setting 28.2 inches of snow LERov McDunlE over the BaltimorefWeSlminster Co-Editor-in-Chief area. This added to the snow already The founder of "New Profile," on the ground, canceling classes, a group of Israeli women fighting altering travel plans, and contining for activism and against militarism to effect students here on campus. in Israel. gave a lecture this past The College was basically shut week in McDaniel Lounge. do'Wn for three days, giving stu- The lecture focused on two dents a break from classes and the main topics: Peace activism in Is- rael and militarism of Israeli soci- opportunity to take part in various ety. other activities. Ben Flaherty said "We climbed The speaker stressed the impor- this treacherous mound of snow, tance of activism in Israel in an ef- and Alumni Hall to get and with our bare hands we dug a fort to change various policies humble abode in which to drink our rounding us.just havlng a grand old throughout Israeli society. beer." time being away from school The speaker from the activism Other students took part in more being able to sled and have snow- group explained how the Israeli traditional snow day activities such ball fights all weekend." the cam- new name this May media ignores the peace activism as sledding, snowball fights, and A tour guide showing movement. a and building snowmen. pus to a prospective student of the Alumni Council and Board of The presentation included Some students found them- their parents in the aftermath slide show showing images ~f the selves stuck at home for tbe week- storm summarized the reaction of Trustees vote to preserve Western womenfs coalition holding demon- end, unable to get back to campus. most students to snow by saying, strations in various Israeli cities, Tel-Aviv. including Freshman Dani Unflat said "1 "You find when you come to col- Maryland College name went home for a big Valentine's lege that activities that were fun The lecturer also explained the Day extravaganza with my boy- COlUillued on Page 2 Ji\MIN BARTOl.OI\U:O As a result, the Alumni Coun- various myths which are associated the Pales- between to the conflict friend but then we got stuck in SIajfWriler cil, in conjunction with the Board of Trustees, decided that Alumni tinians and Israelis. This semester; McDaniel Col- Hall. a building full of tradition and According to the lecturer, one Another name change? lege will once again undergo a history, would be the mOSI appro- name change. priate part of campus to instill the Continued on Page 2 On May 2 through 4, 2003, dur- memories of the name Western --- -~ ---- - Hall, built in [899, has Inside ing Alumni Reunion Weekend, the Maryland College. current building known as Alumni Alumni Hall will be renamed and rededi- been a major venue for student and cated as western Maryland College community use. The haJi features Alumni Hall. two stages: a proscenium main The idea to Change the name of stage on the first level which Alumni Hall sparked from a strong houses musical productions and vtike Wiles dispels the myths interest to somehow preserve the larger main stage shows, and an ehind Greek stereotypical Western Maryland College name under stage. The under stage, also ssumptions. after the school was renamed last known as the Black Box Theatre, summer. is primarily used for shows of a iffany Lee poses the 'lues/ion new name While the College's last year, it was smaller cast and. more private na- 'what obstacles have you .- brought to the attention email, by several has spotlighted the years, the hal I seconds. was being debated lure. vercome here?" ill her 60 Throughout through alumni and such many groups The renamed, school's original the National Players, numerous ALumni Hall will become "We.~/ern Maryland College Alumni letters that if the College were to be as The National Symphony. Carroll 1~;;~:':~':;::~~~SlgTiifiil Half" during Alumni reunion weeken.d in May. See full story name should be retained some- County Public Schools perfor- where. continued on page 2. Continued 011 Page 2 1J~~r~,amentin "Brackelology
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