Page 107 - Phoenix2002-03
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-- NEWS Campus Safety News Wednesday, March 5,2003 - Page 3 February 12- 26, 2003 COJ\.iI>IU:D flY KATIE CnAMPION News Editor 2112103: 7 p.m., Roommate con- 2117/03: 10;59 p.m.. Students 2120/03: 12:01 u.m., Parked ve- Subject that provided alcohol, als flict in Whiteford Hall with per- documented for underage posses- did not find the discharged extin- hicle was struck in whuetord park- a non-student, was given a citation sonal property missing. Residence sion of alcohol, possession of al- guisher and replaced with new one. ing lot. Minor damage was re- for contributing to a minor. Life will handle. cohol in a dry dorm. possession of Extinguisher later found by staff ported. No known suspects in this hard alcohol, and playing drinking and returned to DoCS office. 2/23/03: 12:10 a.m., Non-studen, :2113/03: 10:30 p.rn., Unknown games in Rouzer Hall. observed in underage possession 0 SUSpeClattempted to gain access to 2118/03: 7 p.m .. Non-student's ve- 2/20/03: 6 a.m., Hit and run acci- alcohol in blanche Ward Hall. Sub lab in Levine Hall through window. 2117/03: 11;41 p.m., DoCS re- hicle hit an employee's vehicle in dent to employee's vehicle oc- ject asked to leave campus. Nothing appeared to be disturbed. sponded to check on welfare call the Rouzer Hall parking lot. Non- curred on Historic Drive. tn Whiteford Hall. Services were student was identified and told (0 Westminster Police wrote report. 2/23/03: 12:30 a.m., Student in 2/13/03: Student documented for rendered. come to the DoCS office but instead Pictures taken Blanche Ward Hall parking lot appeared No damage left campus. quiet hours violation, rue code via- failed to comply with judicial re- Iation and failure to comply in Gar- 2/18/03: 12:33 a.m., Student ar- to be done to the employee's ve- 2/21/03: 10:28 p.m., Employee strictions. hicle. den Apartments. rested for possession of marijuana notified DoCS of someone need- in Whiteford Hall. ing medical attention. Non-student 2/23/03: .2:52 a.rn .. Student docu- 2/14/03: 3:58 e.m., Unknown sus- 2118/03: 7:IOp.m.,RLCobserved juvenile found intoxicated after mented for non-compliance and pect walked into student's room in 21l8/03; 3:23 a.m., Soda machine underage subject with alcohol in falling down steps in Decker Cen- quiet hours violation in Blanche Whiteford Hall. broken into on first Floor of Gunn Plaza. ter. He was transported to Carroll Ward Hall. Blanche Ward Hall. County General Hospital and given 2118/03: 8:21 p.m.,Asnowball was 2J 14/03: 9:28 p.m., Non-student a state citation and trespassing 2124/03: 9:58 a.m .. Housekeeping stopped for trespassing and ar- 2/18/03: 3:38 a.m., Student docu- thrown through the second floor warning. :nr:~;;~~ri~;~n~~~~n~!1~~~, rested for being disorderly in mented for underage possession of bathroom Glass window of Blanche Ward standpipe td from the window cut Hall. Harrison parking lot. • alcohol, possession of alcohol in a 2/22/03: 2:49 u.m., Student docu- Water went down dry donn, and a quiet hours viola- one student. rnented for underage possession of basement into McDaniel Lounge 2/15103: 12:57 a.m., DoCS re- tion in Rouzer Hall. 2/18103: alcohol in Rouzer Hall. and into wiring for fire alarm sys- I\:44 resident, ceived report of four non-student Rouzer Hall cited for noise viola- of tem and caused alarm to sound. males in Blanche Ward Hall ask- 2/18/03: 3:50 a.m., Student docu- tion and underage possession of al- 2122/03: 6:20 p.m., Student was ing where they could find drugs. mented for underage possession of cohol in a dry dorm. disorderly in Englar Dining Hall. 2124/03: 12:24 p.m., Student rel Three males were confronted and alcohol and possession of alcohol Observed throwing food and being moved another student from dorm given trespassing warnings. Fourth in a dry dorm (Rouzer Hall). 2/19/03: 12:59 a.m., Soda machine disrespectful to Dining Hall Super- room in Blanche Ward Hall. subject ran off campus. visors. Student gone on DoCS ar- 2/18/03: 4:55 a.m., Students docu- in Blanche Ward Hall was broken rival however, two students con- 2126/03: 12:01 a.m .. Vandalism 2/16/03: 5:48 a.m., Non-student mented for underage possession of into and vandalized. firmed subject's name. Docu- reported to the rear third floor hall documented for underage posses- alcohol and possession of alcohol mented for actions. way of Blanche Ward Hall. Pan sion of alcohol in Rouzer Hall. in a'dry dorm, possession of hard 2119/03: 1:23 p.m., Motor vehicle cake syrup was poured at doorways Subject was given a trespassing alcohol, noise violation, and tire. accident o~uTfed at McDaniel 2122103: JO:JOp.m .. Twcjuveniles to rooms cntbe hallway. l'bere notice. code violation in Whiteford Hall. Lane and W. Main street. under the influence of alcohol were no known suspects in this case. confronted in Whiteford Hall for 2/17/03: 4 p.m.. Unknown 2118/03: 9 a.m., Fire extinguisher 2120/03: Hit and run accident oc- their reason for being on campus. 2/26/03: 12:19 a.m., Complainan suspecns) threw beer bottle and reported discharged and missing curred on Historic drive behind They stated that they were visiting advised possibility thatinappropri Ward HaiL Blanche broke window in Blanche Ward [TOm the basement of Gill Learn- someone. They were taken to ate computer images of a studen HaiL ing Center. DoCS responded and DoCS and given juvenile citations. were being posted around campu English Department hires two new lecturers to begin teaching in Fall 2003 The Society for Collegiate Journalists proudly announces its ginning a new job. I account my- sources such as the World Wide NICOl.E GRlMM self extremely fortunate to have Web affect our public and private 4th Annual College Press Day Sta.!fWriter found the best job in what I regard lives. the best possible places to live," In addition to teaching the Pro- Saturday, April 5 2003 After a long interviewing pro- Dobson stated. fessional Communication course cess, the English Department an- Aside from teaching English here at McDaniel, Jasken, in con- 9:00 a,m, -3:30 p.m. and the En- nounced two fresh faces will join language and literature, Dobson junction with Dobson looks forward to At McDaniel College glish Department, the staff in the fall of 2003. has a specific focus on rhetoric. developing new courses for the Dr. Kathryn Dobson and Julia "I am especially interested in writing Possible track. courses 1asken were hand-picked by the the rhetoric of history and biogra- clude an introduction to web writ- in- Who will he there: English Department and are more phy, but I have studied many other ing, editing and publications man- than qualified to teach their desig- nonfiction discourses, including agement, and advanced profes- Media professionals from WJZ-13, WBAL 11, nated courses. the law," Dobson said. sional communication. WBAL 1090 AM. Baltimore Sun, Carroll Dobson will teach the Ad- One day, she hopes to teach a As an undergraduate from vanced Composition class and course in writing for pre-law stu- small, private college, Jasken is fa- a County Times, Maryland Public Television Jasken will (each Professional dents. miliar with the benefits of attend- and many more. ' Communication. Though born in Florida. Dob- ing a school, such as the opportu- You're iJ';vitedif: Currently an English professor son has lived in Maryland for sev- at the University of Maryland at eral years and is familiar with nity for close student and faculty You're a student interested allY of the relationships. College Park. Dobson earned her McDaniel College and its reputa- "For me, the best part about assortment of media professions, B.S. in English and Mathematics tion. To her, this is the best job . to know at Vanderbilt University in Nash- "McDaniel College cares about teaching is really getting them get The Day Includes: and helping the students ville. and her M.A. and Ph.D. at the students and places a high value on the most out of their college expe- Workshops, Lunch, Keynote Speaker, Panel University of Maryland at College teaching and so do I," she said. Discussions, and Networking opportunities, Park. jasken is currently completing rience McDaniel College place just for seemed like the perfect According to Dobson, it was her Ph.D. at Michigan Technologi- All of this costs: both good timing and good fortune cal University in Houghton, Michi- doing thai," Jasken explained. Only $5,00 for students (early registration) that allowed her to get the job here gan, where she is no st.ranger to As the fall semester of 2003 snow storms. Jasken described her draws near. both faculty and stu- or $10,00 (at door) at McDaniel. dents look forward to welcoming "Usually, professors have to research as focused on how com- For More Information Contact: move across (he country when be- munications through digital these two new professors into the McDaniel College family. Stnd (;pnrop ~r1 ' n' .JI<,
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