Page 113 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 9 60 SECONDS What is the biggest obstacle you had to overcome here? Circle K is now seeking By: Tjffany Lee recognition for their 360 0 year." This year there are about 32 KATIE MARTIN ASJ'is/lI(1tNews Editor people who regularly attend meet- Circle K has done a 360· in the ings. past year, turning around their or- Lange says about 400 hours of ganization so much that they have community service have been com- been nominated at the district level pleted amongst the members. for the Most Improved Club Award. Some of the activities with which The McDaniel Chapter of Circle K has been involved this Circle K belongs to the Capital year include trick-or-treating for District, so they were nominated children in Westminster, adopting among other organizations from a family at Christmas, participat- Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and ing in the 30 hour famine for World .,Facing the reality that a "Having to put myself on "Adjusting to living with the District of Columbia. President Vision, and volunteering at 101 of students still act like the frontline knowing that someone else in one room Susan Lange commented "rumor children's programs at the Balli- their in high school nobody is going to be because I'm used to living has it that we won the award," but more Zoo. I was expecting a Circle K will not officially be noti- If you would be interested in because behind me. This school has in my own little world at fied until March 7th. participating in activities such as significant change. " taught me what the real home by myself. .. This award would be positive these, or others, such as making -Ron Wooten, 06' world is like. " -Eric Featherston, 06' recognition for the organization 400 peanut butter & jelly sand- -Crystal Towns, 03' which has had a tumultuous past wiches for a homeless shelter in year. Lange commented" [the Baltimore, you can attend a Circle award] is important because last K meeting any Tuesday night at year was kind of rough, we almost 9:00 pm in the Leidy Room. had our charter revoked and we Call Gulbin at ext. 8228 or by e- didn't have enough membership, so mail at this year was a big turnaround There is a plethora of community service opportuni- ties available both here on the Mclsaniel College cam- pus and in the surrounding Carroll County area. In an effort to spark student interest in community service, The Phoenix will be highlighting service accomplish- ments andopportunities in upcoming issues. Feel free to contact the Career Services Office at ext.2243 for "The living situation. Our "Dealing with being free "Narrow minded attitudes further information on any of the service activities room had roaches, rattling and adjusting to being on of some people 01l mentioned in this column or if your organization would pipes and power my own. " campus. " like to be spotlighted. problems. " ·Jo10 Perry, 06' -Ameue Quashie, 05' -Cnemee Goy, 06' See what all the HYPE is about at the McDaniel Jubilee lee is scheduled to be held on Sat- McDaniel COllege community. puppet show, HYPE also has 10 pay day of the jubilee to set-up, take KATIE MARTIN AssiSInGI News Etlilor urday, April 12,2003 from 12:00- This year's Jubilee is still in the for other items including food, photographs, work booths, and A magician, a petting lOO, a 4:00pm on the comer of West Main organizational stages and in order adver- clean-up. Gulbin said "the more moon bounce, games, and free Street and Union Street under the to make it a success, HYPE (Har- people the better it will be ... we food: these are just some of the arch. It is a free event for youth nessing Youth's Positive Energy) is obviously want to make it better activities to be provided for the and their parents, organized with in need of student volunteers. The than last year." Last year, over 50 children ofwesunlnsrer at HYPE's the purpose of unifying the aid of individuals or groups is wel- students assisted with the Jubilee Second Annual Jubilee. The jubi- Westminster community with the comed, for there are various tasks from at least 16 different campus with which to get involved. groups. Below: This isjust afew of the 300 plus communit members that At the present time, fundraising HYPE encourages campus attended last year's jubilee. is the biggest concern. According groups to get involved with larger to Coordinator Stephanie Gulbin service projects such as the Jubi- "some money is being provided lee, since their purpose, according from the school, but not enough, to President Erin Collins, "is to not even half." She said HYPE unite campus organizations to- applied for a few grants and was gether to sponsor larger scale com- turned down, but they are still in munity service events." HYPE the process of applying for others. holds a monthly meeting, in which The organization is also seeking presidents of campus organizations donations of food and supplies can meet to share ideas and col- from local businesses, as well as 04'. and President Erin Collins, laborate on upcoming service money from community organiza- 03', are "Hyped" about this projects. tions including the Lions Club and The McDaniel Jubilee is one year's jubilee. theVFW. example of how HYPE coordinates Gulbin mentioned that they to help with fundraising or even such service events. Any indi- "definitely don't know how much donate money of their own. She vidual or group who would like to money we will get" and it is "cost- said the carnival "could be a com- assist with (he Jubilee in any way ing a lot of money to put this on." munity service project for any or- is asked to contact Stephanie Besides paying to hire a magician, ganization who wanted to help." Gulbin at ext. 8228 or bye-mail at rent a moon bounce, and put on a Other volunteers are needed the
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