Page 109 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 109
COMMENTARY Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 5 Danger present in use of ephedra Poetry Corner Yet another athlete has died using after those of Minnesota Vikings the IOC have all banned ephed ra a performance-enhancing drug in offensive tackle Korey Stringer and based products. Hat Tricks pursuit of athletic excellence. Northwestern cornerback Rashidi The NHL, MLB, NBA, and all For julie Sager Baltimore Orioles pitching Wheeler during the summer of other sports leagues shou I by Michael Wiles prospect Steve Bechler died on 2001. immediately follow suit. February 17 after suffering a heat These three athletes were trying However, bans won't do an used to do great hal tricks: stroke during a spring training to improve their respective good without the playe r 1<1 slight oj hand, workout It was revealed that performances in hope of receiving undertanding the consequences 0 nd a bow to the wailing audience. Bechler was taking Xenadrine a multi-million dollar contract, this dangerous drug. RFA-I, a weight-loss supplement some of which seem to exceed the All sports leagues should ha v used 10 be able 10 disappear into a cloud of smoke, containing ephedrine. G.D.P. of some third world seminars about ephedra prior \ nd it was always better that way, their seasons. Ephedrine is a stimulant that countries ince I was so gone that fading into the distance. athletes then Maybe speeds up the central nervous However, they failed to consider understand the consequences w ill ~as hardly a trick at all, 0 system, which increases blood the consequences of their actions. Hopefullyanoth , ~nd 110 one even thought to notice after a while. pressure and heart rate. Ephedra raises the body taking thisdurg. Bechler, 6'2" and 249 pounds, temperature, but constricts blood athlete won't have to die for oth e was ten pounds over his playing vessels, which disable the body's athletes to understand ho '" ~ut then I met this girl, weight at the end of last season and ability to cool off. Is being more dangerous this drug is. ~nd everything changed. apparently used Xenadrine [0 help energetic on the athletic field worth -Matt Jackson is afreshma n Wor the first time, him lose weight. This death comes dying for? The NFL, NCAA, and history major. ~y presence really mattered, Reflections from a special journey ~nd someone was finally seeing mefor myself: omeone was finally there to notice how lost I was, Everyone has their own unique the room at the Highlander Folk des. I also vowed to cover oth er nd to welcome me home, way of capturing and event or ex- Center in New Markel. Tennessee social change iniatives, like lee al !with open and loving arms. perience that has somehow as we sat in rocking chairs singing stories about PTOs protesting a ri 50 changed their life, whether it songs from the Civil Rights Move- in school taxes or a minority grou p 've since given up my hat tricks, through poetry, songwriting, draw- ment and other such movements. expressing the want for their right s. ing, journaling, scrapbooking, or As Isat there, I could feel the en- Austin Kemp, [In eight-year 0Id ~y slight of hand, writing. Mine is writing; I would ergy left there by people such as accompanied by his mother, was a ~Jld my regardfor the waiting audience, like to share some of my experi- Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, delight to have along on the tri p. ince 0111 ever really wanted was to live, ences from a previous Jan-term and Fanny Lou Hammer, who had He let us watch his "Martin an d ~nd to find her at long last. taught or attended classes at the Me" movie on the bus after a da y trip. First though, I would like to school. The tape's audio would let spent at the 2003 King Hal ida y express my gratitude 10 Charlie you hear the stories told by Guy Observance in Atlanta Georgi a. Michael Wiles is a senior English major and a Collyer and Pam Zappardino, co- and Candie Carawan, who run the There was always a group singin g. directors of The lra and Mary Zepp school today. He created this game where one by egular contributor to 79*Words*Per*Millute at Center for Nonviolence and Peace I had learned about Highlander one, a person gets to make up the ir .ttp:llwww.thepaperbac/cwriter.comI79wpm Education in residence at in classes, but it was not umil I was own song. Let me tel! you, th is Mcfjaniel College. I first met them sitting mere listening to stories and boy has talent. He-came up with a when I enrolled in their Jan-term hearing the music that I had sensed song about those people involve d Corn Curls class on nonviolence and social the true significance of ii-what it in social movements like the Clv iI Rights whose name no one know s. movements. Over the course of meant then and still means to so As the history books get written by Lisa MOOIl! three years, the status of professor many people who work so hard in changed to what I consider a close their pursuits of social change. the same people are credited wit h he sat lik e in hand, friend-but on a professional level. With videocamera captured the I significant contributions, loerched upon a black three legged stool I thank them for the beautiful ho- King, Rosa Parks, and Fanny Lo u ~er brown hair falling upon her face. the blond wisphy inspiration and en- See Travel Time on Hammer. But then there are thos e ughlights rizon at sun- people who despite their hard wor k in the rnovemen ~~~;a~:~ne~e ~v?r page 8for photos set. I could al- and participation historians, and writ \, rowntng her face Like a halo. the journalists, he white shorts, waist twisted ill uncanny the years. from the trip! voices ::i:~ ers overlook and so these peopl e rained orange hilarity, wh:: / ~:p:~sti~t~: pering songs never become part of the Jegac y . rom the pile of cheese cur/sO printed in a history' book. them atSafeway and they said they of years gone by through the hills. There are so many moment s estled in her lap. were still looking for people to be My eyes saw serenity. but my ears that inspired me and made me ope !with diliberateness, she reached down and grabbed a part ofa Civil Rights History tour could hear so much more! my eyes while new thought " , they would be joining January 15 The video would also lei you rushed through my head. At the 01 one ... through the 19th. see all the amazing people on this Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church ~ut the largest amount her lillY bird claws could maltage. Bright and early [hat Wednes- trip. Our group had such a blend kaai.~ing the blizzard of orange to her mouth, made day morning, Charlie, Pam, Mahlia of professions: students, profes- Mrs. Coretta Scan King moment , he pulls a curl one by one with her lips remarks some powerful Joyce (a non-traditional student at sors, artists, nlusicians, clergy, col- after Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul rom the wild tangle- McDaniel) and I were on our way legiale staff members, to name a and Mary urged audience members to BWI for a flight that would take few. We had left our daily routine 10 sing along to "We Shall Over .ike a mother bird laking aport her nest, one twig at a us to the Nashville International and endless "to do" lists behi(ld in come" and avoided at costs sing une. airport, where we'd meet up with pursuitofleamingandmakinghis- ing the song he is most known fo , inatly after the ceremony of orange has ceased the rest of our tour group. There'd tory and being social activists in "Puff the Magic Dragon." he lifted her head be 21 of us in the DDK Tours our own way. In closing, I would like to reit prinned like a Jack O'Lamern group, which is based in Decat~r, At various times, we held de- erate my thanks to Pam and Georgia and run by Charles Alphlll, briefing sessions to talk about the Charlie. The trip not only allowed prange like peachjuzz covered her cheeks and dim- Sr. and his son Charles "Chuck" day's events. At one time, we all linting in the light. me to learn what the history books Alphin, Jr. :oa~neJ:op:~~~~t ~~ :~:I:~t~~su~ cannot teach, but opened my eyes about the journalism career I am Lisa Moore is a sophomore music education major. typ:c~~~~;i:i;j~o;:~::~~ ~:~en~ I had thought about this a lot- I venturing into. I love writing and going for the tourist look, I was try- ~:I;O~~!d~~e~ ~::e::i:;a~:~~~ expressing that which is going on ing to make a video that would newS stories sell. Objectivity gets in my head and heart, but I realize eventually be turned into a newS that there are powers that be who story for my resume tape. And the ~:tr!~o~d~~:~!:: !~a;h::e .~~~ will decide what gets printed or pot poetry? Next issue s theme is: short poems camera was for the scrapbook I am broadcasted. Ratings and circula- rind haiku. Submit poetry to the commentary doing. dre~~ (:~e~~~~earsing my speech lion figures dominate the market. ditor via the Phoenix box at the information Oh how I wish I could let the in my head,l promised that forev- Let's start a program for this so- video roll on this page and have cial change. kiesk, or call Tara at x8033 for further details. you see what I saw and try to feel ery war-related news story of com- -Staci George is a senior what I felt r:~~~~~:~~n~~:::rts~~ communication major. You'd see my scanning around
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