Page 106 - Phoenix2002-03
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Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 2 NEWS tudents and staff cope In the aftermath of the storm, Campus Dr. Carol Fritz, Associate Director a Green and Gold Club Safety was also responsible for clearing the Athletics, said "We haven't been outside fo with changes in semes- parking lots, an arduous task as many cars one practice, everybody's stacked up insid raises more than ter schedule ... were only visible as large mounds in the trying to practice." $45,000 for Green drifting snow. Lacrosse player Mindy Minchhoff com Continued from Page 1 "We spent several hours trying to iden- mented on this obstacle saying "It's just bee Terror Athletics tify vehicle owners and get them to move hen you were a little kid, suddenly become their vehicles," Campus Safety Director hard to really get a field sense and do all 0 into th un again, especially in the snow." Mike Webster said. our plays because we are crammed to go out gym. It's going to be so different So while students had their fun. other Webster also said there were four minor KATIE CHAMPION epartments worked hard to get the campus motor vehicle accidents as a result of the side and be spread out." "It doesn't look like w News Editor Fritz commented, ack up and running as soon as possible. storm and at least one reported sledding in- are going to be on our fields until aftersprin Food Services Director Brenda Davidson jury. break, so [the weather] is playing havoc wit McDaniel College's newest fundraising aid that even though 6 members of the nor- club has already seen success in its first few Such a large amount of snow is unusual our sports schedule right now." months of activation. al1S-17 person staff were unable Lacarne for the Maryland area and many public Home games for the men's and women'. The Green and Gold Club, [he official nto work, the cafeteria "didn't miss a beat schools were forced to close the entire week. lacrosse, baseball, and softball teams tha booster club for McDaniel College athlet- n hours of operation." The storm skyrocketed the snowfall to- were scheduled for the first week of th ics, was launched on January 15, 2003. Two food stations were closed on Mon- tal for February to 40.5 inches (as recorded ay, the Pub was shut down, and regular sil- spring sports season have all been mov The program was created to be an addi- at BWIAirport), which according to the Na- away or canceled with the possibility of re tion to the Annual Fund and support varsity erware and glasses were not used because tional Weather Service, broke the previous scheduling. athletics and strengthen winning school tra- f the lack of dishwashers. record of 33.9 inches set in February 1899. This is disappointing to many athlete ditions. However, Davidson said "we would have Since there was such a record-breaking including baseball Player Kevin Salamone It hopes to provide student athletes with Iept here if that's what it took" to keep the amount of snow, the cleanup here on cam- "I feel like we are never going to have a competitive edge on the playing field so afeteria operating. pus and around the state was slow and ex- game," he said. that Green Terror Athletics can compete at Some employees did sleep nearby, as ar- tensive. The groundhog predicted angements were made for 2 managers and This was frustrating to watch for out-of- of winter, but who expected six more week the highest level possible. Club director Lee 200 February and Gold Green employees to stay at the Best Western, state student Ryan Brod. to be the snowiest ince they could not get home in the snow. "Being from Maine, this is the saddest Baltimore area? month on record for th Primm is excited about the future of the pro- Davidson credited Campus Safety for snow removal system 1 have ever seen," he However, students will soon be able t gram. We are a society that enjoys athletic ac- sporting the employees to and from the said. "Get some damn salt for the roads ollege so they could continue to work, people." trade their snow boots for sandals, as th tivities, said Primm, a retired BB&T banker long with staff members living in official start-to spring is less than three wee who has been involved in fundraising for 28 Many athletes are just as frustrated with away on the 20th of March. years. estminster, to keep the cafeteria running. all of the wintry weather. Spectators will see the benefits of this Alumni Hall to be Guest speaker visits Residence Life to program in [he gyms and on the fields. is a program that is not only for "This rededicated as Western McDaniel College charge fee for air the benefit of those who participate but an he program," advancement to the athletic Maryland College Continuedfrom Page J conditioner units said. Jamie Smith Athletic who has director Alumni Hall myth is that things are the way there is hav been at the college 4 years looks forward to ing no control over the situation. Tbe sec installed in seeing the green and Gold Program mature Continued from Page I and half of the speech given by the lecture explains the overwhelming use of militaris and have more people become interested. ce groups, and today is the home of th in Israeli culture. residence halls "Not only is the financial support great, Daniel College Theatre Department. The definition of militarism according r AC now stands for this [program) is a good way for alums who name cbange will be Mathe the lecturer is the main orgaftizing principl played on the teams to stay connected to the mark in the history of the College. additional charge college," Smith said. according 10 which Israeli society moves All students are welcome to celebrate i McDaniel joins other local colleges in the acts, and defines its borders. KAnF.MAllT1N he rededication of the building durin athletic based giving program. The army is a strong symbol in Israel Assistant News Editor 1umni Weekend. Watch for more detail. Vinually every other college in the Cen- culture and glorifies the army itself. Man n the next issue of The Hill magazine. cultural events are dedicated to the army. In order to tum up the air conditioner nex tennial Conference have programs like rhis Israeli civic society is run by retired ann ugust, the Department of Resident Life is in place, according to Primm Until then, 1111 members ernie McDanie officers according to the guest speaker. Na ow requiring McDaniel students to turn i "Gettysburg has the Orange and Blue ommunity are encouraged to submit an tiona! security is paramount in Israel due t 11 additional charge of $50. fund, Dickinson has the McAndrews pro- hotographs capturing fond memories 0 the terrorism in the country. On page 2 of the 2003-04 McDaniel Col gram and Hopkins has Blue Jays Unlimited," umni Hall to the Office of Communica New Profile is a group that promotes ac ege Room Selection Information, The ne Primm said. Ions atpio@mcdaniel.edll. Photographs c tivism and examines the gray area of Israe If. zuideline reads "Students with permissio A donation of$25 or more is required for Iso be sent directly [0 the office throug problems. o have an air conditioner will be assessed' membership to the Green and Gold club. arnpus mail. Go to http:// www. NewProfile.orgfEn 50 per year fee to offset the COSI of addi So far, the program has raised more than glish for more information. ional electrical usage." $45,000. The general athletics fund and he Liz Towle, Dean of Student Affairs,jus baseball team have benefited the most so far. coach Baseball is ahead because ified the decision to add the fee. saying "stu got a head start with his mailings, Seibert Primm ems are uning more electriciy when the said. ut a window unit in thier room, so there i The program expects to see a wider vari- 11 increedes cost as compared to other stu ety of sports gaining from the funding. eats, tbrerfore tbecollege's budget commit We hope that people will continue to give made the decision to add the $50 fee." However, students living in the fe each year in addition to the Annual Fund, ooms on campus that are required by th Primm said. allege to have air conditioners installed wil 01 be charged. Dean Towle explained "It is not thei Correction: hoice to have the air conditioner, eve ough they benefit from it." Only student. n the February 19 ho chose to have window units because 0 nedical reasons will be charged, not rhos dition, The Phoenix hat have college installed units for facili ispelled Jenn Parry's les reasons. You'llmake It throYgh college be~use you've got dedication and brains. Thanb to dieAnn)' National GWird. you'll also have 11 W3y to pay for It According to Dean Towle. the mone arne in the News with the MontgOmel'Y GIBill.TuitionAssistance and extr.I. state benefits. ollected from the additional fee will mas Non Guard members sirve one weekend 11 month and twO weeks a ikely go to the college's general fund. ection photo credits. )'Ur,soyou'llstill have dme for yourfril!.llds MARYLAND Be sure to read (he 2003-2004 McDanie lInd!n the wm that will help ollege Room Selection Informalion fa he News staff regrets you let your college degree. In the nore information about this guideline an Amrt National Guard.YOU CAN! is error. thers related 10 housing for next year.
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