Page 111 - Phoenix2002-03
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FEATURES Wednesday, March 5, 2003 - Page 7 Getting A World View at the International Dinner dishes, she heard no Seyoum and Melat Garedew, and STACI GEORGE complaints. a four-person Nigerian skit. Ani, Atsittam Commentary Editor After dinner, sev- who played the King and father of eralInternational Club tWO, said he made up the skit to fit No one went away hungry, students took part in different themes, incorporate love, unentertained, or uneducated about the fashion show mod- and include human feelings. other cultures at the International eling a variety of In their closing remarks, Cheek Dinner held Sunday, March 3. clothes from around and Ani thanked the guests for The International Club had the world, including a coming, the students for cooking, originally planned the event for typical woman's dress and Bilt Spence, advisor of the in- Sunday, February 16 but the record from China, the ternational Club, for his help in amount of snow postponed the "kirta" from India, and planning the event. event, which has been going on for African skins with Like other International Club 30 plus years. prints unique to a par- members and dinner guests, senior Seniors Kristina Cheek and ticularcountry. Yolanda Hill had a wonderful time. Ifeanyi Ani co-hosted the night's The night's Summing up the event, she said event. resrtvtes continued it was a night of "Great food, great During opening remarks, they with poetry reading by fun, and great people." 'Promised the dinner guests-.-a senior Mohindra mixture of about 130 McDaniel students, faculty, and community pian dance, singing, poetry reading, very good-very diverse. from Ramphal, an Ethiopian dance per- members- an array of activies, and a Nigerian skit. sweet to spicy," said senior Nadja formed by freshmen Hanah including a fashion show. Ethic- With the night's theme being Werner about the ,_--w __ "---- ......_"C;;:",...llu..,,.reDigest." it had a lot to live various dishes she selected to eat. On both ends Junior Ina of the Forum, long Puleri, president tables held a wide array of the lnterna- of vegetarian and non- tional Club, said vegetarian dishes that that putting this students in the Interna- event on was a lot tional Club had cooked. of hard work, es- These were pecially when ev- traditional recipes from erything had to be their home countries, replanned on ac- including France, count of the snow. Nepal, Ethiopia, Some had al- Ukraine. and Greece. ready prepared Italian lasagna, Chi- their dishes on Sat- nese sticky rice with urday before it pork, Greek salad, and was postponed and a South Eastern version had to do it all of burbeque chicken again two weeks were among the later rnulititude of dishes to As Puleri choose from. asked random "I thought it was people about the Cafe style coffee now in the comfort of home Do you know add 1/3 cup of ground beans for do not boil the milk. Pour the milk do not boilthe milk For each serv- SwffWriler every I cup of cold water. Brew into a lidded, heat-resistant con- ing, mix together + cup of espresso a phenomenal Imagine walking into your the coffee according to the tainer. Apply the lid to the con- and + cup of hot steaming milk. woman neighborhood coffeehouse. The manufacturer's instructions. Once tainer and shake vigorously until Pour the mixture into each coffee aroma of roasted coffee beans, the brewed. you can then use the the milk is foamy (alternatively, cup and serve plain or top with a on campus? hiss of steamed milk from the espresso (0 make a specialty cof- whisk the milk in a bowl until the head of frothed milk (see directions espresso machine, and the clink of fee (see variations below; all of the milk becomes frothy). For each above for making frothed milk). Do you know a faculty mugs greet you as you walk recipes will yield abour e servings). serving. pour [he espresso into the If espresso isn't your favorite through the door. It's certainly the type of coffee, you can make a de- member, staff membes; place to go for specialty coffees licious dessert coffee with almost or student W!101n you like cafe lane, cappuccino and any type of roast available in su- think deserves special espresso. permarkets. Prepare coffee as di- recognition/or her But you don't have to visit your rected by the manufacturer's in- local java joint to enjoy your fa- structions for your coffeemaker. achievements? vorite brew. In fact, you can make With a wire whisk. whip + cup of those fancy coffees right in your heavy cream with I tablespoon of Why not nominate her Own kitchen (or room) without all vanilla extract in a small mixing for the 2003 of those hissing machines---or any bowl until the cream forms soft Phenomenal Woman other special equipment. All you peaks. For each serving, pour the need is a simple drip coffeemaker coffee into the coffee cups. and add Award. and a little ingenuity. a generous dollop of whipped Most specialty coffees start cream to the top. You can garnish Women all across this with a base of espresso. To make If you prefer plain espresso, sim- coffee cups. Top each cup with a the top with a sprinkling of shaved campus are making a espresso, it's important to start with ply pour the coffee into small cups generous amount of the frothed 'chocolate, if desired. difference. Why ucr a high-quality coffee roast. Both (for regular coffee mugs, fill them milk. You can eveh sprinkle the top So instead of heading OUI to French and espresso roasts are ex- only about + full). Serve with sugar with ground cinnamon or shavings enjoy a cup of coffee, why not stay • show your appreciation? cellent choices, since the resulting cubes. of chocolate, if desired. in and turn your kitchen or room • coffee will be strong. You can buy Cappuccino is espresso topped Cafe latte mixes a small amount into a one-stop coffeehouse for you • Nomination forms are whole beans at the supermarket and with a fluffy head of frothed milk. of espresso with hot steamed milk. and your friends. Virtual Coffee. available at the grind them yourself in a coffee To make cappuccino, prepare a pot To make cafe lane, brew a pot of magazine serves 'he coffee aficio- • information desk and grinder, or you can have them of espresso (as directed above). espresso (directions above). Heat . ground when you purchase them. Heat I cup of milk in a microwave 2 cups of milk in a microwave t:1~~~~~~~~;I:~:~O~e:bi~l~lI~te• are due by March 10. . on In a regular drip coffeemaker, on high for 2 to 3 minutes until hot; high for'). to 3 minutes until hot; at
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