Page 114 - Phoenix2002-03
P. 114
Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 10 SPORTS Suggestions for sports ,PTIColumn: Dave readers' tournament Johnson and Greg Lederer bracket "Bracketology 101" debate sports issues for the NCAA Tournament The opinions of these columinists do better than Mrs when Jordan was 24. Kobe not represent the views of the his jump shot some- thing that MJ didn't RYAN BROD well-coached Arizona squad to yet another Phoenix has already profected do until later in his ca- Assist,.,,! Spons Editor Final Four appearance. As I see it, Arizona reer when he just relied on his leap ability is the safest pick to be in the Final Four .. First Topic: Final four teams for the this Here are some helpful hints when filling OUI and god given talent. Barring injury, I can your NCAA tournament bracket this year point guard Gardner has Final Four experi- year's NCAA Tournament see Kobe possibly ending up with better stats ence and Lute Olsen is undoubtedly one of than MJ, the fact that he becomes better than the top coaches in the nation. Dave Johnson: I like Arizona, Kentucky, * Maryland's senior leadership from Steve Kansas, and Duke. Arizona has 3 senior Michael is almost impossible because the better. first is always Blake and high-scoring Drew Nicholas will ... Keith B~gans and Kentucky are playing leaders, a great offense, and have been the help the defending National Champs make the best basketball now of any team in the most consistent team all year. Kentucky has some noise in the tournament. But without country. Coach Tubby Smith has his Wild- great coaching and tradition. Kansas was Third Topic: whets the appeal of hockey? a consistent post game and with very inex- cats playing extremely intense, smothering the preseason number lone team this year, perienced players coming off the bench defense. Their offense that has been boosted they alot of experience, and great guard play. Dave: I know hockey isn't as popular as b- (Caner- Medley, Gilchrist), Maryland could by the now- consistent play of Bcgans, as Who can forget about the dukies, as long as ball or football, in my opinion, because it be headed for a pre-Elite Eight exit. (Also, well as points off turnovers. the leaders Dnntey Jones and Chris Duhon doesn't appeal as much to the majority of keep in mind that very few teams have ever play consistenly during the tourney, they will Americans. What doesn't basketball and successfully defended a National Champi- ...Shelden Williams has emerged as a low- go along way. I'm a big duke fan, so i have football have, fighting. Fighting in any other onship) sport would be suspensions up the kazoo, but post presence for the Duke Blue D~vits. Fi- to stick with my team. not hockey. Its fast paced, hard-hitting ac- nally the Dukies have an inside presence to tion that appeals to the young adult crowd; * NEVER pick Kansas to make the Final compliment their three-point shooting abil- Four! Kansas has been the epitome of ity. if freshmen sharp shooter JJ. Redick, Greg Lederer: Who are you Dick Vitale? what more can you ask for? K will give you props I'm sure that Coach "choke" in the tournament in recent years. senior leader Dahntay Jones, and point guard on your allegiance, but come on man, the Greg: What more can i ask for? How about Although they have a very high powered Chris Duhon are on the same page during Blue Devils are at least a year away. more scoring. I know that they score more offense led by Kirk Hinrich and big man the toumament, the young Devils could go in hockey than they do in World Cup soccer, Nick Collison, the Jayhawks are all too fa- much further than critics are projecting. Arizona miliar with big game collapses. They're buts that no accoplishment. Hockey has defense is suspect at times and in pressure * Connecticut, Missouri, Dayton, and The Wildcats do have the three seniors Ja- much more appeal in Canada, and its chances situations (i.e. @ Oklahoma this February) Xavier are all teams that I have seen play son Gardener, Luke watton, and Rick Ander- of gaining more appeal in this country is the Jayhawks have a tendency to get down son and they are the nation's deepest team marginal. All you need to play recreational this season and have been impressed with, as well as an offensive powerhouse football is players and a football, if you want early. and all four teams are very capable of mak- to play basketball you can find a ball and a ing it through the first few rounds of tourna- Kentucky net, but hockey you need a stick-and a puc~, *Respect the Mid-Majors!! Keep an eye ment play. Connecticut and Missouri, both it just doesn't have me same appeal to Amen- out for teams like Creighton, the team to beat I have to give props to Coach Tubby Smith under the guidance of great coaches. have because the cats are playing incredible de- cans. By the way, your assertion [hat fight- in the unheralded Missouri Valley Confer- made significant tournament runs in the past fense and despite not having any superstars, ing only happens in hockey is a Little much ence. Senior Kyle Korver could be the best few years. man. Ever hear about boxing? You know shooter in the nation, and his supporting cast One thing's for sure: filling out those they embrace the team concept and just care the sweet science, where they beat 09 each is very underrated. about winning ball games. brackets will be nothing short of a challenge other without pads. They even 'get into fights this year. There have been many upsets in Kansas at their press conferences. Give me Roy * Rick Pitino has worked wonders in Lou- the regular season, and there are sure to be isville. Reece Gaines is one of the top play- I know that people hate picking the Jones Jr. against Mike Tyson over the plenty in the tournament. Good luck. ja¥hawks, but they have so much talent in Canucks vs. Maple leafs any day. ers in the nation and often creates for the their starting five and I personally believe young-but-talented Francisco Garcia. When that the senior combo of Kirk Hinrich and Fourth Topic: wbats the deal with reality the Cardinal's are on their game, they are Nick Collison is tough to beat in single elimi- shows? tough to beat. - Tune in to ESPN on March 16th/or the nation games. The x-factor for them is the men's selection show and find out which health of Wayne Simien, if hes not there.they ... Luke Walton and Jason Gardner have a teams are in the field of 65 - aren't going anywhere. Dave: I've recently have watched some of great chance of leading an experienced and these reality shows such as Joe Millionaire, "Are you hot," American Idol, and the big Florida one that started all of this, Survivor. Survi- Its a tough pick here, but since i have to pick vor was a great thing, but as these other somebody, i'll go with the Gators. They have shows start to move in, the more ludacris and great guards, and almost everybody on their bizarre, they seem to get. Basically, if you team can shoot the three pointer which is like naked woman, simple plots, then crazy critical in the tournament. stunts, then reality shows are for you. But honestly, anbody in the top 25 this year Greg: Well Dave aka fancy, i know how can make it interesting in this year's march much you love "Are you hot," but reality madness so don't blame me if your brackets shows are for nobody. Actually, I'm wrong are way off. I think that the tv executives understand Americans really well. Second Topic: Is Kobe Bryant better at this America is the mob, they love to watch point of his career than Michael Jordan? shows with controversies, young good look- ing people, and idiots like American Idol's Dave: In terms of Kobe's and Michael's just careers, I have to stay with his "Airness." Simon who enjoyment. disses people for everybody's What can i say about MJ, the best player to It's not just the shows either, they have ever play the game, but I do believe that ten to have other episodes that recap everything years down the road if Kobe continues his that happened so you get commentary of how dominance, we can start talking about them in the same category. one of the guys felt that got rejected by Trisha or whatever her name is. The shameful fact is that people will do anything now for their Gr~g: Ok, at the risk of being unpopular, I fifteen minutes of fame or money. Hey believe that Kobe Bryant is better at this point of his career than MJ. The guy has fancy, would you search around in a sewer had the advantage of watching Michael for dead skunks for 50,000 dollars on Fear Factor? growing up, and learning from him through Kentucky swingman Keith Bogans leans ill/or ajumper: The senior has been one 0/ star players/or the Wildcatsthis season. the years. Kobe started his NBA career alot earlier than Michael, and thus his stars are
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