Page 108 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 108
Wednesday, March 5 ,2003 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Further comments on increasingly heated war debate Last issue, I posed the question "Why people showed up to protest and hear re- the fact there is an alternative to war, like Saddam Hussein has committed acts that are War?" as [ tried to explain my stance on a marks from speakers. French President Jacques Chirac did in mid- worthy of a conflict situation. Nor do I deny possible war with Iraq. The critiques and In London, the wittiest sign had the February. that he would use biological and chemical comments of that commentary have been phrase "Make tea, not war." Other such A statement released from the summit warfare or launch weapons of mass destruc- mixed. Some said Ihad beautifully captured phrases were "Don't attack Iraq," "Osama said, "This is an alternative to war. The use tion when the time called for it. their own feelings and had accurately de- Bin Forgotten?" and "War on Terror is an of force, which entails serious risks of de- So would Bush. scribed what was going on, while others Error." stabilization for the region, for Africa and But because George Bush made devas- called me bias, misinformed, and too far to President Bush went on about his day as the world. should only be the last resort." tating mistakes during his dealings with the left on the political ideology spectrum. though it was not happen- ---_;_------ I commend Chirac Hussein during the Gulf War, the fear has First, everyone is entitled to his or her ingorhecould care less if We live in a society so and the French for its escalated to its current status and now this own opinion. If you have one that differs It was. mesmerized, ob- steadfastness to obtain in order to obliterate this fear, we must rid from mine, spend a few minutes reflecting And Oil Sunday, San a majority in the 15- Saddam Hussein of those things we fear the on it and then write up your own commen- Francisco held its peace sessed, and dis- member Security most. tary. There is nothing worse than people who rally a day later in order tracted by fear that it canodunBCni~tt,.oshbelOCffokrtUs·Sto·then what? After Iraq and its current So complain but do not take further steps to to avoid interrupting government are destroyed do we send an make their opinions known. Saturday's Chinese New has become a profit- pass a new resolution. American there to be its new leader and to Secondly, my war-related commentaries able material to sell lead the Americanization of this Middle East ~:::::~e:raatinOdns'DSauns:; :~~~o~~~o~::e~e~~ are based on research and analysis of pre- country. My money is on Jeb Bush being the war news coverage, including newspapers, Glover were among the on the market. for war. new lraqi leader and pretty soon the U.S., TV news broadcasts, and online articles. event's speakers, while In the currently and other parts of the world for that matter, Most of what was written in last issue's com- writer Alice Walker and singers Joan Baez playing documentary "Bowling for Colum- will be a Bush family owned and operated mentary was based on facts and other's opin- and Bonnie Rain were in the audience. bine," Michael Moore makes a statement empire. Think I am kidding? ions contained in the various news coverage. Unsurprisingly, George w. Bush was not about fear. Fear-is a part of the American Our fear is so institutionalized that until Admittedly, some of my own sentiment was at this rally either. U he is so for this war, he culture and it is engrained in our mentality we control that which scares us the most, there, but that is the point of a commentary. needs to pretend he's campaigning once beginning in childhood. there is no escaping this fear. . I would have no problem writing a com- again and make his rounds [0 gathering such Americans fear just about everything: the In Bush's pursuit to fight the war on ter- mentary that favored war with Iraq if my as this. He needs to show that he can ad- fear of failure, the fear of poverty, the fear rorism and the war on Iraq, where does that heart, brain, and gut told me there was just equately represent his constituents. of flying, the fear of old age, the fear of dy- leave us in the war on AIDS, the war on pov- cause for this war. Why hasn't he met with Pope John Paul ing, the fear of terrorists, and yes even the erty, and the war on education/schools that For the first time in a really long time, II to try to find another solution, like British fear of AIDS and other diseases. fail to meet the standards? Quite simply: off the media around the world made anti-war Prime Minister Tony Blair did recently? We live in a society so mesmerized, ob- the agenda. Because before we can fight protests a leading story. On February 15, Why hasn't he met with concerned stu- sessed, and distracted by fear that it has be- these wars, we need to destroy that which 2003, nearly 600 cities around the world dents worried that war is not the right way come a profitable material to sell on the we fear the most and that which is the sub- were the locations for many protests. These to disarm lraq, like Canadian Prime Minis- market. sequent catalyst in all our other wars. cities included Melbourne, Paris, London, ter Jean Chretien did a week ago? Right now, Bush and the American gov- -Staci George is a senior communi- New York, and Tokyo. In each city anywhere Why hasn't Bush attended a summit with emment have made it their mission to make cation major. from 50,000 to a couple hundred thousand 52 African countries to be open-minded to America fear Iraq. I don't deny the fact that Not against the soldiers, but a tribute to their endeavors When my grandfather knew that he was ages of blackness and confusion. On guard, not an imperial army. our country, and our families. going to die, he revealed some of his expe- an animal or something scared him at night I am growing rather-tired of the assump- I will not be told that I know nothing of riences to his daughter, my aum. As the or- in the darkness. He thought it was a Nazi. nons on both side of the war debate. One war. I have the image of a certain sergeant I phaned son of Italian immigrants, he'd gone He thought he was going to die, but he never should not assume that all soldiers support once knew, literally shaking in his boots, through more difficult times by age fifteen mentioned it until he was ready to die. this war, but instead (hat all soldiers are will- fearing a Nazi empire. than most of us will go through in our life- The burial service was simply beautiful. ing to protect their country as ordered. It is And would he have died that night, he times. J was very proud that he had served America the citizens and residents who have a duty would have died honorably, defending There's this amazing pictere.of him that when that nag was handed to my grand- and moral obligation which is protected by America. my dad has. My grandfather is standing in mother. the soldiers to dissent when necessary and Had he died on an oil field defending it a three-piece suit with a pocket watch, I know ifhe'd have served in any war- voice an opinion or use a vote. as an American "interest" (the latest euphe- proudly beside his even Vietnam- If you disagree. you have to say so. You mism for "profit"), I would still respect him first car. I was very proud that he had 1 would still have have to show your numbers. Show meru- as a man, grandparent, and soldier. But he And there is, of . fl been proud. bers of our armed forces not that you dislike would be a victim, fighting for the empire. course, the family served America when that ag I think a. lot them, but that you have a strong desire to story about him was handed to my grandmother. of ~eople Just see them used in a manner that will more -Tara DellaFranzia is a senior doing some paint- , don t understand positively benefit the outcome of the world, English major. ing or such work! know if he'd have served In any how itis fora lot in Philadelphia for war- even Vietnam- I would ~f .us .pe~c~ ac- a man who gave uvrsts: this IS ncr him a nickel to still have been proud. a protest against take the trolley 10 having an effec- fetch supplies. My grandfather didn't take tive military. the trolley; instead he pocketed the nickel Weare not trying to paralyze soldiers like and ran many city blocks so that he could my grandfather was from doing their jobs. use the money for a meal that evening. We have loved ones who served, and are Twenty years later, he was able to own a serving. It is very difficult to find an Arneri- brand new car and a three-piece suit, com- can who doesn't at least know stories of one plete with gold pocket watch. of their own family members that has served. He never talked about anything. He I hope that I have the courage to turn rarely expressed an opinion on anything. He around and tell my grandfather's story next never discussed politics, bur It's hard for me time I am in a diner and an officer interrupts to understand why a man that could swim my rant on the idiocy of our president to ex- from the California coast to Catalina Island plain a few things. and back while bleeding for the health of it I hope that I can tell these stories to and uneaten by sharks, is rather difficult. people that will or would never fight, or to Part of the reason that my grandfather had comfort people that will have to. difficulty discussing his life is that it involved I do respect that I can say what I want the trauma of warfare. and believe as I will because others have de- All that I knew of it was that he had fended my freedom to do so. Why do some served in the second world war. Only be- assume that I refuse to recognize that? -..::;s---"'""__ fore he was sure that he was going to die, in I have nothing against our average soi- a bed with a failing heart, did he ever think dier. I am not trying to threaten American to reveal a few glimpses of the war to my values or American defense, but rather re- aunt. They were coherent but jumbled im- mind us that it is supposed to be defense,
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